Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 403: there will be

The latest website: There is no envy at all.

What if it was the Google of the previous life, Su Yehao was worth more than one billion US dollars, and those two were just poor students at Stanford University.

It's just that I might find a good seedling, I'm a little excited.

The VCs in Silicon Valley are too cruel, and the real good projects will be divided up in a blink of an eye.

Some well-known teams throw out an idea, and angel investors immediately follow the news. When they become a little famous, they may not only have a round of financing, but also arranged rounds of B and C. The equity has long been divided up, and a group of people are eagerly waiting. Going to go to Nasdaq to go public, Su Yehao didn't leave any chance at all.

For example, Yahoo was founded in 1995. When Su Yehao started investing in it in 1997, last year, its market value was already more than one billion US dollars.

The first group of investors made hundreds of times of returns, but he only made a few times. When he added positions later, the market value of Yahoo had reached more than 3 billion US dollars. He picked up some broth and had a drink. Fortunately, the investment was enough. , the profit scale is relatively considerable.

Calculate the yield, far worse than the previous investors.

The "anti-link company", which has only been in business for two months, has received a total of $350,000 in angel round financing from others, including Larry, the founder of Oracle, not only with an immature technology Ellison.

Su Yehao is worth more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Larry Ellison is one of the real members of the "Ten Billion Dollar Club", with a total worth of 27 billion US dollars.

Of course.

After the booth is large, it is difficult to cover everything.

Su Yehao was very suspicious that the person who invested in the anti-link company was just an employee of Larry Ellison. Maybe he didn't even know that he held the company's stock.

After all, the scale of anti-link companies is too small, so small that it is difficult for people to pay attention.

If it wasn't for Su Yehao's desire to pick up leaks and pan for gold, he would not have personally browsed these "harassing letters" that were delivered to his door.

There are a group of investors with little strength active in Silicon Valley. They like to spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, invest in some garbage projects, and cast a wide net to catch small fish.

After they have finished screening, when it comes to round a, round b, or even round c, really powerful large companies like to make a move. Although doing so costs a little more money, it is easier to find reliable high-quality projects.

The type of cannon fodder with problems or no market prospects often fails before the A round. There are tens of thousands of entrepreneurial projects in the entire Silicon Valley, and no one has the energy to screen them all.

Therefore, Su Yehao felt that Yang Zhiyuan of Yahoo was actually unlucky, and was abused by the survivors in his previous life.

People will only pay attention to the Google that he let go, but ignore that during this period, there may have been thousands of unsuccessful garbage projects.


Maybe Yang Zhiyuan, who has a heavy task, doesn't know that he has passed Google, and the blame of his subordinates will only be pushed to his CEO.

Nowadays, everyone is moving forward in the dark, and if you want to succeed, luck is undoubtedly very important...

While others are in the dark.

Su Yehao has been walking on the brightly lit avenue.

John Zhou, the chief operating officer of tvt, after arranging for someone to test the anti-link search engine, he sent a professional evaluation report directly to Su Yehao's mailbox at about nine o'clock that night.

According to the trial results, the conclusion is that the algorithm is relatively novel and has great potential.

As for some professional evaluations, Su Yehao directly glanced at ten lines.

He just wants to know whether the anti-link technology is good or not, and if he wants to ask what is good, that is something that the technicians need to pay attention to, and it has nothing to do with him as the boss.

Even if it is not clear whether the anti-linking company is Google or not, it does not delay Su Yehao's decision to take some time to get in touch with the other party.

Just don't get sleepy tonight.

Let koko VC arrange a meeting between Jolari Page and Sergey Brin at a bar near Stanford University.


Larry Page and Sergey Brin, roommates at Stanford University.

Today, one is twenty-five and the other is twenty-four, both of whom are pursuing Ph.D.

Since starting the business, the two have moved out to live and rented a house outside. Among the more than ten employees under their staff, a few people also live with them, saving money on floor coverings, sleeping on sofas, and even the garage space. Use it.

In order to prevent disturbing nearby residents, they were complained and driven out.

At this moment, a group of people did not dare to speak loudly, and were talking in low voices, sitting around in front of the TV playing games, eating pizza and drinking some beer.

Craig Silverstein, a technology executive named Craig Silverstein, went out to play with his girlfriend for a day today. At this time, he just thought of something and asked: "The founder of Iron King Games, the investor who introduced you to him, and How are you talking?"

"When Sergey and I went, we only saw the housekeeper. The materials had already been sent. Maybe they were thrown into the trash can. The mailbox at his door was full."

Larry Page said.

Sergey Brin nodded and said while playing the game: "As expected of the founder of tvt chat software, his yard is very large, and it is in the most expensive Atherton area. I am standing outside the iron gate. , even only the roof can be seen."

"It's normal. TVT is more interesting than icq. It is very interactive and interesting. It costs 10 million US dollars to buy a server. My classmates work there. I can meet the 10 million big baby every day. . But there are many girls on icq, and using tvt to search for people nearby, it is easy to overturn and find very young girls, so I still choose to support icq."

A strong man with a big belly said, holding a bottle of beer in his hand, his chin was almost covered by his beard. He is a database engineer newly recruited by the anti-link company and graduated from MIT.

Larry and Sergey looked at each other, both worried that the database engineer who was finally found would be hooked up by the data server in tvt company.

After all, the server they were anti-linking only spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is already overspending with gritted teeth.

Sergey Brin sighed and said:

"Don't That Su from Hong Kong City is a very rich Asian rich man, and even has the strength to swallow icq. I was shocked when I heard the news, because he seemed to Only 20 years old. He bought Iron King Kong Games for $2.9 million, and he also offered Andrew a job. Andrew not only bought a house in Menlo Park, but also bought a convertible Corvette c5."

Seeing that everyone else was attracted by these words, Larry Page looked a little dejected, and immediately clapped his hands to attract attention and told:

"Don't worry, we will have them in the future. Hurry up and go to the forum tomorrow for publicity. We have won more than 3,000 new users, and the user retention rate has exceeded expectations. When the product is a little better, it will cost about 50,000 US dollars. , find a place to advertise."

Tech Director Craig Silverstein, eating onion rings, said lazily:

"I don't know how much icq's advertising space sells for. I saw a chocolate advertisement for Mars Candy when I was chatting. In a blink of an eye, Christmas is almost here. What gift should I give my girlfriend..."


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