Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 407: find a nanny

Latest URL: The next day.

After successfully signing the formal contract.

From the company's account, Su Yehao paid the entire amount at one time to the anti-link company, which is Google, which has not changed its name yet.

Not just that.

He also found someone to rent another office building, and planned to customize a database and data management system from Oracle, and began recruiting personnel as soon as possible. It is expected that the initial investment will be about six million US dollars.

With this investment, it is enough to let Google's soft power and hard power collectively climb a few steps.

The two founders increasingly felt that the demand for equity was very correct. The 5% option reward for each was equivalent to 300,000 yuan when converted into investment.

As long as one million users can be attracted, these shares are particularly valuable.

Larry Page was smug about it.

The fact is, even if they asked each to keep 10% or even 15% of the shares, Su Yehao would still agree. After all, he never thought that he would spend time and energy on the development of the search engine by himself, and at the same time he would be able to make a fortune. The effect of buying horse bones.

If Google can grow again, Larry and Sergey can make money again, and the two sides are happy to work together.

In this way, for Koko Ventures and Su Yehao, future venture capital and private equity investment projects will be much smoother, and Google can be used as a successful example to publicize when investing.

The 5% option reward has already saved Su Yehao money.

In order to support the two, Su Yehao not only asked them to cooperate with tot and learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, but also specially transferred a talent from koko venture capital to assist them with trivial matters unrelated to research and development.

Ms. Danielle Kenning, was chosen like this...

Just finished lunch at noon.

Danielle Kenning heard the bad news from the HR director of koko Ventures that she was about to be transferred to serve as the interim operating officer. She first thought about who she had offended, or why was she banished?

She had just been to the anti-linking company last night and of course knew how small the company was.

After hearing this arrangement, which seemed quite unreasonable to her, she clapped the table with the personnel supervisor on the spot, and the other party could only tell that it was Su Yehao's decision, and she couldn't help at all.


Danielle Kenning inquired about Su Yehao's whereabouts, ran to the door of his mansion angrily, rang the doorbell and offered to meet.

Su Yehao had met her a few times and immediately chose to let her in.

When Danielle Kenning came to the spacious living room, she found that the servants were packing their luggage, and there were also some luxury packaging boxes such as Hermes, Cartier, and Bulgari.

At this time, Su Yehao walked down the stairs, with a smile on his face, and said, "It just so happens that I'm about to make time to meet you. I'm going to take a plane to Tokyo in the afternoon, and the anti-link company will ask you later. "

"...But I don't want to be a nanny at all, and it's still such a small company. When the headhunter came to me, he didn't change my position easily. I think I did a good job at koko venture capital, why did you transfer me away? ?"

Although Danielle Kenning has a strong character, in front of Su Yehao, she still forcibly suppressed the grievances and tried her best to remain calm.

She has worked on Wall Street for many years and has long been accustomed to the atmosphere where money comes first and the strong are respected.

Although somewhat snobbish, it is also very efficient.

Even though he was more than ten years older than Su Yehao, Danielle Kenning still admired him.

Heavy positions in Yahoo, acquisition of icq, creation of tvt, etc., have all made amazing profits, earning at least one billion US dollars a year. Even if this achievement is placed on Wall Street, it is enough to be a god.

She works at koko venture capital, and of course she knows which projects Su Yehao has invested in.

The acquisition of third-party companies has recently begun. In Danielle Kenning's view, it is simply a stroke of genius, and it has the opportunity to revitalize the revenue data of icq and tvt in one fell swoop.

Take the Iron and Steel Company she is in charge of. After acquiring it, several advertising spots were set up on icq and tvt, attracting more than 700,000 players in a week. Even if they were prepared in advance, the server crashed several times.

From this point of view, it is the time to continue to flex their muscles around icq and tvt, and it is easy to make achievements. Of course, Danielle Kenning does not want to be transferred outside to be a "nanny".

Su Yehao flipped through the pile of gifts for the girls, picked out a Hermes crocodile leather bag, and smiled when he handed it to her:

"It's because I think you're doing a good job, so I introduced you to backlinks, oh yes, it will be renamed Google. I was told that its algorithm is relatively advanced, as long as the user data is large enough, the search results provided are also It will be more accurate. I am going to treat it as another TVT training, which refers to the scale of funds. If you do well, I will let you try to serve as its chief operating officer. In the future, the option rewards and bonuses should be higher than now. More."

Taking the handbag, Danielle Kenning was stunned.

At first I thought it might be a "hint" or something, but then I thought it was unlikely, because with Su Yehao's strength, if he waved casually, even Hollywood female stars and first-line supermodels would frantically pounce on him.

Although she is quite confident in herself, she has to admit that the gap between them is too great, and the age difference is still more than ten years old.

Danielle Kenning's attention was mainly focused on the phrase "trained as another TVT", and asked casually, "This bag?"

"Gift to you, boss, you should be nicer to outstanding employees."

Su Yehao then told her: "If you are willing to take over this job, I hope you will just assist them, don't put too much pressure on the employees, and create a relaxed and comfortable office atmosphere. You only need to focus on operations and research the market. And customer needs, etc., leave professional things to professional talents to do.”

After listening to him carefully, Danielle Kenning nodded.

She asked curiously, "Why are you looking for me?"

"...There are not enough talents under your staff. Your supervisor recommended you. I have read your resume and I feel that it is very suitable. Those who are engaged in technology are lacking in some aspects and need the help of someone who knows how to manage."

Danielle Kenning then asked him: "Then If I am willing to go, will my salary be raised? I am negotiating a project now, and the bonus is very high."

"Just taking the bonus, there is no more equity reward. There are other companies responsible for the drainage. As long as the product is done first, the growth rate should be very fast."

After Su Yehao finished, he continued to tell her: "As for income, how about a 20% salary increase based on the current salary?"


Danielle Kenning agreed on the spot to take the new job.

With someone helping to split the work, Su Yehao can happily slack off again.

Take the time to pack up.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yehao rushed to the airport, planning to meet Nong Qingying in Tokyo first, and then go back to Hong Kong City to find Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu...


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