Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 1133 Xunyang

Xue He was so excited, not because Chen Changsheng allowed him to escape from prison and come back to life, but because he was grateful that he had collected his brother's body, attended the memorial ceremony, and had taken good care of his widowed sister-in-law, nephews and nieces, and had also preserved them. Up and down the Congzhou City - several years have passed, and the Congzhou Military Palace has regained its glory when Xue Xingchuan was there. It is listed as the most important military palace in the Great Zhou Dynasty along with Yonglan Pass and Yongxue Pass. This is because he has those old troops. Subordinates help.

Chen Changsheng said: No need to be polite, just get up.

Xue He knew his temperament and stood up to signal his wife to take the child and leave.

Before leaving, Mrs. Xue glanced at him nervously, wondering if there was no need to prepare a meal? Will the two saints be unhappy?

Xue He didn't notice his wife's expression, all his attention was on Huo Yunlin, who was being held by Chen Changsheng.

Someone asked me to bring it to you. I hope you can ride it into Xue Lao City in the near future.

Chen Changsheng said: On that day, I think God Xue Xingchuan will be very happy.

Xue He took the reins and said, Don't worry, I will take good care of it.

Huo Yunlin was very intelligent and recognized who he was, so he lowered his head and touched his cheek.

Xue He was a little moved, thinking that Huo Yunlin must have been brought here by His Majesty at the request of the Pope, and felt a little uneasy.

He said seriously to Chen Changsheng: I only know that you gave it to me.

This sentence has only one meaning, and that is loyalty.

He asked his family to show up to kowtow to Chen Changsheng, which was what he meant.

Although His Majesty the Emperor appointed him as the divine general of Congzhou Military Palace, he knew very well who was the real benefactor of the Xue family.

The Xue family are followers of Chen Changsheng.

Whether it is the Xue family in Congzhou or the Xue family on Taiping Road in Kyoto.

As long as the Xue family still exists, as long as he is still alive, the Congzhou Military Mansion will only leave the palace and follow suit.

Even if there were another dispute between the imperial court and the state religion in the future, he would not hesitate to lead tens of thousands of troops to stand behind Chen Changsheng.

Although it seems at the moment that His Majesty and the Pope have a deep affection, and that senior brothers are better than real brothers, it is impossible for such a thing to happen, but... who can say for sure what will happen in the future? When Emperor Taizu led his troops out of Tianliang County, could those young princes have imagined that so much blood would be shed in Baicao Garden a few decades later?

Chen Changsheng knew that Xue He had made a mistake and said, This should be what Luoyang meant.

After hearing this, Xue He was silent for a long time.

Luoyang, the eastern capital, has been silent over the years without making any noise, but there are still many eyes staring there.

Why? Of course it is because there is a Changchun Temple there.

Now when people mention Luoyang, without any other explanation, they are referring to the Changchun Temple and the old Taoist priest in the Changchun Temple.

If Huo Yunlin was really sent here by Changchun Temple in Luoyang, the meaning would be very clear.

The general will not dare to have any resentment.

When he said this, Xue He spoke very slowly, but his tone was very serious.

Now that he had made up his mind, he didn't want the Pope to think that he still had reservations.

Although saying this made him very unhappy, or rather unwilling.

Whatever you think is something you can't control. It's all love and hate. And you have reason to hate, so who has the qualifications to stop you from hating?

Chen Changsheng said: But before we capture Xue Lao City, we may need to forget about that for the time being.

In this war, the Congzhou Military Mansion led by Xue He will of course be the absolute main force.

The man from Luoyang returned Huo Yunlin to Xue He without saying a word, but he had a profound meaning.

This is what Chen Changsheng meant.

As dusk grew darker, Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong chose to leave directly instead of staying at the Divine General's Mansion for dinner.

Now the two of them must share a crane.

This situation has happened many times before, and Bai He has long been used to it, but he is sensitive to the fact that today's situation is different.

The dusk is vast and the wilderness is endless.

Xu Yourong looked at the scenery intently. When Chen Changsheng talked to her, she would only reply after four or five sentences, which seemed a bit cold.

Bai He thought of what Xiao Zhang said and thought, is there really any problem between these two people?

No matter how dull Chen Changsheng was, he had already sensed Xu Yourong's coldness and knew something was really wrong.

The problem was that he didn't know what the question was, where it came from, and he didn't know where to start even if he wanted to ask her.

The cold wind slapped on his face, which failed to make him more awake, but made him even more confused.

The white crane flew toward the southwest and entered Tianliang County in a short time.

Looking at the familiar wasteland scenery on the ground and the familiar city in front of him, Chen Changsheng recalled the scene of his long-distance escape with Su Li and couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

Following his instructions, the white crane landed in a forest outside the city. While descending from the sky, Chen Changsheng noticed that the largest mansion in the city was empty and the door was closed. He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Did Liang Wangsun leave? Why is there no one in the palace?

The white crane flew into the dusk, and Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong walked out of the dense forest beside the official road.

Xunyang City is an ancient city, but the city gate to the south looks a bit new, at least it doesn't have any ancient meaning.

It was this city gate that your teacher blasted open back then. Stargazer and Zhu Luo were beaten badly.

Chen Changsheng was still a little excited when he thought about what happened back then, and a little ashamed that he couldn't tell stories. He thought that if it were Tang Sanliu who told the story, it would definitely be much more exciting.

The story of the stormy night in Xunyang City had already spread throughout the continent. Xu Yourong already knew all the details, and there was no need for Chen Changsheng to explain them.

Looking at the city gate and thinking about her teacher, a smile appeared on her lips.

Chen Changsheng was a little relieved, thinking that this arrangement was indeed correct.

Entering Xunyang City, they went directly to Prince Liang's Mansion.

The door of Prince Liang's Mansion was closed.

They used their spiritual sense to scan and confirm that there was indeed no one inside.

Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong looked at each other, somewhat puzzled, wondering what had happened. Prince Liang had dismissed all the servants in the mansion.

Entering the palace and seeing the famous chariot, the two found the letter left by Liang Wangsun.

Liang Wangsun had a strong influence on the monastic circles and people in the north. The palace issued several decrees to invite him to the court, but he refused.

As a descendant of the previous royal family, he hated the Chen royal family deeply, so how could he be willing to help.

They came to Xunyang City to convince him. When Liang Wangsun came to Beijing to help Queen Tianhai preside over the imperial map, they should have a good impression of Xu Yourong.

Who would have thought that after Liang Wangsun received the news from Kyoto, he directly left Xunyang City with the old and young people in the palace, without even wanting to meet him.

However, Liang Wangsun made it very clear in his letter - it is impossible to do things for the court. When he is really needed, he will naturally appear.

It is enough to have such a sentence, not to mention a person's name on the letter paper.

Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong left the palace and came to the street.

Many sergeants passed by in a hurry, with somewhat confused expressions on their faces.

The troops from various states and counties are adjusting their defenses and training at the same time.

Logically speaking, they will not appear on the battlefield, but no one knows how many people will die this time.

The Habayashi army responsible for garrisoning the palace are always preparing to march north, let alone them.

Death is inevitable on the battlefield, and the word successor often appears.

Chen Changsheng understood that this was inevitable, but still felt a little confused.

Thousands of people will die for his ideas.

Sometimes he would think that it was lucky that he was the pope and not the emperor, otherwise those decrees and military conscription orders would have to go through his own hands.

Then, he would feel sorry for his senior brother for thinking this way.

He knew that the senior brother would do these things very well, but just like him, the senior brother also disliked doing these things very much.

The street behind Prince Liang's Mansion is called Sijiqing. It is the straightest street in the west part of Xunyang City. There are no shops on both sides, and there are only bluestone walls.

The long street was quiet, and the sound of music floated from the courtyard somewhere. It sounded like someone was singing an opera.

Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong followed the sound, walked through a side alley, and arrived in front of a mansion, looking at two rows of red lanterns.

The paper used in the lantern was extremely red, and the color was very heavy, as if it was wet. When illuminated by the cow candle inside, it looked like blood, which was a bit dazzling.

Xu Yourong glanced at the lantern and frowned, wondering what he was thinking of.

The sound of music came from the mansion. Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong walked in, but no one stopped them.

Entering the mansion is a huge stone flat, paved with large pieces of bluestone. It is unpolished and unrefined. With the burning torches all around, it feels a bit like a wilderness battlefield.

In front of the stage is a stage, with a candle as thick as an arm burning on the stage. The flame shines on the back wall made of white paper, blazing as white as day.

A man was singing an opera, wearing a red dress and very bright makeup.

He did not deliberately cover his throat with high-collared clothes, nor did he deliberately suppress his voice. He sang babblingly, slightly hoarse yet extremely delicate, which was quite moving.

Without warning, the music stopped abruptly.

The man looked at Chen Changsheng behind him and said, What do you think of my play?

There were not many people coming to listen to the play tonight, only a dozen or so, sitting casually in front of the stage. Judging from their appearance and temperament, they should all be prominent figures in Xunyang City. At this time, listening to the man on the stage speaking, everyone turned around and saw Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Liang Hongzhuang entertained herself by singing in the mansion today. She invited the best opera troupe in Lanling City to sing the famous Spring Night Song, and she played the role of the charming bride. She was singing happily and her eyebrows were flying. With soft eyes, he suddenly looked at the young man and woman walking in from outside the house, thinking that they had finally arrived.

I haven't heard much about the show, but I think it's pretty good.

Chen Changsheng thought for a moment and then added: It seems a little different from the drama in Kyoto.

When I was a child, I went to Luling Prefecture to study opera. Their singing was a bit weird, but it was nice.

Liang Hongzhuang said: I heard that the singing method came from Daxizhou, but I don't know if it is true.

All the leading figures in Xunyang City were present. Looking at the appearance of Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong, especially the latter, they quickly guessed their identities.

The coffee table fell to the floor and the chairs overturned.

Under the leadership of the Xunyang city guard and the archbishop, everyone saluted seriously.

Chen Changsheng waved his hand to signal them to get up, but he had no intention of talking to them, so everyone had to stand in awe, not daring to say a word.

That's what happened more than ten years ago. Countless people died in the Liang family. My father also died. My eldest brother ran away from home. I lived a very hard life during those days. The court didn't like our family, so naturally no one liked it. Now we don't have any elders to protect us. Wait, who would be polite to me? When I was most miserable, I didn’t have anything to eat, so I wanted to find a way to support myself. My father likes to listen to operas, and I also like to listen to them. I am very familiar with this industry, so I embarked on this journey. Road, it was impossible not to walk at that time. Have you been to the palace just now? Even the palace was occupied at that time...

After listening to Liang Hongzhuang's words, the faces of the big shots in Xunyang City changed slightly, wondering if something was going to happen tonight?

Then Liang Hongzhuang was silent for a long time.

He had a lot more to say.

When the incident happened, the people who had seized the power and wealth of Prince Liang's palace were right in front of them, namely these leading figures in Xunyang City.

If Liang Wangsun had not been so talented, had become a strong man on the Xiaoyao List at a young age, and had a relationship with the palace, how would these people have bowed their heads and admitted defeat? Even so, these people relied on the imperial court's vigilance against Prince Liang's Mansion and the power of the Tianhai family to suppress Prince Liang's Mansion from retaliating.

These people are not the ones who really occupy Prince Liang's palace. It would be too ugly for the big shots to eat like that.

Thinking of the messy scene in the mansion when she returned three years later, Liang Hongzhuang sighed.

He took out a box from his sleeve and threw it to Chen Changsheng.

In the box is half of the property of Prince Liang's house, which can be used for military expenses.

I want to drink beer.

Liang Hongzhuang said suddenly.

After a while, a woman walked onto the stage carrying a bowl of wine, her footsteps hurried.

Liang Hongzhuang took the bowl and drank it all in one gulp. She threw the wine bowl to the ground and smashed it into pieces with a bang.

He glanced sideways at the sky, with unspeakable contempt and sadness, walked off the stage, kicked off his cloud boots, threw away his turban, and walked into the night.

The woman shouted anxiously: Third Young Master, where are you going?

(I apologize to everyone for causing trouble to everyone. I admit that I was wrong, that I was cowardly, and that I was beaten. I just ask everyone to go to Weibo to criticize and educate. After all, the book review area is a place to discuss books. Sorry for the trouble. Thank you. You. There is a story between Liang Hongzhuang and that woman, which is probably similar to Fan Xian and Dong'er, except that the former is a tragedy, and many of the words describing Liang Hongzhuang in this chapter were copied from when he first appeared. I came here and really liked the description in that chapter.)

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