Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 478: Christie's auction

The latest website: chat with John Chow and Roger until more than nine o'clock.

Usually, Su Yehao thought about it at home, but after all, it is better to combine the actual situation with reality.

This meal is a bit expensive, and it is considered that the development strategy of the Yanwen Group for a long period of time has been preliminarily finalized.

Even without looking at the McKinsey & Company report.

Su Yehao also knows that the strategy of concentrating on building a platform and providing value-added services for third-party companies is indeed suitable for the situation of Yanwen Group.

Once it is done, with the huge user groups of icq and tvt, Internet companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, Yahoo, or real Hollywood entertainment companies, Coca-Cola, KFC, etc. will have the opportunity to become the company's customers.

However, if you try to create your own Internet ecological chain through the emoji group, it will inevitably involve innumerable contradictions, which will affect its development, which seems to be a bit of a loss.

After all, as long as the advertising business is done well, the market is still quite large, and the global advertising market is calculated in hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

According to the development speed of icq and tvt, it is not difficult to grab a big cake from them.

As for other businesses like Google, they can grow independently.

In China, another set of models can be used...

On the way back to Atherton.

Su Yehao was sitting in a bulletproof version of the Cadillac. This car was similar to the big butler's configuration.

The space in the back row is quite spacious. With Erlang's legs crossed, he said to Yin Liuli at this moment, "I didn't expect to chat in the tavern until now, are you bored?"

"No, there are always people singing on the stage, and it feels almost like listening to a concert."

Yin Liuli smiled and then said, "Although my English is not good, you should be talking about very important things. I rarely see you frowning and thinking about things like just now."

Su Yehao smiled and said, "Yes, I figured out a very important thing, maybe it's worthless, maybe it's worth hundreds of private jets."

"...that's really important."

After Yin Liuli sighed, she did not continue to ask, but sighed and said:

"I feel like I'm useless. After studying for so long, I can't even speak Cantonese, and I have no talent for English. When I was in school, my English grades were not good. I knew that I should put more effort into it. When you open your eyes blind."

"Logically speaking, if you had studied English well, you might not have known me. Butterfly effect knows."

"That's right, but I still think I should study it again."

As soon as Yin Liuli finished speaking, Su Yehao shook his head and said:

"Isn't it necessary? You yourself said that you have no talent. You can find an interpreter when you need it. Although you can't speak English, your Mandarin is very good... What are you doing, Jiangzi, I won't allow you to be unhappy."

After listening to him learn the accent on the island, Yin Liuli was successfully amused. She also smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I usually don't talk to Jiangzi, you are a locomotive."

Su Yehao took her hand and told:

"Right, you may think that you can speak English very well, but there are also many Hong Kong people who like your soft accent, such as me. Gang city girls are carefree, and normal chatting will seem like quarrels, but you really should Learn more Cantonese, otherwise life will be inconvenient."

Yin Liuli has settled in the casino city. Before, due to the language barrier, she could not even make friends.

After studying for a period of time, the situation has improved a lot, and normal daily communication is no problem.

After returning home.

Yin Liuli decided to put aside her work in Xiaolou and handle some charitable work for Su Yehao's family charitable trust fund.

But Su Yehao didn't care about this matter, he dragged her upstairs.

Jet lag, no drowsiness, suitable for doing some physical and mental activities to help sleep.

Just got to the stairs.

Life secretary Linda Yun, holding a thick stack of letters, stopped Su Yehao and said:

"I was not in Silicon Valley before, and many letters were not forwarded in time, and many invitations were expired. Most of the people who will send letters here are not people you know very well, but here is a spring auction of Christie's auction house, March 1 No, it's in San Francisco."

Su Yehao replied, "Is there such a rare collection? If you have nothing to do, just go and have a look."

Linda Yun said:

"Well, you bring the auction album upstairs. If you go to participate, I will call the auction house..."


Finished taking a bath.

Yin Liuli is using her laptop to check the gossip in the forum.

The TV is full of English programs, so I can't fall asleep, looking for something to kill time.

Su Yehao was finally free, and casually flipped through Christie's Spring Auctions this year. Perhaps because there are many Chinese in California and rich Japanese people who like Chinese cultural relics, there are more calligraphy and paintings on porcelain this time.

Among them, the treasure of the finale is a large bottle of Qianlong Doucai, which is specially marked in traditional Chinese with "Qing Qianlong Doucai Wanfu Celebration Double Chi Dragon Ear Vase", the starting price is 600,000 US dollars, and the estimated value is 1.5 million US dollars.

Even if he sees more old treasures, this bottle can make Su Yehao feel "good-looking", and he can see the right eye at a glance.

This large bottle of Qianlong Doucai is regarded as the final product among Chinese cultural relics.

Today, the international art market is still dominated by Western oil paintings. Among the works in this auction is Van Gogh's "Under a Stormy Sky", the starting price of which is as high as 20 million US dollars.

Judging from the previous data in the atlas.

In 1987, Van Gogh's Fifteen Sunflowers in a Vase sold for $39.7 million.

In 1988, "Luan Tail Flower" sold for $53.9 million.

In 1990, "Portrait of Doctor Gachet" sold for $82.5 million.

Just last year, "Self-Portrait without a Beard" sold for $71.5 million. Su Yehao remembered this painting. At that time, he read the news in the newspaper and secretly sighed that there are so many rich people.

Whenever Van Gogh's oil paintings appear on the auction floor, it always attracts many rich people to scramble for it. Except for some classic paintings that have been included in museums, Van Gogh's name is synonymous with appreciation and preservation of value. Treat it as a financial product.

This is the first time Su Yehao has heard about the upcoming "Under the Stormy Sky".

The picture looks It is neither as famous as "Sunflower" nor as impactful as "Starry Night".

Even so, I expected to stare at the words of Van Gogh, and it should be easy to shoot for 40 to 50 million US dollars. The recent economic situation is relatively good.

Christie's auction will arrange the spring auction in San Francisco, rather than in New York as last year, it is estimated that there are considerations to attract Silicon Valley bigwigs.

Su Yehao stared at this Van Gogh oil painting and looked at it again and again, and didn't think he liked it very much. Besides, he didn't have much cash on hand for the time being, so he wasn't ready to take action.

If it were replaced with "Starry Night", or "Sunflower", "Blooming Apricot Blossom", etc., even if the price was 100 million US dollars, he would be willing to spend the money.

On the other hand, he was ready to take the Qianlong Dou Cai vase in one fell swoop.

In terms of appreciation space alone, this bottle is bigger than Van Gogh's oil painting...


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