Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 605 Under the starry sky, there is no fear

Holy Light? Chen Changsheng looked slightly confused.

Of course he knows what the Holy Light is, but although he has read the Dao Zang thoroughly, he has never entered the Thirteenth Division of Qingzhen, nor has he been to the Saintess' Peak. Why is his body filled with Holy Light?

Suddenly, he remembered a term. It was a place that was rarely mentioned and was not clearly recorded in Taoist canon.

He really heard the name of this place when he and Xu Yourong were discussing where Senior Su Li would go on that snowy day at the beginning of the year.

Sure enough, the next moment he heard the name again from the Pope's words.

Has your master really been to the Holy Light Continent? The Pope frowned slightly, as if he had encountered some problems that were difficult to understand.

However, this is not completely certain. There have been rumors that some of the survivors in the Yun Tomb passed through the barrier of space and went to the Holy Light Continent. Emperor Taizong would not stop the search because he had no way to kill them all. If the Chen royal family That group really lives over there now, and your situation seems to be explained.

Only then did Chen Changsheng realize that the Holy Light Continent was not an illusory existence. Someone might even have gone there, and those people were most likely his clansmen...

But there are still some questions that I can't figure out: Does everyone living in the Holy Light Continent have so much Holy Light in their bodies?

It is rumored that the heaven and earth of the Holy Light Continent are filled with infinite holy light, but the situation you mentioned is still impossible. Your situation is special after all.

The Pope looked at him with pity and said: When you were still in your mother's womb, the sun disk collapsed. Logically speaking, there is no way for you to survive. According to my speculation, it should be someone from the Holy Light Continent. These strange people gathered an unimaginable amount of holy light and forcibly poured it into your body to help you survive.

Chen Changsheng was silent for a moment and then said: Life is a bit hard.

But it's good to be alive after all.

The Pope stretched out his hand to caress the top of his head and said: Let's go, if you don't leave, I'm really worried that the Holy Lady will burn down the Guangming Main Hall.

Chen Changsheng lowered his head and accepted the old man's loving blessing.

The sound of wheels rolling could be heard on the hard bluestone floor, and he pushed his wheelchair toward the outside of the hall.

The Pope looked at his back and said, Don't use this method to test him again. It's very dangerous.

Chen Changsheng stopped the wheelchair and nodded after a moment of silence.

No matter human nature or the human heart, it cannot be tested, because when you start to think of ways to test it, it means that you have begun to doubt.

“And doubt,” the pope concluded, “is the root of all misfortune.”

It was early autumn and not yet desolate. The big banyan trees by the lake were still showing off their green leaves. Only some yellowish fallen leaves could be seen occasionally on the lawn.

The National Education College was heavily guarded today. The National Education Cavalry was patrolling vigilantly outside the alley. The usually brightly lit restaurants outside the alley also received the news and closed their doors early, leaving them deserted.

The Nanxizhai disciples did not stay in the palace, nor did they go to the palace. Instead, they came directly to the National Education Academy and started setting up tents on the lawn. At the same time, they unceremoniously occupied the library.

The teachers and students of the National Education College were blocked outside by a cloth. Watching the beautiful Nanxi Zhai female disciples coming in and out, they actually didn't have much resistance in their hearts. They even had some secret joy, but they didn't show it on the surface. When he came out, Yu Zi complained angrily: When did the National Education College come under the control of Saintess Peak?

Su Moyu and Xuanyuan Po were currently in the newly built kitchen on the other side of the lake, which was less than half a year old. According to the Nanxi Zhai disciples, they could not return to the small building for the time being. They could only go back when they were allowed to do so. Taking away their own clothes and daily necessities will naturally make them very annoyed.

What happened? Why do the people from Saint Virgin's Peak want to live in the academy? They also robbed our place, so where do we live?

Zhexiu sat on the threshold of the kitchen, looking at the few new locust trees planted by the wall, pretending to be lonely and desperate as usual. Naturally, the only person to answer this question was Tang Sanshiliu.

There's one thing you may not know, but I'm sure you'll know it soon, just like everyone else in the world.

He looked at Su Moyu and Xuanyuan Po and said very seriously: This guy Chen Changsheng has already had an affair with Xu Yourong.

These words are very vulgar, but they can explain the current situation most clearly.

There was silence, and it took Su Moyu and Xuanyuan Po a lot of time to digest the shock in their hearts.

Su Moyu's first reaction was to frown and look at Tang Thirty-Six: How could you use such vulgar language on a saint?

Xuanyuan Po's reaction was also very direct, with admiration on his face: The dean is really amazing, but...what should I do, Your Highness?

Now it was Tang Sanliu's turn to be shocked. He looked at the two of them and said, Aren't you disappointed and angry?

Why be disappointed?

That pair of adulterers **** kept it secret from us for so long.

Tang Tang, I'm warning you, don't use such vulgar words again when it involves a saint. Su Mo Yu Surong said.

Tang Sanshiliu said angrily: You have all been kicked out of the room, and you still want to speak for them?

Xuanyuan Po said with an honest face, This is the first time that the new daughter-in-law and her family come to visit. Of course, we must treat her well.

Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong didn't know that they had once again become a pair of adulterers in Tang Sanliu's mouth. They were discussing their previous trip to leave the palace.

Doubt is the origin of all misfortunes. This is the last thing my uncle said to me. I know this is a lesson to me, but I think when he said this, he might think of the teacher who sent me away Entering Kyoto is a thorn in the side between him and the Holy Queen, so... this must be some kind of misfortune for him.

His Majesty the Pope cares about the world. The misfortune he feels should be more about the misfortune of the world and the misfortune of hundreds of millions of people.

But being used by the teacher in this way, even if my uncle really thinks that the Holy Queen should abdicate, he will still feel a little uncomfortable.

So, your teacher is indeed a schemer. Now I really want to know what kind of person he is.

Xu Yourong withdrew his gaze from the distance, looked at Chen Changsheng and said.

The starlight came in from the window together with the early autumn wind and fell on his face. It was very comfortable, just like the way he made people feel.

She didn't know what kind of person Taoist Ji or Dean Shang was. She only knew that she had never hated someone so much.

Although that person is Chen Changsheng's teacher.

It was precisely because that person was Chen Changsheng's teacher.

Who in the world would be so callous and ruthless as to use the students he brought up as pawns, and would not let go of the senior brother who once spared his own life?

Chen Changsheng thought of the words recorded in Wang Zhice's notes in Lingyan Pavilion.

Wang Zhice did not specifically mention Taoist Ji in his notes, but only recounted that before some ministers and famous generals from Lingyan Pavilion died of illness, he had met or heard about Taoist Ji when he went to visit them.

As the most skilled doctor in the Zhou Dynasty at that time, it seemed to be a normal thing to go to visit and diagnose the famous ministers and generals under orders when they were seriously ill.

But thinking about it conversely, it can also be said that not long after Taoist Ji went to visit those ministers and generals on the order of Emperor Taizong, those big names who were famous in history returned to Xinghai one after another. If you think about it, Taoist Ji is the orthodox successor of the State Religion. Many years later, he restored Shang Xingzhou's real name and took charge of the State Religion Academy, secretly trying to overthrow the rule of the Holy Queen...

I think...the teacher should be the most trusted person by Emperor Taizong back then.

After Chen Changsheng finished saying this, he suddenly felt that the autumn wind blowing outside the window was a little cold.

The room was quiet for a long time.

If this matter really has to be traced back to the Taizong period, if it really has to be extended to that distant and unknown continent, it would be too complicated.

Although he and she are not ordinary teenagers and girls, they will turn seventeen in two months after all. They don't know what happened back then, how can they see through these fogs?

Now we can only confirm that His Majesty the Pope has no ill intentions towards you. Xu Yourong said.

Chen Changsheng nodded. This was a fact that he took a huge risk to confirm, but in fact, he could not fully understand why His Majesty the Pope stopped at that moment.

If it is true as His Majesty the Pope said, your body contains countless holy lights, if you eat yourself, you may enter an unimaginable realm, gain true freedom, and transcend the pain of life and death. How can His Majesty the Pope control himself even if he is willing to risk entering the Cold Mountains to lose himself?

Senior Brother Yu Ren said that only saints can resist the temptation of their own blood. What I am talking about here is ability, not willingness.

If it were Chen Changsheng himself who faced this situation, he doesn't know what choice he would make.

In His Majesty’s heart, what is more important than this? Of course not power.

He was thinking silently, that could only be the future of the human race.

Xu Yourong knew what he was thinking and said, It's also because of awe.

For a big man like His Majesty the Pope who is already at the highest level in terms of both realm, strength and status, what else can he be in awe of?

The starry sky that everyone can see when they look up and the light deepest in their hearts.

That light is either morality, or principles, or love, or family affection, or a bowl of omelette noodles, or the blood in the body, which is thicker for you and thicker for me.

Not everyone will retain this awe.

Xu Yourong thought Chen Changsheng had no teacher.

Even though he is at a high place, he still remains in awe. Such a person is remarkable.

From beginning to end, from heaven to earth, from light to darkness, there is no fear. Such people are terrible.

So far, that person has always been hiding in the dark. I only know that he will definitely use Chen Changsheng, but I don't know how he will use Chen Changsheng.

I still stick to my views in Hanshan.

Xu Yourong said: We should tell the queen everything.

Chen Changsheng looked out the window quietly and didn't speak for a long time.

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