Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 457: already good

Eat and drink, exchange ideas with each other.

After some discussions with Academician Ni Danan, Su Yehao gained a lot.

The field of personal computer assembly is not to be mentioned. There is not much threshold for work. Many domestic businesses rely on the acquisition of overseas second-hand computers, disassemble parts and assemble them for external sales. They are willing to spend money and can always make production lines.

The only difficulty is probably to find a reliable industrial designer to design a beautiful shell.

Anyway, I didn't want to make a fortune by selling computers, as long as I didn't lose money, I would definitely make a profit.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t make money in terms of hardware, but in terms of software, you should be able to make a lot of money, speed up the popularity of netizens, and also help companies such as tat and tot to expand, create their own Internet ecological chain in advance, and seize most of the market.

There are three pieces of good news that are really worth caring about.

One is the lithography machine technology of this era, the gap is not so big.

amsl can only be a relatively low-ranking company in the first tier. The two Japanese companies, Nikon and Canon, are the mainstream. Japan's semiconductor technology comes from the United States, but the lithography machine manufacturers in the United States have been defeated, and the reputation of European asml is not obvious.

This means that if you want to enter the field of chip foundry, the threshold will not be too high, you have the opportunity to buy a lithography machine, the market competition is large, and you don't have to worry about being monopolized.

in addition.

There is also the opportunity to bet on the next generation of lithography machine technology. Although Su Yehao does not know enough about this aspect, he can ask experts for help.

The second is to pay enough attention to the above, and launched the "909" plan in the past few years to support the semiconductor industry through self-research and cooperation, among which representatives are Hua Hong Microelectronics, which produces wafers.

If you invest in production, you can not only enjoy tax reduction and exemption, but also win the opportunity of official procurement support.

The third is to hear that the above is in contact with Zhang Rujing and invite this big man in the field of wafer foundries to come to the mainland to develop and start a business.

And Mr. Ni got to know each other during the meeting and left each other contact information.

Thinking that it might be helpful to Su Yehao's big plan, Mr. Ni casually mentioned it, thinking that the other party's experience could make him take less detours.

After Su Yehao heard the news, he was immediately agitated.

I didn't remember the name of the founder of SMIC before, and I couldn't even find someone. After Ni Lao's reminder, I immediately thought of the founder of SMIC, but it was Zhang Rujing.

After the initial communication, Su Yehao felt more and more that this business could be done.

In the future, the chip and chip foundry market will be monopolized by several companies, but now wafer foundry companies are not mainstream. Samsung, Intel, etc. are all self-produced and sold, and the threshold for entry is not that high.

Even if he does not develop his own chips and focuses on the field of wafer chip foundry, the market is large enough. Even he is very excited about the trillion-dollar market.

Not only is it possible to make money, but it can also help a lot.

After all, what will be stuck in the future is how to manufacture. Many companies have self-developed chips, which shows that the key to the problem is mainly in the industrial chain of OEM production.

Look at it from another angle.

Once it is self-produced, it will also help Midea Group and the next investment plan for mobile terminal equipment.

To say that I only held the attitude of trying it out before, now Su Yehao is very sure that he really shouldn't miss this opportunity to enter the market. Once he does it well, he will have no shortage of fame and fortune, which is far more important than investing in real estate.


Tonight this meal, from six o'clock in the evening to nine o'clock in the evening.

After it's over.

Su Yehao was drunk and insisted on taking Mr. Ni home. The other party said that a taxi would be fine. The matter had not been settled yet, and it was not good to be seen by the neighbors of the same company, so he gave up.

Chu Jun went to the street to stop a taxi, stretched out his hand and gave one hundred yuan, and told the driver to drive slowly.

A treat.

When he left by car, Academician Ni Danan didn't drink much, and his student Zeng Guangpei had a big tongue.

It's just a big tongue, Zeng Guangpei's mind is still sober, at this time he asked in a low voice: "Teacher, what do you think of Mr. Su, I think it's very reliable, but it's too greedy, want to do everything, just Afraid of not doing anything well.”

"...It's not bad. I asked someone to understand. He invested tens of billions at a young age, can he be an ordinary person? Even if his family is already rich, it is luck to invest 100 million to make 100 million, and to earn like him With so much, I definitely don’t believe that there is no expert behind the scenes, and it’s definitely not like a joke.”

Mr. Ni took off his glasses and wiped them. When he came out of the heated room, the lenses were fogged up.

He sighed lightly and continued to say to Zeng Guangpei, "I think it's pretty good. Besides, besides Young Master Su, who else is willing to invest so much money in us? The start-up capital is at least 100 million yuan, which is enough for many topics. I'm a little worried, I almost nodded just now and promised him to quit."

Although Zeng Guangpei was a student, he was in his early 40s. Zai Liangxiang served as the deputy director of the R&D department. At the moment, he smiled happily and said:

"As expected of starting from the research and development of Internet technology, it is a respect for us technicians. Opening a mouth of 100 million is more than the total investment of our entire R&D department. After changing jobs, you can get a salary increase. Stay in the office all day and drink tea, teacher. You haven't had enough, I've had enough, to tell you the truth, I almost promised him directly."

Hearing the meaning of these words, Mr. Ni smiled, but he didn't think there was anything.

The current job is really not valued by the boss, otherwise he would not have broken up with the other party in public and began to try to find another way out.

According to Su Yehao.

As long as he is hired by him, he wants money, money, and people. Not only does he raise wages to provide benefits, but he also plans to set up a research and development center overseas to attract more talents.

If the conditions are good like this, it is strange not to be moved.

Mr. Ni smiled and then said:

"Let's do it...Sleep tonight and think about it again. I'll call other people for dinner tomorrow and discuss it seriously. In fact, I don't have a choice. Just respect everyone's ideas. Xiao Su also said that as long as you have the ability He wants all of them, the more the better.”

"I remember that Mr. Su's father became a major shareholder of the Meidi Group, which manufactures home appliances, and he also said that he planned to produce mobile phones. There is indeed a very large demand for microchips. Compared with Liangxiang Group's sales volume It's all about the It seems that I really want to enter the foundry field."

"In the past, the situation will never be worse than it is now. Last time I quarreled with the big boss, and I didn't take you seriously. I will be sixty in a few months. I'm afraid it will be difficult to retire normally. I work in a foreign company. My income can also be better. It’s not like I’ve studied for a lifetime, and finally sat in the office all day staring, and by the end of the year, when I ask what I’ve done, I’m all busy purchasing and assembling from outside…”

Zeng Guangpei found the teacher's temptation and said with a smile:

"Mr. Su's investment, when it comes to foreign capital, is Hong Kong capital at best. As a man, it's really not bad, but at a young age, he likes to brag after drinking. He plans to invest one billion US dollars in the five-year plan. Who would believe it? Ah, just buying a chip foundry is enough."

Mr. Ni shook his head and smiled:

"It's easy for people to get money, and it's not that they don't have money. Their family is richer than the richest man in the country. How can you think like him? Maybe you really plan to buy a wafer foundry..."



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