Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 1134 Luoyang

Liang Wangsun would not participate in this war, at least at the beginning, but he had to express his attitude, so he left a sentence and a name.

That name represents half of the family property of Prince Liang and Liang Hongzhuang, a master of the Star Gathering Realm.

Liang Wangsun had already been appointed to the military department through Mo Yu. The place Liang Hongzhuang wants to go is Yonglan Pass. He will definitely become a general and stay in a safer place on the battlefield, but a general will die in a hundred battles, not to mention that this is destined to be a protracted war for many days. Who can guarantee that he can come back alive?

Moreover, Liang Hongzhuang knew her own temperament and was convinced that it would be difficult to come back alive after leaving.

This is what is called going to death, but before that, there are still some unfulfilled wishes, such as those people who are still alive.

Over the years, he has had a very good relationship with Xunyang City Shou, Archbishop and others.

Although his relationship with Prince Liang is very ordinary, he is a member of Prince Liang's palace after all, and the big shots in Xunyang City must give him some face.

All this for today.

Liang Hongzhuang had already prepared to kill all these people tonight.

He knows the preferences of these people and has done a lot of work on cattle candles, wall paintings, red lanterns, and food.

Not to mention, there are several former Tianji Pavilion assassins he hired with huge sums of money hidden in the night.

When he saw the red lantern, Xu Yourong felt the fleeting killing intent, so he frowned.

In the end, Liang Hongzhuang changed her mind. Until much later, no one knew why, and it was impossible to know.

In the coming summer, there will be a breakout battle on the grassland, and he will die under the steel hammer of the ninth demon general.

Sitting at the table and looking at his face in the mirror, Chen Changsheng sighed as he thought about the story Liang Hongzhuang had not finished telling.

There was a rustling sound behind him, and he looked back, only to see a graceful figure in the gauze tent, and the pale flower pattern on the white clothes could be faintly seen.

He quickly walked over and packed the bedding on the floor so that it wouldn't get in the way.

Xu Yourong got out of bed, washed up briefly, put on a single coat and unbuttoned it, walked to the window and pushed it with both hands.

The morning breeze entered the window, fell on her face, and stirred the slightly wet black hair.

There is also spring light entering the house.

The room is full of spring.

Looking at this scene, Chen Changsheng naturally thought of many years ago.

It was also a beautiful spring day in this inn.

He shouted to the entire Xunyang City, Li Shan's junior uncle Su Li is here.

Wind and rain suddenly came, and bloody battles ensued.

He didn't need to shout these words today, and being with Xu Yourong was certainly much more enjoyable than being with Su Li.

The most important difference is that the human race at that time was divided, whether it was between the old and new factions of the state religion, or between the Queen of Tianhai and the Chen family, and the biggest rift was between the north and the south. Even a benevolent person like the Pope , all thinking about killing Su Li, let alone others.

It's completely different now.

Luoyang took the initiative to send Huo Yunlin to Congzhou, but Xue He remained silent.

Prince Liang's family moved away, but left half of their property behind. In the end, Liang Hongzhuang did not kill anyone and went directly to Yonglan Pass.

The hatred is still there, the rift is still there, but it doesn't matter anymore.

The human race is now more united than ever before.

Everyone knows that the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to launch its Northern Expedition - after hundreds of years, the human race will once again launch an attack on the demon race. This time, the goal is very clear, that is, to complete the great cause that Emperor Taizong's generation failed to accomplish, and attack the Demon Race. Snow in the old city, completely defeat the opponent, and then conquer the opponent.

In the face of such a war, nothing matters, whether it is a personal feud from a thousand years ago or a conflict between ideas.

This has been the case for thousands of generations.

Xu Yourong didn't look back. He squinted his eyes and looked at the spring scenery in Xunyang City. He was like a rabbit that had just woken up, which was a little cute.

You stayed in Baidi City for such a long time, how was the discussion?

Last winter solstice, the state religious mission left Kyoto and headed to the Demon Realm tens of thousands of miles away. Pope Chen Changsheng was among the team.

It wasn't until the day before yesterday, when spring was deep and Xiao Zhang was about to return, that Chen Changsheng left on the white crane.

There have been more than a hundred days.

Chen Changsheng said: Although everything has its own precedent, after all, it has been hundreds of years. It is not difficult to get Bai Emperor to agree to join forces, but the details are very troublesome.

Xu Yourong said: It seems to be more difficult than fishing on the Red River.

There was no expression on her face when she said this.

But everyone knows what emotion she wants to express.

Hearing these words, Chen Changsheng was startled, vaguely understanding why she had been so cold from the night before to today, but for a moment he didn't know how to explain it.

The next moment, he suddenly remembered Tang Sanliu's instructions, his expression changed slightly and he shouted: Look, there is a kite in the sky.

Xu Yourong raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the sky outside the window. He saw nothing but clear blue sky.

Chen Changsheng quickly stepped forward and hugged her from behind, wrapping his arms around her, which was just right.

I won't let go.

“The entire continent is so united, how can we be divided?”

The north and the south are united, the church and religion are united, it all points to us.

Just go with it.

Or I'll obey you.

Xu Yourong raised his eyebrows slightly but said nothing.

Why does the emotion that should be disgusting appear to be infinitely shy under the sunshine of spring?

The morning light and drizzle return to this old place, and people are alone and hiding.

More than ten miles away, looking at Kyoto from a distance, the convoy was divided into two columns, one going to the capital along the Luoshui River, and the other going to the distance.

The far side of Kyoto is not somewhere else on the mainland, but Luoyang. This is a very poetic way of saying it.

Many years ago, when he was going to Kyoto from Xining Town, Chen Changsheng passed by Luoyang, but he did not enter the city at that time.

It's not easy to live in Luoyang, the inns there are recognized to be expensive.

This is Chen Changsheng’s first time in Luoyang, and also his first time in Changchun Temple.

This was the first time in ten years that he met his master Shang Xingzhou.

During the battle at the National Education Academy, Shang Xingzhou retreated to Luoyang and lived in Changchun without a view. It has been ten years since then.

The past is gone, but it is not as good as the wind. The human race is now extremely united, but there are always some cracks between certain people and things.

The deepest and most important rift is naturally between Chen Changsheng and Shang Xingzhou.

Shang Xingzhou has ignored political affairs for many years, but if he is still alive, he represents a force, or many beliefs.

The Taoist priest at Changchun Temple did not stop him and calmly handed Chen Changsheng's request for an audience.

Therefore, even though their temple master was killed by Liu Qing who was invited by Chen Changsheng ten years ago, they still maintained their courtesy towards Chen Changsheng and did not have any hatred.

This kind of existence without emotions, or in other words, without subjective consciousness, is really scary.

Only Taoists like this can probably force Xiao Zhang into the snowfield, right?

Chen Changsheng thought silently, and then received a response from the view.

A six or seven-year-old Taoist priest ran out of Changchun Temple and gasped: Ancestor said, no guests will be seen today!

Chen Changsheng stretched out his hand and pinched the little Taoist priest's snowy red face, and said with a smile: Tell ancestor, this is a matter of Baidi City.

No one stopped him anymore. It seemed that this sentence really meant something to Shang Xingzhou.

There are fields everywhere in Changchun Temple.

The fields are not planted with rice. The pine trees on the ridges are very beautiful, but that does not mean that the fields are planted with scenery.

A faint breath enveloped the fields in early spring. The dozens of temple grounds in the Taoist temple were originally planted with medicinal herbs.

Under the leadership of the little Taoist priest, Chen Changsheng walked to the medicinal field, picked up the medicinal hoe beside the ridge, and began to weed and remove leaves.

(No update tomorrow.)

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