Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 472: MP Three

Originally, he wanted to find some funds for the family, but Su Yehao was too talkative, which made Zhao Yimeng feel embarrassed.

The only thing that gave her a headache was that once Su Yehao really asked Su Yehao to spend four or five billion Hong Kong dollars, although the funding problem would be solved at once, the entire cultural tourism city project would also become dominated by the Su family.

to be honest.

Su Yehao's strength has already surpassed Zhao Yimeng's family by a large margin, especially this time her family is not planning to invest through Donghuang Group, which has led to an even greater disparity between the two sides.

If he really accepts so much money from him, then Zhao Yimeng's family will change from the leader of the Cultural Tourism City project to a small shareholder with less shares.

She can't be the master of such an important business.

So I just eat donkey meat and chat, gossip, talk about any topic...

Wait until one o'clock in the afternoon.

The two were really tired, and Su Yehao accompanied Zhao Yimeng to the bookstore, Quan Dang was taking a walk to promote digestion.

She is currently learning to manage the family business and wants to buy a few business management books to recharge.

Su Yehao is not at all interested in this type of book. Judging from his usual accumulated experience, if he wants to develop the company well, as long as he builds an excellent management team, half of the trouble will be solved first.

As for the development direction and funds, etc., they are small issues here, and generally do not need to worry too much.

Zhao Yimeng asked him at this moment: "Which books do you usually like to read? Recommend Why should I read books on business management? Have you ever heard of the sentence that the old master was beaten to death by random fists? Usually when you come across a good project that you think can make money, you just do it, your way of thinking is limited, and you can’t find the bright spots around you.”

Usually, Su Yehao rarely reads books, but he often buys newspapers and books.

Zhao Yimeng snorted and said, "It's all absurd to beat the old master with random punches, so what do you say is the bright spot?"

Su Yehao hooked his fingers at her, led Zhao Yimeng to the cashier of the bookstore, and casually told her, "There is a hot business hidden here. what?"

Zhao Yimeng carefully browsed, pointed to the game tape in the cabinet, and said, "Doing the game business, online games?"

"...Also, but what I want to say is not it, look at this; pmp300, a new generation of mp3 music players, led by the American diamond company, launched this; pmp300 at the end of last year. Originally, I was only in I saw it in the information the venture capital department gave me, but I didn’t expect it to be sold to the casino in such a short period of time.”

Su Yehao picked up the trial machine, handed the earphones to Zhao Yimeng, pressed a few buttons, and started to play Queen's "wewillrockyou".

Zhao Yimeng came into contact with mp3 for the first time. She listened to the song being played, and her eyes were full of surprise.

This thing is still new, very niche.

If it weren't for Su Yehao's constant attention to the latest trends in the technology circle, I'm afraid it would be difficult to pay attention to it. At present, only a company under Samsung and this diamond are selling mp3 to the outside world.

After listening for a while, Zhao Yimeng asked him curiously, "There is no place to insert tapes and CDs, is there any new technology?"

"Yeah, downloading songs from the Internet and listening to them directly is a promising technology. I noticed it in December last year."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, Zhao Yimeng asked, "Then you invested in it?"

shook his head.

Su Yehao explained:

"It's not too difficult to realize its function, it lacks core technology, and my people told me that users of this company use free songs on the Internet without paying copyright fees, and they are likely to be sued by those European and American music companies. When the technology is perfected, I can save a few more songs, and after the cost is reduced, it is not too late for me to invest in the production of mp3, which is a transitional product to make a quick buck, a bit like a bp player.”

Zhao Yimeng decisively took out his wallet and asked the clerk to get a new one; pmp300 for himself, and the price was as high as 2,499 Hong Kong dollars.

After she swiped the card to pay, she sighed and said:

"It's really too expensive. At this price, the market shouldn't be very big. It's like the bagasse you've chewed, and it really won't leave me the opportunity to make money. You say it's a transitional product, then the ultimate product What's it like?"

"...Suddenly found that you are stupid enough, of course it is a mobile phone. Didn't you find that mobile phones are more and more functional, and come with screens, speakers, and batteries?"


Despite being called stupid.

But this time, Zhao Yimeng felt that Su Yehao was in control, and that he was indeed in darkness.

When she was studying, this Miss Zhao only cared about hating Su Yehao, who was sticking to her like dog skin plaster.

Check it out today

Zhao Yimeng suddenly understood why girls like Jiang Yu and Nangong Tian liked him.

Aside from the shortcomings such as being cheap and annoying, Su Yehao's confidence and wisdom from the heart is indeed a bit charming, especially when it comes to doing business, it is as natural as eating and drinking.

Before, I always thought that Su Yehao was lucky to have such a big business.

Now she feels that the reason why this guy can succeed is really reasonable, not only has a clear mind, but also has a pair of eyes that clearly see business opportunities.

For example, the cultural and tourism complex project in the casino city, even Zhao Yimeng's parents hesitated again and again and never made up their minds.

However, when it came to Su Yehao, Zhangkou was willing to invest 4 to 5 billion Hong Kong dollars. This courage was absolutely incredible...

Nutrition just can't keep up.

Su Yehao took Zhao Yimeng as a friend to get along, and it felt good to have a meal and take a walk.

Soon after, he received a call from Xiao Nizi.

Nangong Tian was on the other end of the phone, and the fox questioned: "Did you go to dinner with Miss Zhao?"

Su Yehao was stunned on the spot, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he asked her back, "How do you know that eyeliner is all over the casino?"

"Hmph, don't worry about how I know, Ming people don't do secret things, some people seem to be a little dishonest recently, be careful I'll let Jiang Yu beat you."

"...I'll find you later, let's talk about it after we meet." Su Yehao said with a smile.

Hearing that Xiao Nizi was not really probably just made a phone call to show her sense of existence, perhaps because Zhao Yimeng was excellent in all aspects, she has always been regarded as a confidant by her.

On the contrary, Jiang Yu, who was obviously closer to Su Yehao, did not cause much hostility from Xiao Nizi.

After thinking about it, there is no accurate answer, maybe it can only be explained by the inconsistency of the eight characters.

Send Zhao Yimeng back to the Zhao family mansion.

Su Yehao went to pick up Xiao Nizi again and was going to take her to a movie.

After the meeting, he explained that he was just having a meal and chatting with Zhao Yimeng about the business of the two families.

Only later did I learn that it was when I was walking with Zhao Yimeng that Nangong Tian's high school classmates happened to see him.

The casino is too small, it's normal to bump into acquaintances...


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