Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 530: out of breath

, !

The media focus on the listing of Yanwen Group.

Compared with the company itself, more people are more interested in Su Yehao.

Of course, many newspapers and TV stations would not miss the opportunity. After learning that Su Yehao had returned to Gangcheng, a group of reporters and paparazzi gathered again at the gate of the villa in Dalangwan, and a TV station drove the interview car directly.

In terms of scale, it is no less than being watched last time.

Some reporters invited Shi Shenhai to interview, and simply found a new way to find a high place to take a picture of his mansion on Dalangwan Road. If the price of renting a helicopter is not too high, I am afraid it will be used.

In addition, some people found his high school and college classmates, such as Zhao Yimeng, who were obviously the best interview targets. Not only did they know Su Yehao very early, but there were also scandals.

Back then, when Father Su said, "I am willing to pay a billion dollars," many people who were eating melons were stunned.

Now that this matter has been brought up again, Su Yehao's head is covered in black lines, and it feels like he is being roasted on a fire.

The liveliness is someone else's business, Su Yehao just finds it annoying.

He only selected a few media for interviews, such as the recently influential "Hong Kong City Commercial Daily", and the familiar "Xinlian Zaobao" in the mainland, plus "The New York Times" and "Time" magazines. Influence.

There is no way, it is destined to be low-key in the short term, it is better to increase some soft power, which may help in doing business.

After arranging so many interviews and various other things, Su Yehao rarely experienced the hardships of being an entrepreneur. For several days, the assistant's office was constantly on the phone, and the mailbox and mailbox were also filled with various messages.

There are houses for sale, invitations for auctions, promotional advertisements from yacht sellers, and of course, charities come to seek alms... This makes Linda Yun, who has always been leisurely, a little haggard these days.

April tenth.

Linda Yun came over again with a thick stack of documents, and hurriedly said to Su Yehao: "Ahao, this time you can't guess which magazine is there at night, so I took the initiative to contact you, they want you to shoot a group. Photos for the cover of the next issue."

"What magazine, could it be National Geographic?"

Su Yehao sat in the study, resting his legs on the desk, the smell of cigars in the room had not yet dissipated.

Yanwen Group's No. 2 listing. In the past few trading days, today's market value has just broken the $8 billion mark, which has doubled its valuation when it was not listed!

Considering that IPO raised more than 100 million yuan, and disclosed the financial report of the first quarter, and formulated a relatively feasible development strategy, the increase in the stock price is also reasonable... a ghost.

Obviously, it is clear that the expansion of the bubble is accelerating. Investors no longer pay attention to performance. It is rare to encounter a new stock. In addition, there are too few outstanding shares. When others find that the stock price has been rising, they also jump in.

Judging from this trend, Su Yehao once estimated that Yanwen Group's share price will exceed 10 billion US dollars by the end of the year, which is a bit conservative.


After Linda Yun put down the document, she bypassed the desk and opened the window, and continued: "It turned out to be the famous "Playboy" magazine. When I heard the news, I was completely dumbfounded. Contact has confirmed that it is indeed this magazine."

Wait for her to finish.

Su Yehao raised his eyebrows slightly, smacked his lips, and said with a smile: "It's rare, as expected, Playboy magazine has the vision, no wonder it can endure for a long time and make such a big business. Others only value my wealth and fame, Only they noticed my handsomeness, is this considered handsome by the fashion circle?"

"...Yes, yes, it's recognized worldwide."

Linda Yun knew him too well, and after answering casually, she asked, "What should I do now, to turn down this invitation for you?"

Su Yehao didn't even think about it, and answered her, "Why should I reject the happy event that other men dream of, when I get on the cover, I will directly enlarge the magazine and put it on the watch, and keep it as a family heirloom, so that future generations will see it. Look how popular your ancestors are."

Linda Yun was speechless for a moment.

After a while, she choked out a sentence: "Even if it is an old ancestor, it should be counted from your father or your grandfather, but fortunately you look more like your mother, and I am most afraid that people will become middle-aged, the more they are. Looks more and more like your father."

"Hey, if you don't know how to chat, just say a few words less. Why are you crows mouthing for no reason? I didn't provoke you, and I plan to give you a raise."

After speaking, seeing Linda Yun's eyes light up, Su Yehao immediately added: "It's gone now, it's too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

Linda Yun gritted her teeth, rolled her eyes, and said, "It's my crow's mouth, which pot can't be opened, which pot can't be opened, please apologize to you? Then contact them to arrange a time, there are not many things to do next, finally It's almost over."


Su Yehao sighed deeply and said, "Yes, thanks to those second-generation ancestors, the hot news is in Hong Kong City, it's really hot for only a week, and new melons keep coming."

What he was referring to was a series of big news made by several rich families in Hong Kong.

In the past, there was the second son of Li's son, the Cyberport program, which sparked discussions and had scandals with models. Later, several rich people fell in love with the most beautiful thirteenth aunt, and almost fought.

In addition, as soon as a lot of news was mixed, Su Yehao gradually... got out of breath.

As a mixed-race Li Xin, now he is young and looks good, but Su Yehao just thinks it's pretty good.

As a past person, I have seen more of what they looked like when they got older, and their aesthetics also changed with the development of the times. Compared with many so-called goddesses, in Su Yehao's eyes, Jiang Yu could be hanged when he went out.

Funny thing.

Jiang Yu assisted Xiao Nizi to manage those trainees. Because she was too pure and beautiful, at the beginning, she was even targeted by two Gangcheng girls and was excluded as a competitor.

Needless to say afterward, of course, Xiao Nizi wanted to avenge Jiang Yu, and let the two careful people leave.

Whether the personality is suitable is also the top priority in selecting idol teams, which is equivalent to clearing mines in advance.


For the time being, he agreed to be interviewed by Playboy magazine. Su Yehao rummaged through magazines and prepared to customize a new suit.

These days I am happy and I have gained four or five pounds all of a sudden, and I am busy taking time out to exercise.

When dealing with the magazine sent by Linda Yun, I accidentally received a call from Lin Youfeng, the vice president of Koko Ventures, who asked about the planning of the racing game.

Su Yehao still had an impression of what happened more than ten days ago, he only told him to change it again, and it lacked some features.

Referring to "Penguin Speed", the plan at hand is a little less interesting, so this time he plans to personally go out and come up with a game outline.

As for whether it can be achieved with the current game development technology, this is not a problem that he needs to consider personally.


Jack Ma, who just went to Pengcheng to form a team a few days ago, also called Su Yehao and kept talking about new projects.

Su Yehao was once again taught what it means to be "speakable", and listening to the other party's confident tone made people feel that it was reasonable.

This negotiation.

Over an hour soon passed...  

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