Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 424: Anything else?

Wait until Wong Tai Sin arrives.

Father Su, second wife and Su Yehao sat with him in the living room together.

Feng Shui masters and fortune tellers and the like are very popular in casinos and Hong Kong. Take Wong Tai Sin as an example. They are often invited to do business in Malaysia, Singapore and other places. He, the specific expenses have to be calculated separately.

His fame even spread to overseas Chinese settlements, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other places, and some people paid a lot of money to invite him to go over the mountain.

Unlike his peers on the street, Huang Daxian specializes in high-end business. He has been worth over 100 million in more than 20 years. After all, apart from paying taxes, he is all pure profit without cost.

in addition.

His Daxian Temple was cheap in the early years, and the land was worth tens of millions, and he could receive incense money all year round.

And with the accumulated network resources, it is said that Wong Tai Sin's investment is also quite powerful.

It is rumored that he was right about the stock market crash that started last year. He had already stepped on the high position to cash out and made a profit of more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars.

As for the truth, it is estimated that only this great immortal knows. Anyway, it is rumored that there are noses and eyes. Even Father Su has heard of it, and he told Su Yehao as an interesting story.

Not everyone in the area believes this.

But the actual situation is that the real estate development business is closely related to feng shui. If you want to sell the house at a high price in the casino or Hong Kong city, let customers believe that the house has good feng shui and can prosper them, which will make the real estate more competitive. .

The same is true for shopping malls. Customers may not eat this set, but they must always convince the merchants that they can make a fortune by entering and opening a store.

The local atmosphere is like this, and Huang Daxian himself has a lot of means, which has really turned the business of many businessmen into good fortune, and they have been brought back to life, and they have become the guests of business people.

As for Ge Banxian who was kidnapped by Su Yehao last year, it was only a flash in the pan, not on the same level as this great immortal.

The market demand is so great. The rich are always looking for the best and most effective Feng Shui master. The market competition is actually quite fierce.

Anyway, as long as you make a name for yourself in this place, you can always beg for food, which is also a skill...

In the early years, he became a door-to-door son-in-law and made a fortune by chance.

Father Su is not the type of person with outstanding talent. Part of the reason why he is cautious when doing business on weekdays is that he is always worried that he will accidentally step on the pit.

Looking for some comfort from a Feng Shui master is probably the same as Westerners looking for some faith, so as to avoid an empty heart and always worry about gains and losses.

With money in his hand, the money thrown to Huang Daxian is purely a drop in the bucket.

At that time last year, Su Yehao was still distressed and felt that he had suffered a loss, but now he doesn't care. Looking at it from another angle, he felt that what he believed a little bit was actually pretty good.

For example, Su Yehao himself.

The more money he made, the more famous his fame became. Instead, he felt that there was less pursuit in his life, and he had been following the old path that others have walked. Even if he made money, he did not have the joy that accompanies success.

That's not to say it's bad, of course it's good to have money, but it's just not enough.

Better than worrying about it, lying down comfortably and earning money.

If you want to make yourself more difficult, the big deal is to toss chip semiconductors, iron ore in Australia, etc., then it is a great achievement that is beneficial to the contemporary age, and the merit is in the future, full of self-realization value.

If you look at it from another angle.

Having him invest in the Internet in the Mainland and keeping foreign capital out of the country seems to be a great event.

The money that was originally earned by others is now earned by Su Yehao, and the dividends have not been lost in large quantities. Thinking about it this way, it seems quite powerful. In the future, there will be opportunities to toss Google's operating system and Apple.

When he thought of this, he finally realized that he also had a bright spot.

Even if the original intention was to make money, it was able to smooth out a pain point, and the spirit came instantly.


Wong Tai Sin received a text message from Su Yehao in advance.

Before going to the door, I already knew in my heart, combined with astrology and horoscopes, I said that next year will be smooth sailing and wealth will be prosperous, but there is a small threshold in the next year, and I need to avoid disasters for a few days and so on.

Full of mysterious and mysterious words, combined with that serious expression.

If he hadn't passed Qi in advance, Su Yehao would have been fooled. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that Li was in the West and something that could be seen in newspapers, but when he said it, it made people think that it made sense and deserved it. Daxian can make a fortune.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Father Su asked the second concubine to go upstairs and gave Huang Daxian a red envelope of 20,000 dollars.

Su Yehao volunteered, got up at this moment and said, "I'll take Daxian back. It just so happens that there are a few plots of land in hand that haven't been developed yet. When the construction starts, I'll ask someone to take a look at Feng Shui."

Wong Tai Sin heard it.

Immediately, knowing that this was a courtesy exchange, he said, "Haha, then thank you, Young Master Su. It's just a little taboo, so let me remind you a few more words, that's it for today?"

Father Su shook hands with Huang Daxian, laughing until he could not close his mouth: "Okay, my son will give you a ride, and Touzhuxiang remember to keep it for me during the Chinese New every year. You burn the first incense, other people are about to have an opinion, but Mr. Su's face, I will definitely give it to Huang, no problem!"

The set is over.

Su Yehao led Huang Daxian out, and the other party drove a Mercedes-Benz himself, but he didn't need to send it.

Letting the bodyguard drive, Su Yehao said to Huang Daxian, "As expected of you, you are as stable as ever. My parents are always worried about my tens of billions in the US stock market, so there should be no problem."

Wong Tai Sin smiled.

It was not the first time to cooperate, he knew that Su Yehao was not easy to deal with.

When you see people talking about people, when you see ghosts talking about ghosts, put away your pretentious face, and politely say: "You can do your favor, Master Su, and send me out...Is there something else? Go to see the feng shui of the land. ?"

"Don't worry about Feng Shui. The house price is too cheap. Even if it is built, it will not make any money. Don't worry, I will definitely contact you when you need it."

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Su Yehao went on to talk about business, touched his chin, and said with a smile:

"Is there any way for you, Daxian, to release some news to the outside world, saying that I will be a peach blossom in my life, and I must marry at least four wives in order to suppress the peach blossom evil, become rich and noble in the future, and be safe and sound?"

When Huang Daxian heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

Surprised by Su Yehao's cowardly manipulation, he shouted "shameless" in his heart, and instantly guessed Su Yehao's intention.

I have been in the industry for so many years, I have already seen a lot, and I have done a lot to help settle emotional problems, but this is the first time I have heard such a blatant request.

It's right to be shocked by Su Yehao's request, but he must help. It is rumored that Su Yehao's worth surpassed the old gambling king and became the richest man in the casino.

Such a wealthy customer can't let go of the water in the head...

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