Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 505: happy event

Chat and drink.

When Buck Tooth Jun and Zhu Gan arrived, they each brought a female companion.

Bamboo pole was in love with a little model. After seeing Su Yehao, the girl was so excited that she chatted.

Su Yehao was too lazy to be too serious. After all, with the temperament of a bamboo pole, he and He Shaofan had the same virtue, and rarely talked about love for more than two months. It was nothing more than buying gifts and receiving gifts. I would like to play with you.

Often, the girlfriend has become an ex-girlfriend before they are familiar with it, and there is no need to remember the name at all.

As for Buck Tooth Jun.

The female companion is said to have been introduced by his family. His name is Song Anmin, and he looks quite quiet.

The appearance is only above average, and the stature is a little short, but he looks good in character.

after seeing them.

Nangong Tian smiled and said:

"Wow, did you make a mistake and fall in love quietly? Buck-toothed Jun, who is this young lady? She looks familiar."

"Of course, everyone is familiar. Everyone is alumni. She also studied at Donghuang Rose High School. Later, she accompanied her mother to Singapore. Recently, she returned to Hong Kong City to study at the University of Science and Technology, and her grades were very good!"

Buck Tooth Jun finished.

Bamboo pole immediately exposed the old bottom and joked:

"Not only is her grades good, but she is also very rich. An Min has more than ten shops in the casino to collect rent, as well as restaurants and hotels. Back then, her grandfather and her father were all highly valued by the old gambling king, but unfortunately she was unlucky. Well, I was framed."

Bamboo pole lives with Buck Tooth Jun and learns a little more about these situations.

This Song Anmin's family is somewhat similar to Buckya Jun's family, and the two families have had friendship before.

"What do you mean by being framed?" Jiang Yu asked curiously.

Buck Yajun helped explain: "In the past, Song Bo's family treated me very well. A few years ago, they came to Hong Kong City to seek revenge. I didn't expect that they would be caught in the end, and they were all imprisoned for life..."

Before the words were finished, Song Anmin couldn't hang on his face, pinched Buck Tooth Jun's waist, and motioned him to shut up as soon as possible.

It's not a good thing after all, it's better not to mention it or not to mention it.

What's more, how could she have never heard of Su Yehao's identity, worried that she would be looked down upon as soon as she met.

Buck Tooth Jun's personality is carefree, he was stunned for a moment, and smiled: "It's okay, everyone is old friends who have been playing for many years, my dad wants us to get engaged as soon as possible, some things are better to talk about in advance, anyway, it's not the family's fault. , it has nothing to do with you."


Su Yehao smiled. He really didn't care much about Song Anmin's background. He asked, "Last time I had barbecue at my house, I didn't hear you mentioning that you want to get engaged. Is it so powerful? Could it have caused people's lives?"

Literally, it means unintended pregnancy.

"There's no such thing, Brother Hao, I think, but unfortunately some people don't agree, it's really just a pure love affair."

Buck-toothed Jun smiled.

Since the accident happened to this girl's family, the whole "business" has been torn apart. Buck Tooth Jun's father, thinking about the love that he had died, took his parents' orders and tried to get Buck Tooth Jun to get engaged to her. My friend's daughter, it's better than those beautiful vases outside.

However, Buck Tooth Jun and Song Anmin, who had known each other for a long time, were a little interesting, so they pushed the boat and decided to agree.

Drinking with friends.

He Shaofan had already drank too much, and it was rare to drink frozen lemon tea, substituting tea for wine.

At this moment, He Shaofan said with emotion:

"I thought Brother Hao would be the first to get married, but I didn't expect it to be Buck Tooth Jun. It's really impermanent. Apart from this good news, I have other things to announce. Brother Hao promised me just now that he would take me to do business together. I'm worried that I'll forget everything when I wake up, everyone remember to testify to me!"

"Damn it, such a big surprise? Why don't you take me with you? Hang out with Brother Hao, you have to invest in smashing pots and selling iron. Although you don't know what business it is, you must count me a share!" Bamboo pole immediately raised his hand.

Buck Tooth Jun also hurriedly told:

"And me, the travel company has made so much money. I'll tell my dad later that even if I organize my brothers to sell blood, I still need to raise the investment capital..."

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Even Bamboo Pole's model girl seemed to be very powerful, even if she didn't know what business it was.

Look at Su Yehao, now he is nicknamed "Prince Hao" by outsiders. According to the words in the newspapers, it is generally said that he makes more money than a money printing machine. He has accumulated a net worth of billions of dollars in two years. His parents are well-known and rich, and countless people are envious and jealous.

Su Yehao smiled and waved his hand: "It's not that exaggerated, but the investment amount is indeed relatively high. You can be a small shareholder. Although you can't guarantee to earn a lot, you will definitely earn some, so it is suitable for long-term investment."

"I like long-term investment the most, which is more secure, but what exactly do you want to do, Brother Hao?" Zhugan asked.

His family's accounting firm has been doing very well in the past two years. He even opened a branch in Hong Kong City.

Seeing that everyone present was staring at him, Su Yehao explained:

"Since last year, many mainland real estate companies have come to Hong Kong City to find me to raise funds. We can finance these real estate companies, or we can get a good piece of land in places such as Pengcheng, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Sijiucheng for ourselves. Develop high-end housing. Although it is very safe to invest in high-end housing, it is very time-consuming to develop it yourself. There is no need to make such a toss with your little money. I feel it is more appropriate to invest in a ready-made real estate company.”

If it is to cooperate with He Shaofan, this guy has a solid family foundation.

Su Yehao could bring him along to go to the edge of Pengcheng Bay and the area along the river in Lujiazui, take a few pieces of land and wait for the appreciation, and develop it into a high-end apartment in the future, and enjoy the appreciation dividend while collecting rent.

However, with Buck Tooth Jun and Bamboo Pole, this kind of long-term investment that makes slow money seems too safe, and the rate of return is not high enough.

It has become quite common this year for so-called mainland real estate companies to come to Hong Kong City to find funds.

Bank lending is not yet so loose, and the exploration of real estate marketization is still in its infancy. Faced with an almost blank new market, mainland developers are desperately short of funds to expand their scale.

Su Yehao and his father are so famous. The two cultural tourism cities in Pengcheng and Guangzhou are like two dazzling business cards. Of course, there are many real estate developers who find him for help.

I have been busy making quick money in Nasdaq financial management before, and now I can plan in advance how to go next. The reason why I have been preparing for several major projects this year is to pave the way in advance, and only wait for the cash to enter the market.

The idea of ​​directly investing in real estate has been stuck in Su Yehao's head for more than a year. For a while, he even planned to buy A-share stocks of Vanke, but he thought it was risky and gave up temporarily.

And this time, through private equity investment, we can once again borrow funds from the bank to help our old friends.


Just a few days ago, Biguiyuan Real Estate Group took the initiative to contact Su Yehao, hoping to raise a sum of money.


The crowd is lively and it is easy to drink too much.

That night.

Su Yehao took Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu to the Garden Hotel in Central to rest.

Taking advantage of alcohol, he continued to go crazy until midnight, and was slept with him...


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