Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 443: standing on the wind

Latest website: Early stage of business.

There are few talents and many projects, and the adjustment range of personnel is relatively large, especially the group of executives who were casual at the beginning, gradually cannot meet the needs of the company's development.

It's not to kill the donkey, most people still stay in the company and enjoy relatively high-paying benefits.

However, some of them have retired from the executive positions, and the executives who take over often have rich work experience and higher education levels.

tat here.

The current CEO, whose name is Lin Wei, graduated from Hong Kong City University, studied at King's College London, worked in Silicon Valley for four years, and was recruited by Su Yehao by headhunters.

It is said to be the CEO, but Lin Wei has been working for more than three months, and today is the first time I see Su Yehao.

After greeting each other.

The two were sitting in a simply decorated office, Su Yehao pointed at the little brother who had just left, and said, "I think this guy has a good eye, and I feel that he may be prosperous to me. The company will set up a game next. Department, let him be in charge of management.”

Lin Wei is 34 years old this year, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose and a Jaeger-LeCoultre watch on his wrist.

Worked for AOL for four years, and currently earns an annual salary of 800,000 yuan. A neat suit is estimated to cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, which seems very particular.

A native of Hong Kong.

I don't think Su Yehao said that he might be prosperous at all. There is something wrong. Lin Wei has three godfathers in total, but he was suggested by the fortune teller. He is particular about zodiac signs and surnames.

Hearing that, he nodded, and Lin Wei looked out... just thinking that he didn't remember what Brother Ma looked like at all, just glanced at him casually, and went to ask others later to get the information out.

He looked at Su Yehao and said with a smile:

"Boss, your reforms in TVT, I am also paying attention."

"With the scale of icq and tvt, it is indeed suitable for the next expansion, adding some new projects that can bring revenue. Even if you don't say it, I have already planned to set up a project to develop several new games."

"It is expected that in the next few years, the number of netizens in the mainland will increase. Adsl broadband is expected to be commercialized this fall, and the network speed will be increased to about 8m. The installation cost will not be too expensive, especially for Internet cafes."

"The Internet cafes here are very interesting. I went to investigate last week. This industry is very promising. People may not be able to afford the cost of accessing broadband and buying computers, but there are dozens of computers in an Internet cafe. For a small amount of money, I am planning to write a profile to use Internet cafes all over the country to promote our instant chat program..."

Lin Wei talked eloquently, as if he already knew it, and his tone was confident and steady.

After listening to his words, although Su Yehao didn't have any inspiration, he still felt that the money was worth it. Sure enough, every penny got what you paid for. The professional managers dug with high salaries were different. They obviously seriously considered the next step of tat. development plan.

very good.

As long as this guy's execution is in place, he can save a lot of trouble and happily continue to salt fish.

The corners of Su Yehao's mouth twitched slightly, he nodded and said:

"Yes, using Internet cafes to advertise, the idea will definitely work, I can grant you an additional publicity budget. Now my focus is on the United States, and when the broadband plan in the mainland develops smoothly, this place will become The new focus. There are many competitors in Silicon Valley, but the mainland is a wilderness. There are some outside, but also here, so I also hope that you can learn more about the industry trends, and use the user resources of tat and tot to cultivate and support a group of shares. Subsidiaries, direct acquisition is no problem.”

"...That would require a lot of money," Lin Wei said.

"You don't need to worry about the funding issue, you just need to do your tat work seriously. The priority of investing in the mainland will be higher than that of Silicon Valley, where the potential has already been overdrawn. I will transfer a batch of funds. The scale in the next few years may be in More than half a billion dollars."

Regarding these ideas, Su Yehao didn't talk nonsense.

His initial plan was to make some money from the Internet bubble process, and then support and enjoy the dividends of the development of the mainland.

The acquisition of icq, Google, and tvt for entrepreneurial development were all by chance. Su Yehao discovered a business opportunity and couldn't help but plunge into it.

from this year.

The commercial use of mainland broadband will inevitably become the fuse to detonate the mainland Internet market. Self-startup, plus venture capital and private equity investment, this set of super combo punches has the opportunity to come in handy.

From the point of view of yield, it is much higher than continuing to invest in Yahoo, so as long as you meet a good project, even if you cash out some Yahoo stocks in advance, it is not unacceptable in Su Yehao's eyes.

Lin Wei first mentioned the next development ideas, and then Su Yehao revealed some of his ideas.

The other party is doing things for him, and he does not know the ambition of his boss. It is easy to be limited to one-third of an acre of land, and he cannot understand his true intentions.

Previously, the plans proposed by Lin Wei mainly revolved around the development of tat itself.

At first glance, I heard that in the next few years, at least US$500 million will be invested in the mainland market, which is equivalent to throwing a big bomb into a small pond.

The tat valued at more than 100 million yuan has become a well-deserved mainland Internet leading company today, and it is worth 4 or 5 billion yuan to come in?

Lin Wei really felt that with the current scale of tat funds, the more than 20 million yuan in the account was not enough, but he never thought that he planned to invest so much.


The CEO of tat seemed to understand Su Yehao's idea a little bit.

On the one hand, it is due to the relatively large population base in the mainland, and the development space is relatively broad.

After all, Su Yehao just said that some outsiders can also have them here, and he also tried to support other companies through tat's user resources.

After thinking for a while, Lin Wei suddenly realized that this road is likely to work.

Recently, some companies have bought advertising space from tat, and the results are often very good. Since they can help to drain traffic and have no shortage of funds, why not hold those companies in their own hands?

The more he thought about the brighter his eyes, Lin Wei couldn't help clapping his hands and said happily:

"As expected of someone who has done great things, Mr. Su is really bold, and he actually went for a monopoly. The dsl broadband business in the United States has just begun to develop, and it is almost on the same starting line as the mainland, but the population is about four times different. Spending money here has a relatively high probability of success. Unlike India, the economy here is developing very fast, and the environment is very stable. It is very suitable for doing business, and at least the prospects are very broad.”

Su Yehao calmly waved his hand and said:

"It's just a routine operation, saying that monopoly is easy to be targeted, I just hope to provide an Internet ecology to help people enter the information age and meet their daily needs. I tell you this because I am worried that you are only focusing on developing tat and ignoring the development process. The opportunities created, the company's users are our most valuable assets, pay more attention to some companies with potential, I will arrange koko venture capital company to assist you."

As Silicon Valley's current potential is increasingly overdrawn by frenzied investors.

This year’s development direction can be tilted more towards the mainland. Even if it takes a long time to incubate, the benefits of entering the market first are already obvious.

Take tat and tot as an example, from zero foundation to becoming a leading company with the highest market share, almost no problems were encountered during the period.

The market is here, just occupy it, Silicon Valley doesn’t pay attention at all, and powerful capital also pays little attention.

What can be predicted in advance is that when the market gradually becomes larger, the competition will start to become fierce.

But that is something to worry about in the future. At present, it is still in the pioneering era. Such a good golden development period, not to mention that it will be distressed for a lifetime, at least for three or five days.

The opportunity that originally belonged to foreign investors, Su Yehao already has the strength to cut him halfway...


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