Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 549: Yellow diamond...

The level of technological development is changing with each passing day.

The computer brought by Chu Jun and others uses many new products that have just been launched, and the stacking seems to be very solid.

In terms of user experience, it is a little more comfortable than the computer I bought last year in the study upstairs, and the operation seems to be smoother.

Su Yehao asked Xiao Nizi to go upstairs and help bring the "Half-Life" game CD produced by Valve Company.

After installing the optical drive and performing a simple test, it was found that there was basically no problem, except that the cooling fan was whirring.

The performance of the processor is poor, the heat generation is so high that it can be used to cover your hands, and the heat dissipation noise is a common problem, which is also the case when playing games on other computers.

The assembled product is fine.

This is thanks to Nvidia's graphics chips, as well as Intel's new Pentium processors, plus Microsoft's operating system, Huashuo's motherboards... and so on.

The parts are all purchased, and there is nothing to be particularly proud of.

On the contrary, the "Half-Life" game itself has sold millions of copies since its release last year.

In the second half of last year, Su Yehao invested in Valve, mainly because they were developing first-person shooter games, which were more promising.

Never thought.

As soon as the company's product was launched, it was already popular all over the world before Su Yehao could help, becoming one of the most popular games in the first half of this year.

When I tried the game, I found that Chu Jun and Ni Lao's two students were staring at me eagerly.

Su Yehao felt that he should praise a few words, but after thinking about it, he didn't know what to say, so he simply said:

"Not bad... The dark gray mainframe looks more atmospheric, and the lines on it are also very tough. If there is no problem, the flagship machine will be produced according to it. You can also open a few Internet cafes and test it."

"As expected of a big boss, his head turns faster than others! I also mentioned opening a few Internet cafes in Sijiucheng before to attract people to test these computers online. Not only do you not need to spend money to hire people, but you can also make some money during the test. , kill two birds with one stone.”

Chu Jun finished with a smile.

Seeing that the business is almost over, I am in the mood to praise the surrounding scenery.

"Cheap is cheap, high quality and low price are the right way. The entry-level cheap computer I just mentioned is called an educational computer. The main point is to tell parents that they can't play large-scale online games, mainly to learn to surf the Internet and use the office. The product may also serve as a bright spot.”

Su Yehao sat cross-legged, he stood up with his hands on the sofa, and then said:

"In the mainland, income is low, but the price of computers cannot go down. This situation should improve within a few years as suppliers release production capacity, and then it will be the explosion period for mainland netizens. Since the price cut has moved other people's cakes. , it will inevitably be targeted. I think Mr. Chu, your skin is not thin, and you just happen to stand up to block the bullet. When the task of publicity and marketing, you will need a lot of effort. I will guide netizens to stand up and support you, and you will have enough funds. …”

"...Is my thick-skinned secrets revealed by you?"

Chu Jun finished joking and said:

"In business, there is no way to offend anyone. The company before Ni's current market value is more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars. It is easier to make money than to print money. Shareholders are comfortable, but it limits the speed of Internet popularization. As a member of Yinhai Network Group The second shareholder, who also receives wages from the root plan, should shoulder the burden in terms of reason and reason."

At this time, a guy in his twenties surnamed Zhang interjected nervously and said, "That... President Su, once the assembly line and parts are in place, production will officially start, and the product must have a name. The way to print on the casing is not good for promoting the product."

He was clearly seven or eight years older than Su Yehao, but he seemed to be tied up.

There is no way, when he thinks that the young Master Su of Hong Kong City is worth nearly 10 billion US dollars, an invisible sense of oppression rolls in.

For example, the house at the foot is worth more than the market value of countless listed companies, and it is astonishingly luxurious.


Su Yehao nodded and told:

"Indeed, the code name of the root plan is too ugly. I just established a green diamond real estate company a few days ago, otherwise... the computer company should be called a yellow diamond, it is best to design a logo on the chassis, if it can shine, then it is simply Well, gaming PCs have to be cool."

"...Yellow Diamond, a good name! I've heard of your Green Diamond Group. I saw in the newspapers that it invested more than 20 billion yuan to buy land, and I almost fainted. You voted the richest man in the mainland just like that."

Chu Jun was flattering in a serious manner, flowing smoothly, without any pretence.


Asking someone to bring the computer to the study first, Su Yehao personally took Chu Jun and others to walk around the garden.

Hong Kong City in May, the weather is already very hot.

There is a park with a lake in the yard, and there is a small castle on the hill. After reading it, Mr. Ni's two students thought that today was really worth it, and finally knew what kind of life the rich live.

After entering the small castle, the temperature suddenly dropped.

After leading them to see balloon dog sculptures, chicken pot cups, and Van Gogh oil paintings, Su Yehao felt more and more that his collection was too small. There were only a few items in his collection, and the guests would be gone after a quick glance, which was not enjoyable at all.


A painting worth 40 million US dollars, Van Gogh's "Under a Stormy Sky", was enough to stun three people, including the Chu army.

They may not be able to tell how good the painting is.

But because it is worth 40 million US dollars, it is very powerful.

At noon, drink some wine, use dragon croaker as the main dish, and add several famous dishes, including fish maw chicken soup and soft heart abalone.

During the dinner, we continued to talk about the future development plan of Yellow Diamond Computer.

After dinner.

Su Yehao arranged three rooms in the Hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Garden Hotel, let them rest first, and contact the assistant's office for help.

I've seen what I should I've almost finished talking about what I should talk about.

Chu Jun was not in a hurry to rush back to Sijiucheng. It was a rare visit. His wife gave a shopping list. There were still many things to buy. They planned to stay for two more days.


It's hard to finish the work of Kai Tak Cyberport.

Su Yehao originally planned to take a few days to go to Tokyo to find Nong Qingying, and tell the story in simple terms.

On the evening of the arrival of the Chu army, he was temporarily notified that someone in Pengcheng invited him to dinner.

According to the middleman, President Peng, it should be because the Kai Tak Cyberport landed too fast, which made some people worry about the plan of the city of thousand cores that the two sides were in contact with, so it was dismissed.

After all, it involves an investment promotion project starting at 10 billion RMB. Even if Pengcheng is getting richer and richer, it still pays special attention to this matter.

So there was the scene of Bank of China's President Peng throwing an olive branch on his behalf.

at first.

Su Yehao didn't really want to go out yet, but then he realized that this seemed to be a godsend opportunity to go out rationally.

I simply called President Peng back and made an appointment for tomorrow night's dinner in advance...

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