Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 1165 The Returned King Chenliu and Him

Mo Yu appeared on the city wall, his features and eyes were still picturesque, but he was a little tired.

King Lou Yang stood beside her nervously, worried about the cold arrow flying from nowhere.

Mo Yu said: Since the prince has made up his mind, if he wants to kill King Chenliu, he will naturally not threaten you.

It is said that it is not a threat, but in fact it is still a threat.

Many of the rebels' eyes fell on King Xiang.

The Prime Minister's eyes were filled with water and he said: My son died a worthy death. He will have no regrets. He should be named the crown prince.

Mo Yu was very impressed and said no more.

King Chen Liu's face was a little pale, maybe because the weather was a bit gloomy today, or maybe because he hadn't seen the sun for too long.

He looked at the old eunuch and said, I don't know how to repay the kindness of living again.

Just as the beautiful concubine of the King of Zhongshan warned, King Chenliu is indeed the descendant of the royal family who is recognized as the most like Emperor Taizong. He has unimaginable personality charm. Even though he was imprisoned in the palace for ten years, instead of being decadent, he succeeded Got support from a lot of people.

The old eunuch is the most important person among them.

This is the Laundry Department, the messiest and least noticeable place on the east side of the imperial city.

No one thought that he, who was supposed to be imprisoned in Weiyang Palace and guarded by heavy troops, had actually arrived outside the imperial city.

The old eunuch sighed, said nothing, turned and walked towards the imperial city.

King Chen Liu looked up at the gray sky.

He did not continue to think about what the old eunuch's sigh meant, because it made no sense.

His eyes were calmer than before, but there was a faint hint of boredom in the deepest part.

The imperial city has been surrounded by rebels, and the area responsible for the Yao Clan Pingbei Camp is the southeastern area, which is in the direction of the National Education Academy and Baicao Garden.

In particular, the National Education College has been surrounded by water, and the security is even tighter than during the Tianshu Mausoleum Incident. The teachers and students who stayed in the college were extremely nervous and did not know what to do. No one noticed that a seemingly thin student passed through. We walked through the dense forest by the lake and arrived in front of the imperial city.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the National Education Academy, and the door leading to the imperial city is attached with a very powerful formation, and there is also a lock that is difficult to open.

The thin student ignored these rules at all, easily broke the formation, took out the key from his sleeve, and opened the old lock covered with green patina.

She is not an ordinary student. She is familiar with both the imperial palace and the Institute of Traditional Chinese Education. To be more precise, she is the vice-president of the Institute of Traditional Education.

When King Chenliu fled the palace, Luoluo sneaked into the palace quietly.

She brought greetings from the National Education Academy to His Majesty the Emperor, as well as a certain variable.

In order to show his support for King Xiang, Emperor Bai sent Pingbei Camp.

But she is in the palace, does Pingbeiying really dare to attack the palace? More importantly, is it possible for Pingbeiying to obey her orders and change his position?

No one knows how the situation will develop, because up to this moment, the rebels did not know that Luo Luo had entered the palace.

But King Chenliu felt some bad signs.

The wind from the west is too humid, or the well water is too sweet. There are always some inexplicable details that will make people think a lot.

He had just escaped from the palace and had not had time to talk to his father for a longer time before he made his request very forcefully.

Regardless of whether the imperial map can be opened or not, the rebels should launch an attack on the imperial city and put more pressure on the opponent.

The Imperial Map can only stop powerful people like you and Cao Shibo, but it cannot stop more ordinary people. And there are still many places in Kyoto that need to be controlled.

Looking at King Chen Liu's pale face and gloomy eyes, King Xiang could not object to his opinion.

There will naturally be battles between control and counter-control, blood will be shed, and when things get more chaotic, houses may even be set on fire.

With the return of King Chenliu, the rebels' actions became much more intense. That evening, there were many more lights in Kyoto.

The two sides, who had been under self-control for many days, finally gradually lost control. In the streets and alleys around the palace and the palace, many scenes of burning, killing and looting appeared.

In King Chen Liu's view, these are the prices that must be endured for success, and there is no need to pay attention to them at all.

He cares about more important things.

He personally took more than 300 rebel cavalry to the National Education College.

One temple in Xining rules the world.

Looking at the gate of the National Education College, King Chen Liu said this.

This sentence has been circulating in mainland China for more than ten years, and it has almost become truth and a certain belief among the people.

If you want to break this sentence, you first need to destroy the National Education Academy.

But this courtyard gate is really familiar.

Many years ago, during an autumn rain, Tianhai Shengxue returned from the north, and with his family, he turned the gate of the Chinese Academy of Education into ruins.

Jin Yulu defeated Divine General Fei Dian, and then there was the Ivy Banquet. The National Education Academy never repaired the gate, just to slap the Tianhai family in the face.

It wasn't until the imperial examination that Tianhai Shengxue finally gave in and led people to repair the courtyard gate himself, thus creating another story in Kyoto.

That period happened to be the beginning of the close relationship between King Chenliu and the National Education Academy. When the academy was being rebuilt, he even personally saw the design drawings and gave his opinions.

In other words, the current courtyard gate also has his contribution.

At that time, all the ivy in front of the courtyard gate had been removed, and there was no cover on the smooth stone surface.

Now the ivy has grown back, covering most of the writing.

Smash it open.

King Chen Liu said these two words calmly.

The rebel soldiers came forward with the prepared wooden hammers, and in the puzzled eyes of the demon soldiers, they slammed into the courtyard door.

Accompanied by several thunderous crashes, several cracks appeared on the door of the National Education College, and it slowly fell to both sides with a clicking sound.

The night was getting darker, and both the rebels and demon soldiers lit torches.

The firelight illuminated the depths of Baixianghua, also illuminated the broken courtyard door, and illuminated many young faces.

The faces were all young and clearly nervous, and in their eyes, fear could clearly be seen.

But no one left, because they were teachers and students of the Chinese Academy of Education.

King Chen Liu was a little surprised.

Not because of seeing such a scene, but because the person standing at the front of the teachers and students of the Chinese Academy of Education was actually Tianhai Shengxue.

The light from the torch illuminated Tianhai Shengxue's face clearly.

King Chen Liu felt that the world was really wonderful, and he laughed, but it was a little bitter.

It's a cloudy day in Xue Laocheng, very cloudy, and the clouds are very thick, covering the sun tightly.

The streets and alleys in the city were dark as if it were still before dawn. From time to time, you could hear dogs barking and the sounds of chasing and fighting.

The resistance of the demon soldiers has continued, and it is obviously unorganized, but it still brings a lot of trouble to the human army.

The cavalry galloped along the straight and wide streets, and fireworks representing messages lit up from time to time. It was not until dusk that the intensity of the battle gradually weakened until it subsided.

Xue Lao City is very big. It has to clear roadblocks and fight against sneak attacks by demon masters from time to time. The team cannot move too fast. In addition, for another important reason, it was not until the evening that the divine chariot where Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong were located arrived. The imperial city area with many buildings is still far away from the Demon Palace.

A bunch of sparks blooming like flowers kept burning at the front of the team, emitting jade-like light and dispersing the deepening night. If someone is very close, they can see that this torch is neither gold nor jade, but made of opaque glass. The surface is milky white, but there are countless crystal grains inside, as if it contains countless energy.

This is the magic weapon of the demons - daytime fireworks.

In the war hundreds of years ago, Emperor Taizong and his generals captured this artifact on the battlefield, then brought it back to Kyoto and placed it in Lingyan Pavilion.

Today it was brought back to Xuelao City by the human army, but this does not mean going home, it is more like the inheritance of some kind of strong will.

Demonic people were kicked out of their homes and stood on both sides of the street. Some demonic poor people stood in front of dilapidated buildings, curiously looking at the human army advancing towards the Demonic Palace.

Seeing the eucalyptus-like flame, whispers rang out, and for some unknown reason, demon people gradually knelt down.

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