Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 537: The odds are higher

Back in 1997.

Su Yehao cooperated with him and made a lot of money shorting Taiwan dollar and Hong Kong stocks.

In order to become a chief financial advisor, Zheng Yongwen resolutely stopped, so as not to affect the bowl of public grain because of the short-selling of Hong Kong stocks.

In the end, not only did he lose his position as the chief advisor, but also caused a lot of controversy, and Zheng Yongwen also missed the precious opportunity for speculation.

During this period, Su Yehao made a lot of money.

Now that I know that Vice President Zheng Yongwen is very concerned about the restructuring and restructuring of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, when the time comes to help the CEO position of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, it is just a little push. Whether it can be successful or not will be discussed separately.

Therefore, before asking him out today, Su Yehao had already prepared his chips.

If it happens, everyone is happy.

If it doesn't work, then there's nothing to do. After all, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is not opened by Su Yehao himself, so he can only promise to do this...

The sun is shining today.

The sea of ​​Victoria Harbour is sparkling, and several cargo ships and cruise ships are breaking through the water and sailing slowly.

In this era, the port of Hong Kong City was particularly lively with goods coming and going from the south to the north.

Before, some people worried that with the construction of various piers in the north, it would affect local business, but it turns out that as long as the cake is bigger, everyone can get a share of the pie.

The market value of many shipping companies is now higher than before the Southeast Asian financial bubble burst, and many foreign trade companies are also making money.

In recent years, more and more people from Hong Kong have gone north to do business.

During dinner last night, Su Yehao also listened to the chat from the group of real estate developers, and they each talked about how much they spent in the north, what they took, or where they went to investigate and so on.

The yacht Sihai International is now heading to Kai Tak Airport on the other side of the Central Pier.

Hearing that Vice President Zheng Yongwen said he was a profiteer, Su Yehao retorted:

"The profiteers can't talk about it, just do what they like. It seems that you value my weight, Mr. Zheng, and you actually promised me to come out. Do you think I have the strength to push you to that position?"

Zheng Yongwen didn't give him a good tone, he just said:

"I'm not optimistic about you, I'm optimistic about the allies behind the whole project. If I was responsible for the matchmaking, I would always be able to meet more friends, and one more friend would lead to one more way out. As for you, you are still a little tender, otherwise you won't be able to. No one is available, find me on the head of a retired idler."

"...that's the truth."

Su Yehao admitted that the other party was right.

On weekdays, I am afraid of trouble and I am too lazy to socialize. At this critical time, I will inevitably have a headache, and I can't even figure out who to go to to do things.

Zheng Yongwen has worked there before, and he is quite famous in Hong Kong City, so he is very suitable for the preparatory work.

The two chatted about the content of the dinner last night.

After having a general understanding of the plan, Zheng Yongwen sneered and joked: "I also said that it is not a profiteer. I thought that compared with the Li family's plan, you would be a little new, but it turned out to be for the building and the land."

Su Yehao waved his hand and said:

"How can you mix it up, it's a long way to go."

"I'm using the abandoned land, people are destroying the natural ecology, you can't kill them all with one stick. Besides, how do you know that I'm just for the building, maybe I will incubate several top semiconductor research institutions to fight for the future. What about a national fortune?"

"The last time I went to Sijiucheng, I knew an old academician Ni. In order to develop the semiconductor industry in the north, he didn't even want high-paying jobs. There will definitely be more in the future. In the international division of labor and cooperation, we can't always make a little money, and use hundreds of millions of shirts to exchange for a big plane. If I provide some key components and develop some industries, that means No smaller than your HKEx..."

Hearing Su Yehao say a lot of words in one breath, Zheng Yongwen was quite surprised and said with a smile: "It seems to be a profitable business, are you not afraid that I will rob you?"

"I can't ask for it. I'm not afraid that someone will compete with me, but I'm afraid that no one will spend money with me."

Su Yehao was lazy, drinking a cocktail in the morning, and added:

"It's not that I'm underestimated. I'm afraid selling a hundred of you will not be enough to fill the gaps between my teeth. Through PricewaterhouseCoopers, I designed a thousand-core city project in Qianhai, Pengcheng, which is bigger than the Kai Tak Airport. A lot, the money I have earned from financial management in the past two years, I am afraid I will throw it into it."


Saying these two words from the bottom of his heart, Zheng Yongwen looked at the runway of Kai Tak Airport in front of him, and then said, "According to this, your investment in Cyberport is really meaningful."

Chat all the way.

The yacht crossed the Victoria Harbour and came to the runway of Kai Tak Airport in Kowloon.

After changing to a speedboat and disembarking to the abandoned runway, Zheng Yongwen suddenly remembered something and reminded: "The reason why Kai Tak Airport was relocated is because it disturbs residents all the year round, and secondly, it is the most difficult landing in the world because of the flaws in its design. one of the airports.”


"What I mean is that because it is difficult to stop, there have been many accidents in history, it is best to avoid those locations when planning, even if it is idle and made into a park, don't develop it, lest people make a fuss about feng shui and affect the future. value."

Hearing this sentence, Su Yehao immediately knew what to do, and asked cheerfully, "So you think my plan can be successful?"

Casting a blank eye to him, Zheng Yongwen told him, "As long as we bring more real estate developers together, no matter how good the Li family's plan is, what can we do? It's like a fight between the two sides, one side is alone and the other is a group of people, of course I feel that Your odds are higher."

The airport runway was just abandoned last year, and wild cats and dogs have already settled down, and lush grass has grown.

I don't know who is so incompetent, but still dumping construction waste.

After walking a long way, it was so hot that Su Yehao was sweating profusely before arriving at the apron and the oil depot where the oil pollution was being cleaned up.

It was my first field trip, and only after watching Su Yehao did I know how big this place is. Maybe because the runway is three kilometers long, I feel that the area is larger than that of Father Su's Cultural Tourism City project on the edge of Pengcheng Bay.

Of course, it's just an illusion, similar to the reason that thin people are taller.

After gradually finding some feeling, Zheng Yongwen quickly brought himself in and began to help make plans.

For example, make a plan with a modern sense as soon as possible, let the media help to spread it, focus on publicizing this plan is far better than the Li family's plan, and can also provide a large amount of funds for it, etc.

In addition, there must be a way back. Even if the Li family's plan is passed, it will not affect the development side. It's just that there may be less support policies.

Seeing Zheng Yongwen thinking hard, Su Yehao was secretly happy.

I haven't been able to sleep until I wake up naturally for several days, and I can't get rid of a lot of work in my Finally, I see the hope of happy laziness again.

There is no way, the scale of wealth is so large, and it coincides with the change of the Silicon Valley market, and we have to prepare for the transformation as soon as possible and reallocate assets. There are many trivial matters.

Looking at the barren old airport in front of him, Su Yehao could already imagine what it would be like when it was developed.

I suddenly felt that it would be a pity not to build a dazzling landmark at the end of the runway by the sea.

It's just that I don't know the condition of the foundation for the time being. Since it is an artificially reclaimed runway, it is estimated that it is a bit reluctant. Otherwise, a high-rise building can be built to shine at night.

When the time comes, I will stay in a house and live by myself. Isn't the night view much more beautiful than the dark place in Dalangwan...


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