Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 1166 That’s it

In addition to the legendary daytime fireworks, the demon people were more concerned about the divine chariot and the small car.

Thinking that the human race's pope and saint were in the chariot, even the defeated ones, they were inevitably a little curious and excited. Chen Changsheng is very famous in the Demonic Snowfield, and Xu Yourong is even more famous because of the Demon Lord's fanatical confession. But who is in that little car? The people couldn't understand that there were still humans who could be ranked ahead of the Pope and the Saint. Speculations gradually spread, and the people realized that it was the teacher of the human emperor and the pope, named Shang Xingzhou, who was said to be as famous as Wang Zhice.

Shang Xingzhou ignored the curious glances from both sides of the street. His eyes fell on the buildings on both sides of the street, and he was also full of curiosity.

He has been to Xue Lao City and read countless related files, but this is his first time entering this city.

To him, this demonic capital was strange yet familiar, filled with an intoxicating sense of unreality.

Just like those buildings, they are indeed beautiful, but they make no sense.

What does the towering spire symbolize?

Why is it that even though the windows are inlaid with ocean-blue glass, which can welcome the brightest sunshine, it feels so gloomy, like a real ghost?

The most spectacular building appeared in everyone's eyes. Even in the dark and starless night, it was still so eye-catching, like a real mountain.

That is the Demon Palace.

The main entrance of the Demon Palace, which is more than ten feet high, has been cracked, and there are still some light blue flames on the edge, which should be related to the material.

The car parked outside the Magic Palace without entering, so the whole team stopped.

Time passed slowly, and the car never moved, and no sound came from inside.

Countless eyes fell on the car.

Mrs. Tang walked to the car.

Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong also walked to the car.

Mrs. Tang asked through the green curtain on the car window: Are you going in?

The green curtain was lifted, revealing Shang Xingzhou's face.

He said: Is it almost done?

Mr. Tang looked at Chen Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng nodded after a moment of silence.

He started to enter the city in the morning and did not arrive at the Demon Palace until this time. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, the most important reason was that he ordered the entire team to go around Xue Lao City in a large circle, making sure to pass all the famous neighborhoods. See all the famous buildings.

about there.

Mr. Tang said.

Then you can see it here.

Shang Xingzhou let out a contented sigh and then closed his eyes.

There was silence in front of the Demon Palace, and the sounds of distant battles and the light of fireworks lighting up the night sky were clearly transmitted here.

I don't know how long it took, but Mrs. Tang stepped forward and lowered the curtains.

Chen Changsheng walked to the car and hugged the little Taoist priest out.

The little Taoist priest knew who he was, so he was not afraid and hugged him tightly.

Chen Changsheng noticed that the little Taoist priest's sleeves were tied very tightly and there was some blood stains on his face. He knew that it was from treating the soldiers these days.

You have an uncle who cuts his sleeves very short. That is very convenient. I will make them for you in the future.

The little Taoist priest nodded and said, Okay.

Xu Yourong stepped forward and took him from Chen Changsheng's arms.

The little Taoist priest had never met Xu Yourong, but he still behaved well.

Chen Changsheng walked towards the Demon Palace.

Xu Yourong followed behind with the little Taoist priest in his arms.

The little Taoist priest looked at the carriage and finally couldn't help crying: Is the ancestor dead?

Chen Changsheng said nothing or looked back.

Mrs. Tang followed with his hands behind his back.

Wang Po is here, and he is ready to pull the car into the magic palace.

Let me do it.

Xiao Zhang took over the job.

Everyone knows that the most suitable person to do this is Chen Changsheng, but they also know why he refuses to stop.

The sounds of fighting in the Demon Palace gradually stopped. Flames appeared in some palaces and were quickly extinguished. Even if they were occupied, everything seemed so orderly.

Just like Chen Changsheng's footsteps, steady and clear-paced, neither urgent nor slow.

But he failed to see clearly what the palaces in the Demon Palace looked like.

Those palaces are made of very rare black marble and are extremely majestic. Moreover, different palaces have different styles and colors. This common technique in the paintings of Xue Lao City is really amazing when applied to the architecture. , has an extremely rich beauty.

But in his eyes these were just blurry patches of color.

There is a sunflower field deep in the Demon Palace. It covers an extremely vast area and looks like a yellow ocean. On such a deserted autumn night, it still gives people an extremely warm feeling.

The group of people stepped across the Kwai Sea and walked deeper, feeling that the enthusiasm around them gradually became colder, while an evil, cold power like the night was growing stronger.

It has been recorded in Taoist scriptures that this power is the breath of the abyss, and it is also one of the sources of the demons' power.

The Demon Palace is on the edge of the abyss, and it seems that it's not far away.

The yellow sunflowers parted like the tide, and a dark, extremely tall palace appeared in front of everyone.

Through the stone steps, which are about several miles long, people enter the Demon Palace.

Until this moment, Chen Changsheng's vision was no longer blurry, but still a little red.

The space in the Demon Palace is very huge. There is no stone pillar to support it. It is all made of black boulders. Every once in a while, you can see a painting, either a character, a landscape, a flower, or just a simple painting. The brushstrokes left traces, and there seems to be a lot of wisdom hidden in them.

Starting from the gate of the Demon Palace, people have not encountered any demons, and there are no demons here either. It seems extremely deserted.

A faint green light suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, piercing Chen Changsheng's eyebrows.

Even from a distance, everyone can feel the poison above.

Chen Changsheng was very familiar with this green light. It was Nan Ke's peacock feather.

Xu Yourong said something to the little Taoist priest in his arms without raising his head.

The dagger shot out of the air and hit the green light accurately.

Just when Chen Changsheng was preparing for Nan Ke's next strange attack, the green light disappeared in the air.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of intensive crashes above the Demon Palace, and then snowflakes fell.

With a loud bang, the two figures fell heavily to the ground, and even the hard black rock was smashed into several cracks.

The smoke gradually dispersed, and a girl in black restrained Nan Ke.

Why are you so weak?

The girl in black looked at Nanke and said in confusion.

Chen Changsheng looked at Nanke's pale face and was a little surprised. He didn't know what she had endured in the past few days since she returned to Xue Lao City.

I really regret it. I should have killed you as soon as I saw you in Zhou Garden.

Nanke ignored the girl in black, stared at Chen Changsheng's face, and said with endless hatred.

Chen Changsheng was silent for a while, did not answer, and continued walking deeper into the Demon Palace.

Nanke looked at his back and shouted with a sense of despair: Do you have to force all of us to die?

No, I just want you to surrender.

Chen Changsheng looked at the car and was silent for a while, then repeated: Surrender.

(Today, the TV series Zetianji starts to air on Hunan TV, and the novel also ends here, which makes me feel a little emotional. When I was a kid, I watched Yixiu and often heard: Let’s stop here, just stop here. I don’t know why I feel very sad. I wrote this to celebrate more than one year. When I wrote the song in Yixiuli, I was also very sad. I wish everyone happiness and business success through the ages.)

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