Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 420: Maldives island

Compared with Su Yehao.

Buck Tooth Jun and Zhu Gan's living conditions seem to be a little more normal.

The family conditions of these injured friends are not bad, they are in the stage of college, and they don't need to worry about their career and future.

Eat and drink every day, play the game "World of Warcraft" in a group, especially leisurely.

Only Bamboo Pole was a little unlucky, and he was forced by his family to take the CPA qualification certificate. It was said that it was difficult to bang his head against the wall. His parents hoped that he could enter the family's accounting firm and take over the business in the future.

For an accounting firm with an annual net profit of 20 to 30 million Hong Kong dollars, Bamboo's parents certainly don't want to throw it all over to their partners.

No one is staring at the business, and it will be easily hollowed out. It does not even need to spend much effort to directly pry away the core customers, and the business will soon be cold.

Bamboo's parents do not ask him to be more capable.

As long as you understand the business of the accounting firm and learn how to manage it, you can hand over the specific matters to the staff.

If Su Yehao was still the same Su Yehao from before, he would most likely have been arranged by his parents as clearly as the bamboo pole.

In the end.

This group of bad friends in their early twenties are already standing at the crossroads of life, still confused about their future, and Su Yehao has already taken the lead.

Have lunch and drink some beer.

Even He Shaofan, who has always loved to play and has no ambition, knew that if he continued like this, he would be abandoned by the rest of the family, including his parents.

No way, there are many brothers and sisters, and the resources must be skewed.

If he doesn't live up to his expectations, he will inevitably be marginalized, but even so, He Shaofan's life is actually not worrying.

On the contrary, it is Buck Tooth Jun, who is now only assigned to a few casino shops from his home, slightly stronger than his peers, but when it comes to the future, he has no clue at all.

So after a few bottles of beer, Buck Tooth Jun started shouting that he wanted to hug Su Yehao's thigh.

In the past, when we played together, no one thought that anyone was salting the fish.

As Su Yehao made a fortune and a successful career, the damage caused by the comparison was instantly highlighted.

After a good meal, it turned into a complaint meeting at the end. He Shaofan said that he was often compared by his father and his relatives to Su Yehao.

Bamboo pole also said that his parents repeatedly told him to learn from Su Yehao and not be busy playing games all day.

This scene made Su Yehao laugh or cry. He punished himself with two beers to stop them. Seeing that everyone was not very happy, he suddenly felt much more comfortable.

Thinking about it carefully, there are pros and cons.

Even though he was influenced by Jiang Yu and had a headache about how to deal with the problem of their relationship with each other, he finally got his wish and won Jiang Yu.

The reason why I called my friends to have lunch and drink alcohol to relieve their sorrows is simply because the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat.

Nangong Tian is very considerate, and Jiang Yu is also very good. I am worried that if one is not handled well, there will be trouble on both sides. Others can't help much in this matter, so Su Yehao still needs to do it himself...

After dinner.

Bring Buck Tooth Jun and the others home to play mahjong.

Nangong Tian volunteered to take Su Yehao's position, watching the numbing movements, it was a smooth one.

In the basement chess and card room in the Dalangwan Villa, there is a mahjong table produced by Zhang Meidi Group.

When I met with Father Su the day before yesterday, I heard him mention it.

It is said that the development department of Midea bought several mahjong machines from Japan, and within two months of dismantling them, they produced similar products with very low technical thresholds, and modified them to launch an upgraded version.

The so-called upgrade means that the size of mahjong has become larger, while the size of Japanese mahjong is smaller.

When the mahjong machine is shuffling, it needs to rely on the weight of the mahjong blocks. If they are too light or too small when stacking, it will be difficult to stack the mahjong blocks neatly. Therefore, the mahjong blocks in the mahjong machine are larger than the hand-rubbed mahjong.

Considering the relatively high price, the first batch of products were exclusively for Hong Kong City and Casino City. Once this product was launched, the market was very popular, and the sales volume had exceeded 20,000 units.

With Father Su's connections in Hong Kong City, it wasn't easy to find a newspaper company to advertise and brag about.

The market demand is huge, and there is no need to worry about sales after the momentum.

Recently, mahjong parlors all over the street are buying. If anyone doesn't use mahjong machines, customers will be lost quickly.

Su Yehao watched them play mahjong, and sat beside him in a daze.

Continue to plan ahead.

While thinking about how to create a chance to be alone with Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu.

While thinking about preparing a gift for Xiao Nizi, it can be regarded as compensation to relieve the guilt.

Hearing Buck Tooth Jun talking about his parents going on a trip, Su Yehao suddenly had an idea, thinking that investing in a private island seemed like a good idea.

I have seen the news of selling the island in the magazine, and the price is not too expensive.

When the time comes, I will find a way to pull Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu to get drunk, and realize the big plan of artificially creating accidents.

Even if Nangong Tian gets angry afterwards, there is no place to run on the island. In addition, the scenery on the island is very beautiful, which is suitable for calming down emotions. It seems that it can improve the probability of success to a certain extent.

Su Yehao, who always believed that "opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared", then went to the study alone and contacted Zhuang Wei, his personal assistant, and asked her to find islands for sale in Maldives, Tahiti, and the Bahamas. After the development is completed, the kind of private island with complete facilities and peace of mind.

There are companies specializing in the sales of high-end islands, which are similar to the intermediaries for buying houses.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yehao received a call from Zhuang Wei, saying that the information had been sent to his mailbox.

Through the channels of American Express, I found some information on the private island, but I am not necessarily willing to sell it, so I will give him a reference first.

Go upstairs again.

After turning on the computer, I found that there are more than 60 islands listed, with detailed introduction materials.

It seems that there should be a wealthy person before, who made a request to the Express Company to find the island, otherwise, how could there be such ready-made information, according to the comprehensive ranking of the island's location, hotel level, environment, etc., it is clear at a glance.

Su Yehao held the mouse and looked around, and he skipped the islands with too low ratings. He only looked at the top 20, but unfortunately there were no pictures.

It didn't bother him.

Just copy the island name and search on Yahoo.

There are already websites for online hotel reservation business, and Express itself also provides this kind of service, and you can find pictures related to the island.

The top 20 are mainly concentrated in the Bahamas, Tahiti, French Polynesia and the British Virgin Islands, all of which are popular holiday islands for Westerners.

To Su Yehao's surprise, from the tenth place to the twelfth place, they were all in the Maldives.

They belong to a company called Universal Resorts Maldives (universalresorts) are Coconut Island, Kuramathi Island, and Velafaru Island, the filming location of the movie "Blue Coral Reef".

After seeing the photo, Su Yehao had an idea, stopped paying attention to the island itself, and began to look up the information of this Universal Resort Hotel Group.

From an English travel journal, it was found that there is a small island in the Maldives called Baros, which opened in 1973, and it seems to belong to this company, which means that it may have four islands there.

Out of the mentality of being nice to Xiao Nizi, Su Yehao began to think about trying to get in touch with this company. It would be better if he could acquire it, or finance and take part of the equity.

Owning a ready-made hotel management company is far easier than buying a small island and running it yourself.

When it comes to spending money, now he is not afraid of spending money, but he is very afraid of the fish pond being fried...


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