Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 486: most powerful woman in manhattan

Yin Liuli is a little better.

Even if she knew in her heart that she would rather be a little wronged, she would never make it difficult for Su Yehao.

This oil painting is not the point, the point is Jiang Yu painted on the oil painting. Yin Liuli teased a few words and then played it lightly, skipping the topic, and discussing where to eat tonight.

in addition.

She also asked about Miss Vera Andrade.

Su Yehao briefly introduced a few words, only to realize that he didn't know much, except that he pursued her in his early years, and that he was very good at drawing and so on.

Miss Vera's ancestors were Portuguese nobles, and later declined a bit.

The line of her family moved to Las Vegas to develop, mainly engaged in art and jewelry retail, as well as wine business.

Before the opening of a small building near Dasamba Commercial Street, the way to buy drinks from Vera's house was still from Xiaonizi's Liren Huangting Club. Since leaving Donghuang Rose Middle School, Su Yehao has only heard a few things about Victorian. pull message.

After more than a year, today is the first time I see her...


Walk around and take a look at Wall Street.

Su Yehao touched the head of a big Taurus, and he was a little bit jubilant. He was so arrogant. He hoped that if he continued his efforts this year, he might have the opportunity to enter the threshold of the "Ten Billion Dollar Club" and pass the addiction of becoming a billionaire.

The wealth accumulated to him, and the speed of making money is getting faster and faster. As long as the increase in Yanwen Group after its listing is large enough, it is possible to become a billionaire this year.

It's just that paper wealth is easy to come by now, and money disappears faster after the stock market crash.

It is just a numbers game, and it is true that you are safe.

Fortunately, as long as the company works steadily and earnestly manages the company well, in a few years, the bubbles that have disappeared can be re-earned.

In early March of 1999.

The Fed's interest rate hike has hit a new round of the information industry revolution, and the entire Wall Street is thriving. Financial men in suits and ties are walking on the street, that's called a head held high.

The average salary here is similar to that of Silicon Valley, but the number of middle- and high-income earners is far more than in Silicon Valley.

Being an executive in Silicon Valley with an annual salary of millions is almost as hard as the sky. However, in this Wall Street, it is very likely that a certain trader is lucky enough to hit a small wave and can get millions of calculations. bonus.

Leaving it in the previous life, it was enough to make Su Yehao envious, only to look up.

But now, the income of millions of dollars...that's all, just change to a stainless steel balloon dog sculpture and put it at home.

With confidence, the perspective of looking at the problem is completely different.

Walking on the street, Su Yehao was very calm when he saw the company names related to the huge amount of money, and even a little despised these capital businessmen who were speculating and hurting others.

Looking at the current economic situation in Southeast Asia, it is in a depression, and the opportunity for a soft landing was directly smashed by a group of hot money, and countless ordinary people suffered as a result.

Countless companies on this street are constantly expanding their ambitions and greed, harvesting global wealth through financial means. Their existence does more harm than good, like leeches attached to the main artery of the global economy, which in turn triggers a series of wars and financial crises. , food crisis, etc., but it does not help the lives of the vast majority of people.

After all, there are some differences between businessmen and entrepreneurs, and Su Yehao only hopes to be the latter.

Doing business so far.

The only project he used to trick people was the listing of Yanwen Group. However, as long as investors don't be impulsive and believe in his ability, within three or five years, the stock price of Yanwen Group should be able to skyrocket.

The company is indeed a good company, but it is only dragged down by the general environment, and it is not all for harming people...


Same as traveling.

I left Wall Street by car, went for a walk on Fifth Avenue, and bought some clothes with Yin Liuli.

Dior's shopping guide lady has wicked eyes, and at a glance, she can see that Yin Liuli's watch is unusual, she compliments her, and inquires about the news.

Linda Yun, who was shopping with them, said the price lightly, making the shopping guides envious.

Su Yehao couldn't help laughing and laughing at this. He owns several million-dollar watches. Last autumn, there was a Patek Philippe pocket watch king, which is the 150th anniversary edition oversized pocket watch codenamed cal.89. It sold 410 One hundred thousand dollars.

He also has one of these things, which is heavy in his hand, weighing more than one kilogram, and is only suitable for decoration at home.

It was early 6 p.m. local time in New York.

Seeing that Linda Yun has been conscientious and ran around with her recently, Su Yehao gave her a Kelly bag in Hermes crocodile skin as a gift, which made Linda Yun happy, and Yin Liuli also bought a new bag .

This time I came to New York, and I was accompanied by two bodyguards from the casino. I also bought two kinds of bags and asked them to take them home for their daughter-in-law or girlfriend. It was considered as an overtime allowance, and being a bodyguard is also very hard. , Maybe all day long, but he has to be by his side all the time.

Temporary Silicon Valley bodyguards, of course, do not have this treatment.

An ordinary Hermès handbag costs one or two thousand dollars, which is also quite expensive. Su Yehao still remembers the fact that someone snorted on the plane, and he has already paid overtime.

Su Yehao didn't lack anything, so he didn't buy anything himself.

Offer to call Miss Vera and ask her to meet later at a French restaurant on Fifth Avenue called jeangees.

hang up the phone.

After asking the Hermès shopping guide, I walked to the jeangees restaurant.

Su Yehao was skeptical and asked Linda Yun, "Is this French restaurant you recommended reliable? If it doesn't taste good then, be careful that I ate your new crocodile skin bag and cut it into strips and eat it face to face."

Linda Yun was in a good mood at the moment, and told him readily:

"Don't worry, if it doesn't taste good, I'll do it for you. Last year, HBO in the United States released a TV series called "Sex and the City". I remember that in one episode, the heroine called the most powerful woman in Manhattan. , is the receptionist at the door of the jeangees restaurant who decided not to give you a seat. She also said that to prove the identity of a man in New York, it is to see him in jeangees, and do not need an appointment. "

"... so arrogant?"

Su Yehao was a little flustered, and said suspiciously, "My reputation in New York shouldn't be that big, right? If we were stopped outside and couldn't eat, wouldn't we be hitting me in the face?"

This sentence inexplicably touched Yin Liuli's laughter. She laughed and said, "I really want to see how this most powerful woman keeps you out."

Linda Yun as Life Secretary.

But for a long time, it was more like a friend who came to Su Yehao to help, not so much restrained by the rules.

She also smiled and said, "Don't worry, I promise to help you arrange it properly. You seem to have underestimated your influence. It's just a restaurant. It's okay to let the receptionist feed you to eat by himself."

Come to the restaurant.

It was only after six o'clock, and there was already a long queue at the entrance of the jeangees restaurant, which seemed to be very strict. Most of the female guests wore evening dresses, so they were not afraid of being frozen.

Linda Yun took the lead and walked directly inside.

The "most powerful woman in all of Manhattan", of course, stopped her and asked with a frown, "Is there an appointment?"

I saw Linda Yunhu pretending to be a tiger, pointing at Su Yehao, and frowned: "How dare you stop my boss? Su Yehao, one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley in the past two years, icq and tvt are his, Yahoo's largest individual shareholder One, worth five or six billion US dollars, the top fifty of the Forbes rich list!"

Su Yehao: "..."

Yin Liuli: "..."

While the restaurant receptionist was staring at Su Yehao, Linda Yun continued:

"My boss is in a bad mood today. Talk about losing an order worth more than one billion dollars. Be careful that you make him angry. When the time comes, you will buy your restaurant. Everyone will get a raise, but you will be fired."

Compared to the receptionist, Linda Yun seems to be a little more powerful.

I saw the female receptionist calmly greeted the assistant next to her, brought her laptop, opened Yahoo, and said, "You are here to enter your name, I don't understand Chinese."

If you lose, you lose, what are you afraid of?

After using the Yahoo search engine, the network speed is relatively fast.

Soon, a long list of news related to Su Yehao appeared on the screen. The latest one was that he attended an auction in San Francisco last night, and a reporter photographed him with Yang Zhiyuan.

The receptionist changed his face instantly after reading it, and his smile was so bright that he asked people to arrange the best position.

Wait for them to come in.

The other guests queuing at the door immediately complained.

Someone asked: "Didn't you say there is no place?!"

The receptionist snorted and replied stubbornly: "Do you also have a company with a valuation of four billion US dollars, waiting to be listed on the Nasdaq? Or is it a major shareholder of Yahoo, worth billions of dollars?"

As soon as these words came out, the others immediately lost their temper.

It's really a cow, I can't afford it...

Miss Vera Andrade, she never pays attention to clothes. She looks so good, even simple outfits are very moving.

For dinner tonight, she specially changed into clean clothes. She came to New York to create murals for the church, and did not bring evening gowns.

When she appeared at the door of the jeangees restaurant, compared to the many girls lining up at the door, her dress was only ordinary.

some time ago.

Someone once asked her to have It is said that it took a lot of connections to decide on the location of this jeangees French restaurant.

Although Vera did not agree to the invitation of the other party, she remembered the name of the restaurant.

Her family's conditions were not bad, and she had heard about Su Yehao's situation for a long time. It was just a meal, so it was no surprise that she would arrange it here. She called Su Yehao and learned that they had already entered and taken a seat, so they also went inside.

The other guests continued to pay attention, only to see Miss Vera reporting her name and being led into the restaurant by the receptionist herself.

for this kind of thing.

Don't be afraid to queue up honestly, but be afraid that someone will cut the line.

There were people scolding and scolding on the spot, shouting and beating them to death while walking, etc. The main reason was that their self-esteem couldn’t stand the damage. Usually, they were not as good as others.


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