Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 498: Brother Hao, you point to the east

The news of the purchase of Van Gogh's oil paintings was not hidden, and it was on the news that day.

As the news fermented, even in Southeast Asia, the mainland, Japan and South Korea, the news of Su Yehao's purchase of paintings was exaggerated.

In an instant, the fame of the painting "Under the Stormy Sky" was boosted by several levels.

There are at least hundreds of millions of people, so knowing this work of Van Gogh, from a certain point of view, has been regarded as an appreciation.

The reason why a batch of oil paintings represented by "Mona Lisa" and "Sunflower" is valuable is not only because of their artistry, but also because of their high popularity, which is often linked to market value.

Compared with buying the paintings themselves, people paid more attention to Su Yehao himself. Everyone was amazed at how wealthy he was at a young age. Because of scandals, he once again sent Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu to the newspaper, even Linda Yun. was also accidentally injured.

Fame gradually grew.

There is no way to go often in public, and it is easy to be stared at by the paparazzi wherever you go.

So, Buck Tooth Jun and He Shaofan, they called and shouted that buying a painting was such a big thing, we must celebrate, Su Yehao bought fresh ingredients again and barbecued at home in the open air.

Mainly based on beef, the authentic Kobe Wagyu beef is different from the OEM goods that were pulled from Australia to Japan to raise for a period of time. In addition, it is accompanied by some seafood such as oysters and abalone.

In addition to Buck Yajun, He Shaofan, and Zhugan, the three bad friends, Jiang Yu also called a few classmates from the University of Hong Kong, and Zhao Yimeng also came over to appreciate Van Gogh's paintings...

At this moment.

A few alpacas, which were cleaned and fluffy all over their hair, carefully moved to the vicinity of the barbecue.

The charcoal fire scorched the meat on the rack, the smoke was blown away by the wind, and the aroma was overflowing.

Not far away, Buck Tooth Jun and the three of them were pestering the girls called by Jiang Yu.

The friends Jiang Yu called are all members of the Dance Club of Hong Kong University.

Although they came to Su Yehao's mansion, they seemed a little cautious, but this jerky state made He Shaofan and the three of them scream with excitement, and immediately played a friendship card with Jiang Yu, hoping she could help introduce them.

Of course, Jiang Yu would not agree to such a request.

If you introduce a friend to the three of them, if you introduce one, you will lose one friend. If it is an enemy, you can push them into the fire pit.

The weather is a little cold.

Zhao Yimeng was wearing a thin gray sweater. She had a very good relationship with Jiang Yu. She felt that today was like an old school reunion, and she was so happy that she drank a few more cocktails.

Walking to Su Yehao's side, Miss Zhao held a wine glass and asked with a smile, "What are you doing recently? I chatted with Vera the day before yesterday, and she told me that I actually met you in New York."

"Yeah, she painted an oil painting of Jiang Yu, and I happened to meet her. Then she bought the painting and brought it back to Jiang Yu."

Su Yehao was wearing an apron as a chef, and continued to say to Zhao Yimeng: "If you want to ask me what I've been busy with recently, there are so many things to do. There are new projects everywhere, and my head is a few times bigger. Last time you mentioned Taipa Island. Take the land, how are you busy?"

"It's alright, my parents said that after the end of the year-end celebration, it might be more convenient to get the land. Now those white people don't work, and they have no idea of ​​serious business."

Zhao Yimeng took a sip of wine and said, "I haven't seen Vera for a long time. Is she okay over there?"

"Having a meal with her, she looks pretty good, but she is still so pretty. This girl is an artist, and her ideas are different from ordinary people. She was in New York, and she followed her mentor to create murals for a church, but unfortunately forgot to ask her where she was from. It's a church, or if she's famous someday, she'll be able to shovel the walls and steal her paintings."

Su Yehao joked.

Miss Vera is beautiful, and the Miss Zhao in front of her is not bad either.

I used to have a little idea, but recently, several girls took turns to rectify it to be obedient, and I really couldn't care less.

For example, Nong Qingying, who returned to Hong Kong City from Silicon Valley this time, couldn't even go to Tokyo to visit the little tiger because he took Yin Liuli with him.

Zhao Yimeng smiled and said, "It's really just eating? Vera is too innocent and has no heart. Don't bully her."

"I said, who am I bullying?"

Su Yehao put a piece of steak on a plate, sprinkled it with black pepper and salt, and handed it to Zhao Yimeng.

Glancing at Jiang Yu, who was chatting with a friend, Zhao Yimeng said, "You know who you are bullying. Some people have recently been hooked away like their souls. Telling her to go shopping with me is obviously a problem."

"...It's almost the 21st century, everyone loves freely, what do you worry about?"


Buck Tooth Jun came to get the meat with an empty plate, put his arms around Su Yehao's shoulders enthusiastically, pointed to Zhao Yimeng, and exaggeratedly said:

"Wow, you guys are going to die, but you actually flirted in front of Nangong Tian, ​​and left us to whisper here. I don't care, since I found out about this matter, I don't have a 108,000 hush money. Done."

Zhao Yimeng sneered and told:

"What flirting, you can't keep your mouth shut by eating Kobe beef? I recently planned to ask my mother to hire bodyguards from your security company. Do you want me to change my mind?"

"Don't! Don't! Everyone is alumni. It's normal to chat. You're absolutely fine."

Buck Tooth Jun looked at Su Yehao, his eyes were almost like those of the God of Wealth, and he said happily:

"Thank you to my brother Hao. Since he was almost kidnapped last time, the business of my security company has been very good, and the manpower has never been enough, and I even went to the mainland to hire ex-military personnel. Taking a commission from each employee is simply It’s more profitable than collecting rent, but it’s a pity that such a good business was handed over to my second sister by my dad, and now I’m still tight, and it’s far worse than the two of you.”

Zhao Yimeng jokingly said:

"Compared to Ah Hao, don't you mean Shou Xing Gong hanged himself and asked for trouble? Now who doesn't know that among the younger generation in Gangcheng, he is the richest, even Second Young Master Li, who is one year older than us. Can't compare."

Su Yehao did not comment on this. The Li family made a lot of windfalls from the opportunity of retreating from the British capital in the past few years, and they were not hurt in the financial crisis.

According to what he has learned, apart from Changshi and He Kee Huangpu, the Li family has also made a lot of money through investment, and their actual assets are much more than they appear on the surface.

Even if he chased after the Internet bubble for two years, he is still a little behind the Li The gap is estimated to be as large as several billion US dollars. It is worthy of being called the number one wealthy family in Hong Kong. However, when it comes to the second son of Li, Su Yehao is already confident about breaking his wrists, but the two sides have no grievances and no grudges and have never had a chance to contact them.

Looking at Buck Tooth Jun, Su Yehao said to him:

"I've been busy fooling around all day, other than playing or playing. If I were your father, I wouldn't dare to leave the business to you. I have been in business for two years, and you have been busy playing for two years, so hurry up and take care of yourself. I have the opportunity to bring you some small fortune."

Everyone is friends, and it seems that they are on an equal footing, but in fact the gap has long been widened.

Buck Yajun didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Su Yehao's words, but his eyes lit up and he asked:

"Can you really make me rich? Okay, I'll stop drinking tomorrow, and don't revolve around girls again. Brother Hao, if you point to the east, I will never go west..."


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