Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 441: Turn into ashes

It's hard to catch a breath, and I don't want to go home quickly.


After returning to Pengcheng and separating from his father, Su Yehao hurried directly to the location of the tat headquarters.


At first, the headquarters of tat was arranged in Shahe International Golf Club. In the second half of last year, the number of employees increased and various equipments were placed in countless places, so I bought a six-storey small building in the Overseas Chinese Town Resort near the Cultural Tourism City. .


It cost more than 160 million yuan, with a total construction area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters, and hurry up to decorate part of it. Recently, the company has just moved in.


Sitting on the s600, I came to the Overseas Chinese Town Resort.


Su Yehao came here for the first time, and when he looked from a distance, he found that the temporary office building he bought didn't seem to have any momentum.


Originally, OCT wanted to use it as a small plaza and rent it out to attract some merchants to settle in. Unfortunately, the attraction of investment could not attract people, and the nearby businesses were not prosperous enough to be established, so they sold it to cash out.


Such a small living plaza, the internal layout of the building is of course not as good as a regular office building.




Because there are many resorts nearby, the surrounding scenery is really good, the greening is quite in place, and the environment is relatively quiet.


Although he is the boss, his company is still developing. After many open recruitment and school recruitment, tat has more than 100 employees, and more than 80% are mainlanders.


Enter the office building with "tat network company" hanging on the outer wall.


Secretary Linda Yun suddenly remembered something and told Su Yehao:


"Ah, right, maybe in the first two weeks, some residents complained about disturbing the residents, and they even called the police.


Hearing this sentence without beginning or ending.


Su Yehao wondered: "Here? Even if the decoration disturbs the people, as long as it is within a reasonable construction time, it doesn't matter. Besides, it's just decoration, and there are not many residents around. Where can the noise be?"


Linda. Yun also found that he did not explain clearly, shook his head and said:


"It's not here, I'm referring to the residence you invested in the World Garden Residential Area. There are 60 houses borrowed by your father as staff dormitories, and they are also the ones who have been complained about. This matter is handed over to the assistant's office to resolve it. I mentioned it to me, it was New Year's, I forgot to tell you."


Oh, I was thinking of going over there just now. I bought all the buildings. It's a big deal. It's a big deal.


to buy it. "


Su Yehao said casually.


Affected by the Southeast Asian financial crisis, housing prices in Pengcheng were in a downturn last year.


The more than 100 houses that Nong Qingying bought nearby with Nong Qingying didn't go up much now, and they only made a small profit from the cheap ones.


Now those houses are partly used as warehouses to store a lot of Moutai.


Collecting something, earning some petty profit, Su Yehao has gradually lost his interest in it, just for fun. He ordered more than 70,000 cases of Feitian series from Moutai Distillery in three times. " lettering.


Part of the house is used as a warehouse for employees, and is provided to tat employees for free.


During the construction of the Cultural Tourism City, so many workers always needed a place to live. In addition to the temporary dormitory, they also rented a lot of houses nearby.


Hundreds of workers moved in in the past, and the movement was inevitably a bit louder, so they complained a few times, and some even chose to call the police.


This is mainly because the group of people who bought a new house happily moved into the new house, but they were affected by the group renting workers all day long.


It is true that some places are not in place, and it is not entirely to blame the community residents for picking thorns in their eggs.


Or maybe it's because the beautiful high-end community has been turned into a dormitory, which makes some people feel uncomfortable. Anyway, there are some small conflicts from time to time, and the news spreads to Su Yehao's assistant office.


Such little things, Linda. Yun didn't pay much attention to it. Now that she came to the vicinity, she suddenly remembered and mentioned it casually. When I was received by the front desk of the company, I followed the little girl up the stairs.


Su Yehao went on to say:


"There is no elevator in the company? Forget it, it's good for a bunch of programmers to exercise up and down the stairs, anyway, it's only six stories high. The world garden is over there... I remember the apartment layout is a bit strange, a, b, c, Buildings d and e are next to each other, separated by a wall, and the movement is inevitably a bit loud. You can ask someone to tell you that it is really impossible to change rooms, and also say hello to the workers who are staying.


Linda: Yun nodded and said with a smile:


"It's been so long, it should have been done. There are so many talents in the assistant's office, this little thing will definitely not be difficult for them.


"Well, the Cultural Tourism City project is expected to be developed for several years. Neighborhood conflicts must be handled well, so as not to affect the housing prices of the community because of this trivial matter. I have invested more than 100 units in it."


Su Yehao thought about it, then smiled again: "But when my dad's house is built, the workers can go in and live temporarily, and accompany me to stroll around the World Garden Community later, lest the people on the construction site make random arrangements. Turn my house into a group house." Worked on the construction site for so many years.


How could he not be clear about the problem of living.


Some bosses use bunk beds in order to save money. In a 100-square-meter house, a dozen workers can live.


It is not easy for workers to earn some money. They can often save money when they can. It is enough to have a bed for sleeping.


As a young master, Su Yehao felt the need to know more about it.


In this era when people live in groups that are not illegal, they really bully the residents near the houses they invest in. It is not easy for people to spend money to buy a good house.


Migrant workers who go out to work are also not easy. The price of buying a house is not high these days, and renting a house is cheaper, so there is no need to spend money on housing.


Putting this aside for When he came to the third floor, a few young men happened to be walking downstairs. Su Yehao looked up and saw that one of them looked familiar.


When another face appeared in his mind, and the images of the two overlapped, he was almost stunned.


Standing on the steps, he turned around instantly, and shouted: "Hello! Ma... There is a meeting soon, how many of you are also company employees?


Said he was a young man, but he was actually in his twenties and thirties.


They stopped and saw the young Su Yehao, for a while they didn't remember who it was.


It can also be explained from the side how many times Su Yehao came to tat. The new employees who joined the company in the second half of last year hardly ever saw him, and even some old employees saw him face to face very few times.


The Internet industry on the mainland has just begun to sprout, and most of the energy is focused on Silicon Valley, and the investment intensity is not at the same level.


Even so, tat is still developing very well. If you say that the investment is small, it depends on who you compare it to. Whoever invests 10 million RMB in the mainland Internet circle these days is a proper big money owner.


The one Su Yehao was eyeing was not Ma Huateng.


He once sent a lot of money to his games, and the richest man in the country has done it several times. How could Su Yehao not recognize him, he knew him even if he turned into ashes


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