Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 391: move place

The latest website: Jiang Yu's latest and strange, and he didn't raise his bar very much.

Su Yehao, who was the client, could already feel that kind of weird atmosphere.

Especially when the two looked at each other, she was no longer as calm as before, she would always move away with a guilty conscience, and she also meant to avoid him on purpose.

I haven't eaten with him and Xiao Nizi very much in the past week, and when I got home, I made an excuse to write a paper and stayed in the room directly.

Because the little girl was at home, Su Yehao didn't have the chance to ask more questions. The grass on the edge of the rabbit's nest was not so delicious, and it was easy to cause trouble if you were not careful.

So pretend to be stupid and just pretend that nothing happened.

At this moment.

The evening sun was just right, the lawn had just been mowed, and the wind had a strong scent of grass.

On the iron mesh, chicken wings, chicken legs and lamb chops are sizzling with oil. When the oil drips on the charcoal, fire will come out.

Anyway, after baking, there will be a nanny to help clean up. Su Yehao loves to barbecue at home. It not only relieves stress but also relieves cravings, which is a double enjoyment.

Glancing at Nangong Tian who was swimming outdoors, Su Yehao laughed softly: "Wow, what you said, it seems like I did something to you. If Nangong heard me, wouldn't you put me on the fire?"

"Hmph, it's good to know!"

Jiang Yu also looked at the swimming pool with a guilty conscience, and added, "She is very good, and she is my good friend. I don't want to destroy your relationship."

Gritting his teeth, it took a lot of courage to speak so bluntly.

After listening.

Su Yehao shrugged and said, "I know, so you've been dangling in front of my eyes all day, and I'm fine. I don't have anything to talk about. When are you going to leave tomorrow, I'll drive you?"

"No need, my father will come to pick me up, and my mother will also go to the new house to celebrate."

Jiang Yu felt that he had understood his heart. Although he was a little empty, he still thought he had made the right decision.

Looking at Su Yehao who lowered his head to turn the chicken wings, he suddenly felt that he had been running with him for more than ten years, and finally each of them had grown up.

Probably just that.

she thought...

After Xiao Nizi went ashore wrapped in a bath towel, she started to eat barbecue.

Knowing that Jiang Yu was going to move out tomorrow, he asked in surprise, "Hey? The newly bought house, shouldn't it be ventilated for a few months?"

"The house is new, but it's been renovated for a year, and it's not for sale, so it doesn't need to be ventilated for too long. It's been checked by someone and it's ready to move in, so just keep the windows open."

Jiang Yu cuts the steak with a knife.

After cutting back and forth several times, he still didn't separate the meat, and looked at Su Yehao speechlessly.

Su Yehao, the chef in charge of roasting meat, smiled awkwardly, the heat was enough, this steak must be chewy.

"Is that so..."

Nangong Tian said to Su Yehao, "You also have a house over there, or else we would often go there to live and just look for Jiang Yu to play?"

Afraid of what to do, Su Yehao's expression instantly stiffened. Nong Qingying lived there and hadn't left yet. He ate the meat as if nothing had happened, and only said: "From our side to the middle of the mountain, the distance is very close. It's a little troublesome to clean up again."


Holding Jiang Yu's hand, Nangong Tian said with a bitter face: "I really don't want you to go, this place is too big, sometimes Brother Hao is not at home, it's a bit scary to live by yourself. This should be considered a meal for a casual meal, how can I eat it at home? Barbecue, I'll change clothes and go out for a big meal!"

"My hard work is just wasted?" Su Yehao protested.

Nangong Tian waved his hand indifferently, and said, "Brother Hao, your hard work is burning, and you can't chew it."


Fortunately, there are many bodyguards at home.

Treat the rest of the BBQ as a boss perk and serve them on a tray to try.

Probably because of the average annual salary of 400,000 yuan, everyone said it was delicious, which made Su Yehao very satisfied.

They went upstairs to change their clothes, and decided to eat Thai food temporarily, such as Tom Yum Kung, curry chicken, and grilled prawns. It is also very appetizing to try occasionally.

Gu Ting

After eating and drinking, go to the newly opened karaoke hall to sing and drink.

Su Yehao ate two bottles of beer. Nangong Tian and Jiang Yu were already a little drunk. The two of them, Maiba, grabbed the microphone and didn't let go, and didn't go home until after ten o'clock.

All night long...


Early the next morning.

Jiang Yu, who had just finished her lunch last night, ate breakfast at Dalangwan. She threw up while hugging the toilet last night, her face was pale, but she had a good appetite this morning.

During the period, Master Jiang called and said that the lawyer had found evidence to win the case, and he was going to talk to the old man so that the other party could withdraw the case.

This surprised Su Yehao deeply.

After I asked, I found out that the old man used to go to a mahjong parlor often, and he always liked to spit in the corner. Prove that the old man's body has something wrong.

The specific process Su Yehao is not clear, but according to Jiang Shiye, the plaintiff can no longer survive the storm. By the way, I asked him to find someone to send Jiang Yu's luggage to the middle of the mountain. Her mother is still in the casino and has to wait for noon. to come over.

A trivial matter, since there is nothing to do today, Su Yehao agreed.

After dinner, I went upstairs to get my luggage. Most of them were clothes and books, and I packed four large cardboard boxes.

She asked a bodyguard to help drive her 911, Su Yehao and Jiang Yu sat in a Rolls-Royce, she was still weak at the moment, and told: "I won't drink next time I kill you, in fact, you don't need to give it to me in person. , I can go by myself."

Nong Qingying went to Procter & Gamble headquarters in the United States to discuss business, but could not come back for a while.

Su Yehao was very relieved and calmly said: "Your luggage is so heavy, anyway, you are idle now, let someone help you carry it upstairs. Your father is charging for the company, and doing it can save a lot of money, of course I want to Take care of you."

"Thank you... I didn't say anything strange to you last night, did I?" Jiang Yu asked.

Shaking his head, Su Yehao replied, "No to me, but you insisted on kissing Nangong, and said to marry her as a daughter-in-law."


Jiang Yu, who was stunned, was stunned for a while, and then he said, laughing and crying: "No wonder she didn't come together, it must be a misunderstanding."

"She drank too much and felt uncomfortable. She just went back to bed and rested."

Come to Shangfeng Sheung Shui Community.

Let the bodyguard carry the luggage into the elevator, and after going upstairs, it has been delivered to Jiang Yu's house.

The mansion bought for more than 10 million yuan is actually decorated in a simple style. The carpets, decorative paintings, and vases have already been bought, and everything is clean.

After Su Yehao helped to clean up, Jiang Yu brought him a bottle of mineral water, and the two sat on the small sofa on the balcony to rest.


The two looked at each other, and Jiang Yu said angrily, "What are you always staring at me for?"

"Look at you white, look at you beautiful, I don't know what's going on, but there is always a feeling that my daughter has grown up and sent you out to be independent." After Su Yehao finished speaking, he laughed first.

Jiang Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Fortunately, my father is not at home, otherwise I will definitely beat you up. You actually want to raise me as a daughter?"

Living in a villa on Dalangwan Road, or there is a little girl, or there is a nanny or bodyguard, there are very few quiet moments like this alone.

Probably guessed that once released into the this little fish is likely to swim away.

Su Yehao was rather reluctant.

Stimulated by the little impulse, he pretended to be puzzled and said, "Hey, what's wrong with your eyes? Close up, and I'll help you take a look."

Jiang Yu didn't suspect him, closed his eyes after listening, and asked, "What's the matter, got something?"

As soon as the voice fell, he was attacked in the next second, with the tip of the nose hitting the tip of the nose.

This trick was also used on Nong Qingying last year. After a year, it was still effective.

Of course.

Fundamentals are important.

Otherwise, your tongue will be bitten off...


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