Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 426: to travel

Valuation is often just valuation, and it is real money that can be exchanged for real wealth.

For example, the acquisition of real estate from Donghuang Group, a five-star garden hotel in Central, was valued at 2 billion Hong Kong dollars at its peak, and Su Yehao bought it for just over 700 million Hong Kong dollars.

There is also Ho Tung Garden on the Peak of Taiping.

As the richest man in the history of Hong Kong City and the first Chinese to live on the top of the mountain, He Dong's villa is almost deserted, covering an area of ​​more than 13,000 square meters.

Its heir, the so-called asking price of 900 million US dollars in the first two years, wants to sell it to the outside world, but in the end, no one cares.

Up to now, even if the asking price is 300 million US dollars, not everyone is willing to buy it.

However, the old house built in the 1920s is still quite valuable after it is demolished. It can be built into high-end apartments or villas.

The same goes for the valuation of a company. The appraised price is one thing, and the actual transaction price is often another.

This has caused many companies and individuals to look rich, but their actual assets will shrink dramatically. It is only when the tide fades that we know who is swimming.

So when Su Yehao made a reasonable high price and arranged for the team to go to London to sign the contract, the brothers from the Universal Resort Hotel Group did not make any trouble. After checking the contract and collecting the deposit, they obediently signed the contract. And promised to help him go through the handover procedures and make an appointment to go to the Maldives.

It was only about 200 million Hong Kong dollars. President Peng of Bank of China didn't say a word. After receiving the call from Su Yehao, he immediately arranged the loan procedures for him.

It is difficult to find high-quality super big customers. In order to have a good relationship with Su Yehao, the headquarters of Bank of China in Hong Kong City will send him fresh ingredients, exhibition tickets, and first-hand information on various investments from time to time. The relationship manager of the commercial bank also needs to be careful.

With the Su family father and son as a demonstration, recently through the channel of Bank of China, the number of casino and Hong Kong enterprises that have invested in the mainland has suddenly increased a lot, especially the major real estate developers, the famous ones are all opened by Bank of China. company account.

After all, the Pengcheng Sihai International Cultural Tourism City project and the Guangzhou Sihai International Cultural Tourism City project are so large that even a group of leading real estate developers in Gangcheng can’t help but pay attention.

The Bank of China, which provided huge funds for Father Su, naturally became famous.

With such a relationship, how could the bank neglect Su Yehao, and the procedures went smoothly.

Thinking about implementing big plans.

The London side has just signed a contract. A total of five shareholders chose to cash out and leave. Su Yehao will get 96.5% of the shares of Universal Resort Hotel Group, and the other minority shareholder is a local Maldivian.

Although there is a chance to drive the other party back, since the other party is willing to help and seems to have some connections in the Maldives, considering that Xiao Nizi will definitely not put too much energy on the management of the island hotel in the future, it is also good to keep people to help with the operation. .

At the beginning of the year, the acquisition of 1cq bought out the management's shares at one time. Later, there were some minor troubles, and we had to resort to the magic weapon of "option reward" again to continue to mobilize the enthusiasm of the company's executives.

Su Yehao has already learned lessons from it, so it doesn't matter if it's not 100% exclusive.

Said to be a private island, after all, it is also a business.

If you don’t want to continue to operate externally, in fact, you can spend two or three million US dollars to buy an island. The original intention is to attract tourists from tourism companies and continue to enjoy the dividends of a wave of high-end island tours for mainland tourists.

At present, the Maldives is not well-known in the mainland. Considering factors such as distance cost and special scenery, it will definitely become popular in the future.

After all, there are only Sansha and other places in China that can rival the Maldives in seawater and beaches. Unfortunately, it is not open to the outside world, lacks fresh water, and lacks exotic flavors.

After signing.

Su Yehao didn't tell Xiao Nizi, but was the first to find Jiang Yu.

Coming to the mansion on the top floor of Shangfeng Sheung Shui again, Jiang Yu thought that the meeting was for that, so he shyly skipped class. More than nine o'clock in the morning.

The two sat in the sky garden on the terrace, with a long glass table in front of them, black waterproof rattan chairs, and an oversized umbrella above their heads.

Su Yehao rested his chin in his palm and rested his elbow on the armrest of the rattan chair.

If Nong Qingying is at home, standing in the open-air garden of her second building, you can see the scene here.

Fortunately, she is still busy in Japan, looking around for suitable companies, and intends to acquire lipstick and perfume manufacturers to enrich sk2's product line.

The next door was empty, Su Yehao was not afraid of being caught.

He blinked his eyes at this moment and told Jiang Yu:

"I bought a few islands in the Maldives. You can find an opportunity in the past two days to mention it to your father, and you will open up a new tourist route in the future. Then you will use the name of visiting for your father, and Nangong Tian and I will Let's go to the island together for a few days, and leave on Saturday at the latest, before Christmas, there are too many tourists on the island during the festival.

Jiang Yu figured out the taste instantly, opened his eyes and asked him, "You really... have a bad mind?"

Obviously you brought it up first. See you are so entangled recently, but in order to take care of you, I tried my best to create opportunities.


After listening to Su Yehao finished, Jiang Yu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, his expression was extremely nervous.

After a while, she said: "But even if you create opportunities, you don't need to buy islands, and how many are there?" "Five."

Following the topic, Su Yehao explained:

"Don't you always feel sorry for her? I plan to use these islands as a gift and compensate her privately. It will cost more than 16 million pounds in total. The islands in the Maldives are particularly beautiful. This time happens to be the dry season, which is suitable for the past. Travel, but I haven't told her yet, if you want it too, you can split the shares and give you a part."

Jiang Yu only felt very romantic about this astronomical gift. She thought about it and sighed, "First to give her a surprise, and then to let her down? This seems too bad, otherwise...let's forget it. You can send her, but I don't want it."

"Don't, I want to be upright with the price. If it's an accident, it's better than telling her clearly. I have carefully considered your proposal. It's good for me, you, and her. It's like cooking raw rice. Mature rice, go with the flow.'

"You are the rice." Jiang Yu replied habitually.

Is this the point? Anyway, don't worry about it, just listen to my arrangement, success or failure is a matter of one fell swoop, don't let it go. "

Su Yehao was a little nervous.

Although there is a tacit understanding with Xiao Nizi, once the lid is lifted, it is really unclear what will happen to her.

Compared with him, Jiang Yu was even more nervous, with the words "guilty of being a thief" written all over his face.

He knew it was not good, but he didn't want to make a clean break with Su Yehao, his heart was in a mess, and his little brain was buzzing. Come here, I want to do something

But Jiang Yu was in no mood at all, which made Su Yehao depressed for a while.

Suddenly I found that it was too early to talk about the business, and it should be mentioned later.

I went home and pretended nothing had happened, and asked Xiao Nizi to travel to the Maldives. I wanted to wait until I told her that those islands were for her.

Going out for a trip, or going to a tropical island, the little girl was so excited that she screamed, hugging him and taking a big mouthful, and immediately began to prepare to pack her things.

And Jiang Yu's side.

Jiang Yu obeyed Su Yehao's told Master Jiang the news of the island inspection, and continued to study (please leave.

Go out to travel, or go to a small island.

To travel to the island, three days in paradise, seven days in the world.

After staying on the island for a long time, you will definitely feel bored, and the initial plan is to play for five days.

Early Saturday morning.

Su Yehao took Xiao Nizi to pick up Jiang Yu in the middle of the mountain and went straight to the airport.

Seeing the client, Jiang Yu became more and more flustered, nervous to the point of motion sickness, and his heart rate was very fast.

With her character, she couldn't handle this kind of thing at all, and because of her trust in Su Yehao, she insisted that she didn't show anything.

It's the little girl, humming a song happily, with a sun hat and small sunglasses, looking very comfortable.


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