Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 512: Wealth is rolling in, can't stop it

I don't know if I ate something unclean, and I collapsed that night.

According to Su Yehao's own guess.

Most of the time, the large plate of oysters was not cooked thoroughly. It is also possible for the boss to cut corners in order to sell more oysters.

Oysters and squid, I haven't eaten so much seafood for a long time, and there are ice creams, etc., no wonder my stomach can't hold it.

First pulled on the back, and now has diarrhea.

Su Yehao only felt that he was a little unlucky, thinking that he would have the opportunity to have a few more incense sticks and turn the tide.

The Chinese people have a very complicated attitude towards these things.

On weekdays, I shout about materialism, and when I encounter trouble, I still think about cramming. No matter what kind of fairy, as long as it works, even if it comes from abroad, I would rather believe what it has, not what it does not have, especially enlightened. .

I asked for some medicine for diarrhea from the hotel in the middle of the night, and it was all right after drinking it.

So in the morning, Su Yehao immediately forgot the thought of praying to God and worshipping Buddha at night. He just pretended that nothing had happened, and he had eaten a bowl of hot fried rice noodles. the good guy.

Physical discomfort.

Wealth is rolling in, and it can't be stopped.

After dinner.

Holding ibm's laptop and reading the latest data in the brokerage's wealth management account, Su Yehao couldn't stop laughing.

Jiang Yu came over, and the fox asked, "I'm so happy, are you chatting with some pretty girl again?"

When it comes to online dating, Jiang Yu has quite a bit of experience in it. When the two were not together last year, they chatted through chat software every once in a while.

Su Yehao continued to stare at the screen, and said cheerfully, "What's the matter, last night Nasdaq rose again, Yahoo, Amazon, Cisco, Qualcomm, etc. all soared, and earned more than 500 million overnight, you said Do I want to be happy?"

"More than 500 million... Hong Kong dollars or New Taiwan dollars?" Jiang Yu exaggerated and exclaimed.

"Oh, just a little bit of ambition? Why can't it be US dollars?"

Su Yehao showed her the laptop. Yahoo's share price soared by 16% overnight, and the total market value had exceeded US$30 billion, reaching more than US$32 billion.

There are also Cisco and Qualcomm. Last year and the beginning of this year, they just digested a wave of good news about broadband networks and 3g. The decline expected by the bears has not yet come, and their stock prices have skyrocketed again.

After seeing a long string of numbers on the screen.

Although it was not the first time that Jiang Yu had met her, she was still dizzy. It was a bit longer than her phone number. There were nearly 2.9 billion US dollars in the wealth management account, and one Yahoo accounted for more than one billion. It is Amazon, which has grown extremely well, with a total shareholding of more than 800 million US dollars.

However, the cost of Su Yehao's investment in Amazon is only about 70 million US dollars. The company's increase in recent years is even more exaggerated than that of Yahoo.

to this end.

Jiang Yu only felt tired and said, "It's abominable, everyone is playing together, and you actually earn money secretly. It's really easy for the rich to make money. Even if so much money is stored in the bank, one day's interest is enough for me. A year of hard work."

"...If you're full, you're not good with anyone. If you have to compare yourself with me, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?"

After Su Yehao finished speaking with a smile, he let out a long sigh of relief, and then said, "It's really cool, I earned more than a dozen private jets in one night, or maybe two super yachts, the kind that are twice the size of my dad's yacht. That's it. Happy, go and ask if there is an auction recently, I was jealous of those treasures in the Little Forbidden City Museum yesterday, and now I can pick a few pieces myself, as a reward for my hard work."

"...Is it so shameless?"

Jiang Yu was completely speechless.

He patted his side, let her sit down and put his arms around her shoulders. Su Yehao told him, "What the family says is not yours, mine is not yours. Celebrate today. If you want to eat, I will treat you."


Not only is the trend good today, the Nasdaq index has generally shown a sharp upward trend in the past two years.

Coupled with the interest rate hike of the US dollar, hot money from all over the world flows into the US stock market continuously, and continues to push the stock prices of these high-tech companies to new highs one after another.

Under this circumstance, the listing of Yanwen Group is basically stable.

The road show team has successfully held in Singapore, and the next show will be in Paris and London. Su Yehao felt that he did not need to go, so he ran all the way to read a script, and the language was not very good.

Since the IPO and IPO work will be successful whether you go or not, why waste time.

As for the road show in Tokyo, it is worth a visit, because you can take the opportunity to meet Nong Qingying, lest she call and complain from time to time, saying that the bed is always cold, and her heart is cold.

In fact, Tokyo and Hong Kong City are not far away. She only needs to fly for more than two hours if she wants to come back. She doesn't even need to buy an air ticket, she just arranges a private plane to pick up people.

Just being arrogant every day, there is no need to take it too seriously.

Nangong Tian, ​​who had finished her makeup, was about to go out to continue her interview. When she saw Su Yehao hugging Jiang Yu and sitting on the sofa carelessly, she joked:

"Sure enough, it's very different. You used to cover up a little in front of me, but now, Brother Hao, you have changed, and you don't take me seriously as a young lady. Second young lady, accompany me to the interview, or stay in the hotel and continue. Taste the taste of your head hitting the head of the bed?"


Jiang Yu, who was in a mess when he heard the words, jumped up and hurriedly said:

"Of course I'll go with you! Wow, I didn't see it before. You have such a strong mouth that you dare to say anything. If the former French etiquette teacher Michel Dutty heard this, he would definitely punish you for firing. Little handbook."

Xiao Nizi said: "The family doesn't speak two languages, and no outsiders are present, what am I afraid of..."

Su Yehao smiled without saying a word, mainly thinking that Jiang Yu didn't refute the "Second Young Mistress", the relationship between them was indeed a little different, not as embarrassing as before.

He told him: "Then you go, I walked around and asked where the team I sent was. They work hard. If I, the boss, don't care about anything, it's too much to say."

Relying on the support of Xiao Nizi, Jiang Yu practiced lifting the bar as always, and mocked:

"So you don't know what to say~ If every boss is like you, we business management students would have dropped out of school and went home to raise pigs, so as not to be oppressed by you."

Su Yehao said with a smile: "Don't think that raising pigs is not profitable. A large-scale pig farm is almost like a money printing machine. Do you know that the richest man in the mainland now makes his fortune by raising pigs? That profit makes me jealous. , maybe one day I will stop playing high-tech and invest in raising pigs."

"Hmph, ignore you, Nangong let's go..."

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, he carried Chanel's little black bag and put on his shoes.

Sunscreen is the same as not paying for it. Rub it all over your arms, legs, and neck.

The same goes for the little girl.

No wonder the two of them live in Hong Kong City, but they are fairer than many island girls, and they are all carefully maintained on weekdays...


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