Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 474: $2 billion

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They will first combine the mainland and the international semiconductor industry environment, and make a more detailed planning plan for the Pengcheng Qianhai plot finalized by Su Yehao.

Su Yehao's tat headquarters building, tot headquarters building, and Yinhai Network Group will all move there, as well as the planned Midi mobile phone production factory, personal computer production factory, and the most important wafer foundry.

With two billion US dollars of start-up capital as support, it will definitely be able to prop up the market, at least not to be embarrassed.

Although they haven't talked about it yet, they all think that the possibility of success is relatively high.

If it is really supported by the above, there may be an opportunity to lead the way to create a semiconductor industrial park with industrial agglomeration.

According to Su Yehao's vision.

In the future, it is best to integrate office, business and residence, which is equivalent to a super incubator.

While enjoying the appreciation of real estate, in addition to facilitating the discovery of potential stocks, it is also possible to concentrate limited resources on major tasks, and strive to open up the upstream and downstream industry chains of some semiconductor products, so as not to believe too much in the so-called "global division of labor and cooperation system", which will be used again in the future. people stuck their necks...

After talking at the hotel.

Su Yehao and Xiao Nizi continued to sit, and each ordered a set of hot dogs and fries.

Sending off Bruce and his party, Nangong Tian exclaimed:

"It's a full two billion dollars, isn't it equivalent to your father's three cultural tourism cities, or the developed ones? By the way... Brother Hao, can you really spend so much money? Why does it sound like a painting? Pie."

"Nonsense, why do I have no money?"

Basking in the sun, Su Yehao looked calm and added with a smile:

"Wait until the second half of the year, Yahoo stocks should be cashed out one after another, won't they have money by then?"

"I plan to invest 2 billion US dollars in five years, and I don't need to take it out all at once. There will be quite a lot of money-making projects in the future. If you don't have money, you can always close the hole. Yanwen Group is about to go public. Time won't **** my blood again."

"Moreover, apart from the production of computers and mobile phones, the cost is small and the effect is quick, and you can see the money back when you start production. As for the construction of the land and the construction of the house, you should be able to pay in installments, and the bank will be willing to pay me. Funding……"

Nangong Tian is usually just lazy, but her mind is actually quite smart.

At this moment she deflated:

"Unfortunately, I can't help you. With the money I have now, I have to invest seven or eight million dollars in the Maldives. It is very expensive to renovate and develop the island. All materials need to be shipped by sea, and they can almost catch up with the money to buy the island. already."

Four islands need to be renovated, and one deserted island needs to be built from scratch.

Su Yehao waited for her to finish, and smiled happily: "I don't need you to worry about it here. In fact, as long as I want, I can make money safely and steadily. I just don't think it's difficult, just add a little challenge to myself. Say, it will definitely not be a loss anyway, you put your heart back in your belly, I know it myself."

The little girl nodded immediately and said:

"Of course, the outside world now calls you Crown Prince Hao, which is a compliment to you. It is estimated that a bunch of eldest young ladies from rich families are eager to propose pillow seats. I'm not worried about it being so powerful."

He said he was not worried, but Su Yehao heard something in his words.

He could not laugh or cry, and asked:

"Why do I feel that you are alluding to Zhao Yimeng? It's just a meal with her, there's no need to remember it until now, the two families have some business dealings, and they will inevitably see her, or I'll take you with me at the next meal. "

"...I know, besides her, there are many other eldest ladies?"


Su Yehao then comforted him and said:

"Don't worry, when two people are together, liking each other is the most important thing. Even if Bill Gates wants to marry my daughter, I will not agree to marry. This kind of thing is still better, and it's not that I can't earn it myself. "

Xiao Nizi always felt that her man was too good, so she naturally felt a sense of crisis.

Girl, it is inevitable that you are often emotional.

Recently, big projects have come one after another. Some were chosen by Su Yehao himself, while others were found by others.

With the increase of wealth, I have been exposed to higher fields, such as Vice President Zheng Yongwen's plan to participate in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and Academician Ni Danan's job-hopping. If he hadn't felt that Su Yehao had the strength, chances would not have fallen to him. superior.

With the emergence of the City of Thousand Cores plan.

The direction of Su Yehao's development for a long time to come is already obvious.

Covering semiconductor, Internet, venture capital and private equity investment, etc., plus some real estate, although scattered, mainly in high-tech industries.

With his worth, it is enough to leverage a huge business of tens of billions of dollars.

After all, almost no one will invest with their own funds. Whether it is from bank loans or external financing, as long as the development direction is right, there is a chance to raise a large amount of money.

Su Yehao had nothing to worry about, but now he started to worry about Xiao Nizi.

When the fries were delivered first, he asked while eating: "Jiang Yu seems to be going to study abroad, but I don't think it is necessary. What are you going to do next? If you want to have a child and be a housewife at home, you should follow my advice and try. Doing business?"

" you want a baby?"

Nangong Tian was a little dumbfounded for a while, and hurriedly lowered her voice and asked in a low voice, "Do you think it's too early? I heard that after having a child, I have a headache. I don't have a private life, so I can only revolve around the child..."

I didn't say no, I just felt it was too early.

Su Yehao said to her: "I don't mean to urge you, don't think too much, just ask casually. Next, I may be busy, and I often travel to other places on business, I'm afraid you will be too bored, otherwise... you go to set up How about a film and television company? In the future, it can also develop into the Internet, invest more in good TV series, and watch it when you have time.”

In order to promote tat before, the company invested in a movie, the cost was really high, and finally the cost was barely recovered.

Mainly because of inexperience, spending too much money on publicity, and spending money to find a large number of celebrities to make cameo appearances, each of which is hundreds of thousands.

I didn't think about how to make a profit from the beginning, of course, it was a little bit meaningless.

However, in terms of the advertising effect, it is still quite good. It can be regarded as adding some "context" to tat, which affects many young people.

"A film and television company, but I heard that the market is not very good Many TV dramas and movies have lost everything." Xiao Nizi said.

Su Yehao shook his head and told:

"It's only temporary. Mainland residents start to have money, and they will soon pursue spiritual and cultural enjoyment. It shouldn't be a problem if I help you to make some pocket money. Cultivate some stars and find a bunch of handsome guys and pretty girls. Jumping and jumping, swearing on the Internet all day long, you can earn a lot of money just from endorsements, and you can also promote my company. At that time, you will be the eldest sister in the film and television circle, don’t you feel good?”

"It seems... pretty cool, but are you sure you have talent for this? The last movie didn't make any money."

"Advertising a custom movie, if you don't lose money, you'll make money. I'm sure you're right. You've been looking for the script recently. If it really doesn't work, I'll think about the plot for you."

"As long as you are not afraid of losing, Brother Hao, then I will be fine. It's really hard to be idle. You can't play mahjong like my mother all day long..."



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