Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 509: Pry the corner and do the best of benevolence and righteousness

When getting on the plane.

Linda Yun quietly reported the inquired news and said to Su Yehao:

"I asked, and they said that Huashuo is not among the potential acquisition targets, but they plan to discuss the purchase of computer motherboards with them. This company is developing into the notebook computer industry. Two years ago, it launched a new Thick and heavy laptops, very few sales. But it is said that the quality is relatively good, and they have been on the Mir space station, and they have started to make profits in the first year of entering the laptop market..."

The company Huashuo was listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange as early as 1996, and a lot of information is open and transparent.

With Su Yehao's strength, it was not easy to find out the news.

Since the end of 1996, after several years of accumulation, the motherboard OEM orders from international first-tier manufacturers have been concentrated in the hands of Huashuo.

In a short period of time, the company has grown like a wild horse, selling products all over the world, and quickly becoming one of the largest motherboard manufacturers in the world.

have to say.

The island's plan to develop the semiconductor industry in the early years was considered to be ahead, and a relatively complete industrial chain was gradually formed. Relying on foundry to seize market share, the limelight even gradually overshadowed Japan.

Su Yehao's "City of Thousands of Cores" plan is meant to imitate the semiconductor industry model on the island, but with the addition of the Internet, the mainland market is also larger.

Unfortunately, it is already 1999.

A group of semiconductor companies that have developed around the personal computer industry have divided up the market share. Su Yehao started a little slow here and has missed the best period of development. If he wants to overtake a corner, he will take a lot of wrong roads, and the competitiveness is not small. .

Fortunately, there are still many opportunities to reshuffle the cards in the future.

The market demand for semiconductors will change, as will the level of technological development.

For example, the market share of microchips used in mobile terminals will certainly exceed that of today's personal computer chips, so if you seize the opportunity, there may not be a possibility of a comeback.

After listening to Linda Yun's report, Su Yehao touched his chin and said:

"The news that I want to enter the field of computer manufacturing has already been released, and it is not surprising that it is known. It seems that Marjorie is trying to win a motherboard order from me? It seems that she should be a senior It's not too strange for a professional manager to get a large order, one has a commission, and the other can be promoted."

In his opinion, there is no such coincidence in the world, and many coincidences can be created artificially.

In fact.

Huashuo's Greater China Marketing Director, Marjorie, did accidentally bump into Su Yehao at the airport before, and then she had the "missed flight" scene.

She gave the airport manager a tip of HK$5,000 and asked him to ask if he could take a free flight. After the event was completed, there would be a bonus of HK$10,000. For a mere 15,000 Hong Kong dollars, you can get a chance to get close contact with Su Yehao. In Marjorie's opinion, it is simply too cost-effective.

The marketing department used to rely on news to win over major customers to make a living. Su Yehao "poached" the chief engineer from Liangxiang Group, and the news that he was looking for parts suppliers has long spread in the circle.

Although Su Yehao had no experience in the field of personal computer manufacturing before, a smart person like Marjorie would never underestimate a super rich man worth billions of dollars.

For the so-called super-rich, personal financial resources are only a concrete manifestation of part of their strength, and their influence is also a key point that cannot be ignored.

If it was someone else who said that she wanted to compete with the increasingly popular Liangxiang Group, Marjorie might not agree, but when a super-rich like Su Yehao planned to enter the market to disrupt the situation, the meaning was suddenly different.

She was clever, thinking that there might be other port city capitals behind it, or chaebols in Silicon Valley in the United States, and she always felt that the order should not be small.

Carrying a Hermes handbag, he got into Su Yehao's private jet.

After Marjorie looked around, she only felt that rich people would really enjoy it. The various drinks in the thermostatic wine cabinet looked very pleasing to the eye.

For example, a bottle of Romanée-Conti 1978 dry white wine was fixed in the wine cabinet. She had seen it in a magazine. She originally planned to buy it for a client, but only after calling to ask the price, she found out that it was actually worth 20,000 US dollars. about.

It doesn't sound expensive, but it's just wine, it's gone after drinking it, a proper consumer product.

According to her visual estimation, the more than ten bottles of various types of wine in this wine cabinet are worth at least 400,000 US dollars, and each bottle is eligible to be sent to the auction.

When Marjorie took her seat, she felt that even if she had nothing to gain today, it would not be a loss to just spend 15,000 Hong Kong dollars to take a trip to such a private jet. The zero-gravity space chair is far more comfortable than the first-class cabin of an airliner. .


The bodyguard sat beside Marjorie, staring at her.

After the plane took off, Jiang Yu and Linda Yun were greeted by Su Yehao and sat at the dining table together to play cards and fight landlords.

From Hong Kong City to the island, the flight is just over an hour.

Marjorie thought that it would be a waste of a great opportunity not to take the opportunity to contact Su Yehao, so she went to the bathroom and stared at the cards in Jiang Yu's hand after she came out, and smiled, "Excuse me, what cards are you playing? ?"

Jiang Yu told him, "Fighting the Landlord, how are you playing in the Mainland, where are you from? I just heard you speak Mandarin, and you can speak Cantonese very well."

"I grew up in Taoyuan on the island, and the plane will land near my house later. Mainlanders seem to like playing cards. When I used to talk about business, I was often called to play mahjong."

Marjorie knew that Su Yehao was wary of her, and she was asked before whether it was a real miss. At this moment, she just pretended that it was not the case, took the initiative to create a topic, looked at Su Yehao, and said, "Last time I went to the mainland, I heard someone talking about it. Now, you said, Master Su, you poached Liangxiang's chief engineer?"

"It's not that I poached people, it's that he was uncomfortable. He took the initiative to find me here and reached a cooperation immediately." Su Yehao said calmly.

"That's how it is."

Marjorie didn't go around in circles anymore, and continued to say: "Liangxiang has a cooperative relationship with our company. If you have any needs, young master, you can also cooperate with our company. Now, our company is also responsible for the OEM of Dell and IBM motherboards."

Su Yehao raised his hand, motioned her to sit down and chat, and said, "Well, I know that parts such as motherboards are definitely in demand here, but I want to ask first, your company's notebook computer business, How was it last year?"

"...Very good. It has been sold to Japan, the United States, the mainland and other places. The marketing department is preparing to increase investment and expand sales channels."

As soon as Marjorie finished speaking, Su Yehao asked her again, "How long have you been working in Huashuo, are you familiar with the semiconductor industry on the island, and how much is your salary now?"


Squeezing out a smile, Marjorie was confused and asked, "Why are you asking about my salary?"

"It's okay, there are some people around to lead the way. In the future, there should be more dealings with enterprises on the island. Whether you take the initiative or just happen to approach me, you have a destiny. Maybe you can dig you over to help me, it just so happened. You work at Huashuo again, and you still know how to sell."

"But Master Su, we just met..."

"It doesn't matter if you just met. Hua Shuo asked you to be the director of the marketing department. It means that you have already interviewed for me. I heard that the salary on the island is not too high. You can earn more by working for me. You can think about it."

Su Yehao was talking and playing cards.

I was tempted to dig people temporarily, mainly because there are too few people under my hands who understand the semiconductor industry on the island, and it is not as convenient as local people to do things.

The business is in a period of expansion, and there is a shortage of manpower everywhere. The trivial matter of poaching someone over is not a concern at all.

Marjorie always felt that Su Yehao suddenly threw an olive branch, which seemed a bit of a joke. With Linda Yun and Jiang Yu by his side, of course, he would not consider some special aspects, such as liking older women.

After thinking about it, Marjorie whispered, "I earned about NT$2 million last year, don't you want me to collect information for you, be a commercial spy or something?"

"...No, I do need your experience, but it has nothing to do with commercial espionage. How much is NT$2 million in Hong Kong dollars?"

After Su Yehao asked, Jiang Yu took the lead in answering: "One Hong Kong dollar is equal to more than four New Taiwan dollars, that is... more than 400,000 Hong Kong dollars?"

"Oh, that's not too much, it's a waste of talent. I'm considering starting a company on the island, but there is a shortage of manpower now. If you can recruit more elites for me, Ms. Marjorie, the treatment is negotiable..."

Take a $100,000 base salary as bait.

When she got on the plane, Marjorie was still thinking about how to get the order from Su Yehao. When she got off the plane, she had already agreed to leave and worked for Su Yehao instead.

But don't be in a hurry to leave. Before leaving, you can get a reasonable preferential purchase price for Su Yehao, order a batch of computer motherboards that will be used next, and after you get the commission, it's not too late to really change jobs.


Before meeting Xiao Nizi, Father Su called first.

Said that Wu Weixiong's father begged him, and cried to the ground at an age, saying that he didn't want to be a family member and so on.

From Su Yehao's point of view, it doesn't matter if he spends some money to pay back his favor. What really makes him embarrassed is that after he chooses to help, he obviously breaks the rules.

I still remember that there was news that a member of the Rockefeller family kept changing his heart to continue his life. When the scandal broke out, the century-old golden signboard of the entire Rockefeller family was smashed. Although it was later clarified that it was fake news, people did pay special attention to this kind of news. thing.

The rich already enjoy a lot, and it's only fair that "everyone dies".

Once the inequality of medical resources is involved, giving a small number of people the opportunity to spend money to prolong their lives is undoubtedly a taboo. It is good that the news has been concealed.

Su Yehao was still young, and he didn't want to live with scandals for the rest of his life.

If the reputation stinks, the benefits involved will be too great. Besides, the Yanwen Group is preparing to go public, which is a critical moment.


Su Yehao has always been reluctant to get At this moment, he only proposes to his father, saying that he should take money to pay off the debt of favor and let the Wu family find a way by themselves, so it has nothing to do with their family.

The stakes are made clear.

Father Su also felt that it was best to give a sum of money directly and let the benefactor of that year go to the United States to find a way.

Wu Weixiong, his father saved his face, and called Father Su to cry, because of his son's consideration.

And Father Su, why didn't he need to think about Su Yehao and try his best to avoid falling into the hands of others.

Giving money is to repay the favor of the year, but to find a way for others in person, this can break the rules, obviously they are two different things...


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