Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 445: Sand River Villa

I heard that more than 1,000 workers were squeezed into the community, and almost all the people on the construction site were moved over.

Su Yehao knew that he was wrong, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

He asked the little girl in the property and said, "I'm so sorry, I made you have a lot of complaints, right?"

She said she was a little girl, but she was actually twenty-two or three years old, a little older than Su Yehao.

The property receptionist surnamed Zhang sighed tiredly at the moment, wearing a lady's formal suit, stood there and told:

"Yeah, when I came back from the construction site at night, the whole building was like an earthquake when I was cooking. With so many people living together, it was inevitable that there would be noise at night. Especially every morning, a lot of tricycles and tractors came to pick up the workers to the construction site. I went to work, and I quarreled with the security several times because of this. When will they move out? If it goes on like this, the house will not be easy to sell in the future.”

Su Yehao is a proper big customer. When he bought a house, he let a few salesmen take the bonus to get soft hands, and he became the owner in the community directly.

If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing he could do, the man surnamed Zhang wouldn't be complaining.

Hearing the other party's full of resentment, Su Yehao scratched his head and said, "Okay, I'll think of a solution, see how to solve it, and give you an answer as soon as possible. By the way, do you have any other houses here? rent?"

"...Should not, the new project has already started planning to sell, there are no redundant houses."

After listening to the owner of the property, Su Yehao understood that she was euphemistically driving people away.

In fact, if you rent the newly built property to them first, you will probably make more money in a few years.

But since the other party didn't have any idea in this regard, he didn't say much, and instead asked, "So, are there any newly completed communities nearby, or office buildings that haven't been sold yet?"

Thinking that so many tenants are likely to move out, and the work pressure is greatly reduced, the little girl immediately began to help find a way, and after recalling, she said: "There are many houses that are going to be launched, and the market is very good now, even if there is a house, I'd love to rent it to you, but I can ask you."

"It doesn't have to be rented. I can just buy a little bit more. I'm not afraid of affecting others by buying the whole building."

As soon as Su Yehao finished speaking, the little girl's eyes glowed and she said excitedly, "Then buy it from us! I can help you get a preferential price!"

Man, it's so quick to change faces.

Su Yehao smiled without saying a word. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Buy another one, and you will complain again? Forget it, I'm shameful, this time it's best to find a small community that won't affect others and affect your sales. The house is not in good condition, let me ask myself."

After saying this, he said and left.

I made a special trip here today to resolve the conflict. What’s wrong with buying a house in this real estate? In the end, it’s not about being complained by other residents, it can only solve temporary troubles.

Moreover, when I came to buy a house when my head was hot, although the starting price was cheap, I would definitely be able to make a profit, but more than 100 sets were enough.

After ignoring the little girl's sales pitch, he declined again, leaving her messy in the wind.

Su Yehao sat directly in the car and asked the driver to drive around the neighborhood, looking for a place where these workers could be temporarily accommodated.

The driver under the father's hand lives near here.

After listening to Su Yehao and Linda Yun talking about employee placement, the middle-aged driver thought for a while, and then said, "If you are looking for a house that is not easy to sell, I know a place."

"...Where?" Su Yehao asked him casually.

The driver said: "The newly built Shahe Golf Villas, the price of villas is high, and most people can't afford to buy them. My daughter is working there, and the boss is also from your Hong Kong City. In addition, I also There is a newly developed Portofino pure waterfront villa area in OCT, and it seems that it cannot be sold, and the price is too high.”

"The villa... But you can go and have a look. Now go to the Shahe side."

Su Yehao made a decisive decision.

The Shahe Golf Villa District borders the planned Sihai International Cultural Tourism City Villa District. It was still under construction when I came here last time. It should have been developed by the time I came here, but I don't know if there is any plan to sell it.

If the workers are arranged to live there, it will not disturb others, and it is very convenient to go from the villa area to the construction site.

Let the workers live for a few years first. After the renovation is completed, they can be sold directly as second-hand houses. It should not be a problem to earn several times.

Considering that you can get a loan to buy a house, you can't afford a few money yourself, and it doesn't affect other investment projects.

Therefore, when others buy a house, it seems like spending money, but when they come to Su Yehao, it is more like finding a reason. Using bank money to borrow chickens and lay eggs is a business without capital and huge profits.

This is also the reason why he decided to buy some houses instead of paying to rent houses after he decided to resettle the workers.

The rent is gone to others, but buying a house can enjoy the dividend of real estate appreciation. If it is a golf course villa with scarce attributes, it should be easier to sell when you want to sell it, and there is also a market for external leasing.

Not to mention earning too much, at least not losing money.

Su Yehao had nothing to do, and rushed directly to the vicinity of the Shahe Golf Villa.

This year, driving a Mercedes-Benz S600, almost everywhere I go, I honked the horn twice at the entrance of the villa area, and the security did not even ask, and let me go.

Get off the car and look around.

On this side of the villa area, the houses have not been fully constructed yet. The plan shows a total of thirty-six units, and half of them are still under construction.

The driver asked the security guard for help, and learned that it has not been sold to the outside world, but several houses are said to have been reserved, including the Hong Kong-owned owner of the Shahe Golf Club.

This place has a good environment and is really comfortable to live in.

A short walk is the grass of the stadium. The temperature in Pengcheng is high in winter, the grass is still green, slightly yellowed, and someone is playing.

He also has a golf course in his own Su Yehao doesn't like arty style, mainly because his skills are too bad.

After seeing the villa, I have a lot in mind.

When the driver learned that he was going to the club, he talked to the boss. When he got into the car again, he tentatively asked Su Yehao, "Then... I'll call my daughter and ask her to come over to greet her?"

Su Yehao didn't ask, but when he heard this sentence, he already knew something and said with a smile, "Master He, shouldn't your daughter be a salesman there?"

The middle-aged driver surnamed He looked embarrassed and said with an embarrassing smile:

"No, it's just a restaurant waiter, but if you sell the house, you should also get a commission. I'm not trying to cheat you. In fact, it's really a waste to arrange such a good house for the construction site. I just think it's quieter and won't disturb the neighbors. ."

"It doesn't matter, if I really buy it and let your daughter get some commission, it will be considered as fat and water, and I won't leave outsiders' fields."

Su Yehao smiled happily and added:

"Let's go, first ask who the boss is, maybe my parents still know each other, so it's easier to negotiate the price. The house is not for anyone to live in, anyway, even if you buy it, it won't come in handy in the short term, as an employee The dorms are nice..."

Just do it, just invest.

Dad planned a super mansion for him in the villa area to be developed. Anyway, he didn't plan to live in the Shahe Golf Club.

If you can't find a reasonable reason, it's not easy to buy more houses, and you will hold the long-term vacancy in your own hands.

Just a temporary transition, when the houses in the Cultural Tourism City are built, the workers will be able to spread out, which just gives Su Yehao an excuse to hoard the houses...Click to download the APP of this site , Massive novels, free to read!

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