The latest website: wake up from sleep.

Nong Qingying ordered takeout and bought two ramen.

When Su Yehao was eating noodles, she asked:

"How was your rest last night? My bed is a bit soft, and my back hurts after sleeping for a long time. The new customized mattress hasn't arrived yet."


The seemingly ordinary question made Su Yehao a little panic.

It's good for Xiaobiesheng to be newly married, but there is a limit to everything. At any rate, it needs to be slowed down. I dare not continue to be bored with her at home, and say decisively:

"Indeed, it's no wonder that I didn't sleep well last night, and the jet lag hasn't reversed. Let's go shopping today. This season is suitable for skiing in the north, but I'm going back to Hong Kong City. I have something to do. I'll come back next time. you."

Looking up at Su Yehao, Nong Qingying didn't ask any further questions, only told:

"I made an appointment with the president of a company in the morning, and I have to go to the company first. Their sensitive skin series products are very special. It is said that they invested 200 million yen in the research and development of new products. That's good, it's really suitable for Asian skin types."

"How much is 200 million yen in Hong Kong dollars? If the product is really useful, you can invest in or acquire it. Now sk2's products are too single, and you can't just put a few products on the counter."

Nong Qingying explained: "200 million yen, about 123 million Hong Kong dollars, I also want to merge them, that company's performance is not very good."

Su Yehao said with a smile, "It sounds like a lot, but I only have so much money. Then I'll accompany you to the company first."

Nong Qingying gave him a blank look after hearing this, and said jokingly:

"How can you have a lot of money? Some time ago, there were employees discussing you, saying that you were in a Japanese newspaper. The new boss is a technology tycoon, but he made the employees happy and didn't pay them more. I feel sorry for their expectations. ."

When it comes to newspapers and magazines, Su Yehao doesn't care about it for a long time.

Due to the needs of product promotion, he has been interviewed frequently recently. In order to cooperate with the overseas expansion of icq and tvt, the "Japan Times" arranged for an interview a few days ago. , will increase investment.

If you want to make money in this place, it is inevitable to say a few good words.

The reason for preparing for additional investment is actually to suppress the needs of local Internet companies in Japan. There are already some instant chat products on the world, and Su Yehao certainly does not want them to grow.

During the interview, the topic of the acquisition of sk2 was also mentioned. It is estimated that it was because of this that the employees of sk2 paid attention to it.

Su Yehao smiled and said:

"The salary will increase gradually, and there will be no sense of expectation in one step. Yesterday, you walked around the company with my arm around you. Are you not afraid that they will spread gossip and affect your image as a queen?"

"What gossip can you spread, you haven't married me yet. People in Tokyo are too materialistic, and it's quite common for men to go out to drink flowers, so they don't care about it. The girls in the company only envy me, and the male employees are afraid of me. To accompany my man to tour the company, do you still need to cover up?"

Nong Qingying's face was full of indifference, and then he said:

"Besides, with your support for me, others will only think that I am powerful, the heir of a real estate developer in Hong Kong City, a medical group, and your own business. It will definitely be easier for me to talk about business in the future."

"I'm a little embarrassed to hear you praise me like that."

Su Yehao's voice just fell.

I saw Nong Qingying changed the subject and asked with a smile: "Why, I don't want to disclose our relationship, and I'm worried about affecting your pickup? Then I won't say it in the future, and walk two meters apart. I'm satisfied."


Su Yehao waterfall sweat, and immediately replied: "How can there be such a thing, just worry that because of me, it will affect your glorious image. If you make some achievements, others will say that it is my credit, which is unfair to you."

"Hmph, that sounds nice, but I hope you can help me a little bit more, just make money. It's none of my business what others say."

finish breakfast.

After a short rest, the two went out by car.

The extended version of the silver thorn is particularly eye-catching when driving on the road.

The local also pays attention to low-key, Nong Qingying doesn't care about this, and wishes that the more scenery the better.

Anyway, when she goes out, she always takes two or three female bodyguards with her, not afraid of causing trouble...


In tech, making money is crazy.

In a blink of an eye, Su Yehao's assets began to be calculated in "billion US dollars".

As long as the performance of icq and tvt improves, the valuation will inevitably skyrocket, or if Nasdaq competes for more gas, it is not far from the value of two billion US dollars, and it is estimated that this number will be reached before the end of the year.

The skin care product company favored by Nong Qingying has invested a mere 10 million Hong Kong dollars in research and development costs, which is really not worth making a fuss about.

In Su Yehao's eyes, as long as the product is good enough, it will be easy to overtake in corners through the sales channels of Internet e-commerce in the future.

The physical stores and special counters opened are more like fixed billboards, and the monthly income may not be enough to pay the rent of the store, just like the flagship store in mainland China that opened on the Bund, it is purely to make money at a loss and to shape it. Brand.

This kind of thinking is more advanced now, so Su Yehao is not in a hurry to propose it to Nong Qingying.

He himself has lost part of the joy of running a business, and he has lost the uncertainty of worrying about gains and losses, just like knowing the winning numbers before the lottery draws, and like the beginning of a ball game, he already knows the score.

Even though it feels great to make money, something is missing after all.

Success came too naturally, and seemed a bit bland. sk2 was the career that Su Yehao gave her. It only helped to find the right direction and provided some necessary funds, and did not want to ruin Nong Qingying's passion for starting a business.

So I came to the sk2 headquarters again, when Nong Qingying negotiated with her peers and negotiated whether to buy it.

Su Yehao just listened by the side and didn't intervene from beginning to end.

It is difficult to complete the acquisition of a company as a whole by one negotiation alone.

The other party asked for 650 million yen, and Nong Qingying was only willing to pay 400 million yen.

sk2 was created in the 1970s, and its first product was launched in 1980.

developed so far.

The company has a history of more than 20 years. Like most companies in Japan, it has formed a hierarchical pyramid model internally. The hard work and hard work are handed over to newcomers. It is difficult for the subordinates to go against the wishes of the boss. Problems may also be dispatched to the production plant in Kobe.

After listening to Nong Qingying talk about Su Yehao realized that the secret formula of this skin care product is some kind of natural active yeast essence found in the brewery.

In order to avoid industrial pollution, the factory is best far away from the urban area. Kobe has natural spring water and is close to the production area of ​​rice raw materials. The labor cost is two-fifths lower than that of Tokyo. It is indeed suitable for building factories.

Japanese companies generally do not lay off employees, but they will devolve employees with insufficient ability to unimportant and unpromising positions.

The production plant in Kobe has become the company's "retirement place", and it is difficult to make performance.

The pressure of competition is high, and the involution is particularly serious, causing the company's employees to be cautious.

For example, the president before the acquisition, and the current vice president, led a group of employees to bow and salute Su Yehao after he was busy negotiating.

Seeing this scene, Su Yehao's face bloomed with joy, and he asked Nong Qingying to make arrangements on the spot, and invited everyone to dinner in the evening...


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