Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 388: He still cares about me

"Hey? What kind of house do you want to buy!?"

Su Yehao was guilty of being a thief.

Jiang Yu's purchase of a house, a small matter that had nothing to do with him, suddenly turned into a serious matter.

With the relationship between her and Xiao Nizi, if she finds out that there is someone outside her, can she still have a good life?

There are few households in Shangfeng Shangshui Community, and Nong Qingying is so eye-catching. Now he lives on the top floor of Building No. 1 temporarily. Then he and Jiang Yu will look down and see each other all day long, and free-range breeding will become mixed breeding.

If you become friends again or something, the sky is falling.

With Jiang Yu's good popularity, in case of frequent contact with Nong Qingying, it is indeed possible to become girlfriends or something.

Jiang Yu whispered, "I've been living with you for half a year. It just so happens that my dad is planning to buy a house, and it's very close to the school. Wouldn't it be annoying to live here any longer."

Su Yehao was speechless.

It's been more than half a year, if the disgust has already started to chase people, why do they need to wait until now.

He asked: "Why do you want to buy a house in Shangfeng and Shangshui? Isn't it good to buy a villa directly? There are a few vacant lots next to it. It's a big deal. I'll talk to your dad in person. I really can't make a plot from my new yard."

"...Do you have any misunderstanding about the conditions of my family? The land in Dalangwan is particularly expensive. Even if you go bankrupt and buy a piece of land, building a house is very expensive."

As soon as Jiang Yu finished speaking, Su Yehao immediately said, "Then... how about the large villa in Pengcheng, it has a lot of room for appreciation, and the location is very good. It's not much better than buying it in Shangfeng Shangshui? Or wait for a while and wait for me. The apartment building on Taipa Island is well developed, and a large duplex apartment on the top floor will be sold to you at the cost price.”

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Seeing Su Yehao's reaction so big, for a moment, Jiang Yu thought he was reluctant to leave by himself.

Jiang Yu was taken aback by this thought.

Her face is not thick, and she can't ask clearly in person.

Jiang Yu smiled stiffly, and then said: "My dad often works here, and he also needs a place to live. I heard that the roof of Building No. 1 is the house your dad gave you, and you can occasionally visit. Just in terms of decoration and layout, you need some reference, you must have hired a designer at home, I will just copy it, it can save a lot of trouble."

Su Yehao only felt a chill in his heart.

Thinking that you will save trouble, I have no tomorrow. He has the urge to move Ganghao International Tourism Group away, but he can't find a reasonable reason. After all, the business is mainly in Gangcheng.

In addition, there is also an urge to degrade the quality of Shangfeng Shangshui's engineering, but Jiang Shiye worked in Sihai International before, and he has a lot of experience in this field. I am afraid it is difficult to scare off Jiang Yu's father, but it is easy to show his footing.

With the lightning bolt in his head, he has already begun to consider the possibility of letting Nong Qingying move, but the port city is so big, if there is no reason, where can he move?

Fortunately, Nong Qingying mentioned it last time, saying that the tenant of Building 2 decided to retire early, and she plans to move back to her own home.

It is expected that the elevators are used to enter the house. There is no connection between Building 1 and Building 2, so it should not be so easy to see each other... right?

Su Yehao's head was buzzing, and after thinking about it, he decided to start with Jiang Yu.

He suddenly sighed deeply, stared at Jiang Yu, and asked, "Do you really want to move out? It's annoying to live with your family. We've lived here for so long, and Nangong and I must be reluctant to let you go. Leave, or think about it again, and the residential investment value in Hong Kong City is not very valuable, it is better to wait for some more profit and buy a large villa directly."

A word of reluctance made Jiang Yu's heart skip a beat.

It was rare to see Su Yehao flustered, his state fell into Jiang Yu's eyes, more like he didn't want to leave by himself.

Suddenly a little shy.

Jiang Yu was very satisfied with this, but he didn't expect that in the eyes of this big radish, he still has such a weight.

She bit her lip and continued to whisper:

"My dad is ready to buy it. Anyway, it's very close, so I can often stop by in the future. You and Nangong are together, staring at me for what to do. Wouldn't it be better if I left, you two can do whatever you want? , you don't have to take my light bulb with you when you go out to eat."

Su Yehao's mind was full of "I'm going to die", but he didn't notice Jiang Yu's resentful state at all.

In order to prevent the existing balance from being broken, I have even considered skipping this girl and going directly to talk to Master Jiang about the concept of "buying a house in the Mainland will make money". As for the Hong Kong City, renting a set is fine, it's a big deal. Paying rent in the name of the company is a ready-made excuse to serve the company anyway.

If it really doesn't work, then I can only meet Nong Qingying outside later.

Yachts and garden hotels seem to work.

Su Yehao, who is usually quite lazy, is spinning fast in his head at this moment. He is more active than when he is thinking about business. Even after the acquisition of SK2, the feasibility of transferring Nong Qingying to Japan to take charge of the business has been taken into consideration.

Jiang Yu saw him in a daze, thinking that Su Yehao was stimulated.

Knew it.

He still cares about me, the girl thought...

for a while.

Jiang Yu also felt that the move was a bit too sudden.

However, the words have already been Now it's too shameless to continue to stay and live.

She began to worry, blurted out, and said, "Big radish, how dare you eat it in a bowl and look into the pot? I just moved to the middle of the mountain, and I will definitely see you often in the future."

Say it out.

Jiang Yu's face began to turn red, inexplicably thinking of the random guesses of his parents and the others, and thoughts came to his mind, all of which were missing, such as the picture of living with Xiao Nizi.

Su Yehao understood several sets of emergency precautions A, B, C, D, etc., and felt much more comfortable in an instant.

Only then did I have time to think about what Jiang Yu said, and found that she seemed to be shy, and she was a little lost, not sure what was going on, and said casually: "Why do I just eat from the bowl and look at the pot? If that's the case. , you can't run the first one."

His heart was swaying, Jiang Yu rarely did not refute, he snorted softly, and told, "I'm not that easy to deal with!"

As soon as she finished speaking, before Su Yehao could speak, she left as if escaping first.


An acquaintance introduced him to buy a house and paid an intermediary fee of 200,000 yuan.

Su Yehao definitely didn't intend to ask for this money, but thinking that the deposit had not been paid yet, he was going to talk to Master Jiang first, so that it would be best for him to change his mind.

Residential is different from hotel, the return on investment or something is indeed weaker.

That night.

I used the ingredients sent by President Peng, such as radish and Tibetan fragrant pork, steamed saury, and mutton vermicelli.

Nangong Tian's mother came to Hong Kong City. She accompanied her mother to socialize. There were only Su Yehao and Jiang Yu at the table.

Just thought about it for a while.

Jiang Yu suddenly found a reason to stay, and was in a dilemma for a while.

Su Yehao had a great appetite, the radish and pork soup was bibimbap, it was really fragrant...

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