Fighter of the Destiny

Chapter 606: Those who obey me will die.

Let’s not mention the Pope for the moment, nor think about the senior brother, but between the teacher and the Holy Queen, who does Chen Changsheng trust more? Not long ago, he could give the answer without thinking at all, but now, after thinking about it for a long time, he could only find that he could not trust anyone.

He had never met the Holy Queen, but had some personal knowledge of the Holy Queen through Mo Yu, Xu Yourong and King Chen Liu. Of course, he had read too many records about the Holy Queen in books, and he knew the one who had the highest power in the world. Women are so powerful and ruthless. Now that I think about it, his teacher may be like this. Or maybe the higher the level of spiritual practice, the less you care about awe, and the more indifferent you will be to the world? After entering the sacred realm, you can no longer be regarded as a mortal, so naturally you will not have too many mortal feelings.

If it is true as you said, there will be no room for buffering between the Holy Queen and the Pope. Even if everyone has been deceiving themselves and others in the past two years, there is always some reason to deceive themselves. Between the imperial court and the state religion The conflicts will intensify quickly, and chaos may break out in Kyoto tomorrow.

Chen Changsheng looked at her and said: I am not Wang Po. I can still take the world as my responsibility even after my family is destroyed. But if the world becomes chaotic because of me, I will still feel a lot of psychological pressure. And if I really are Prince Zhaoming , I can’t imagine any reason why the queen would let me go.”

If you are really Prince Zhaoming, then the empress is your biological mother.

Xu Yourong looked at his calm expression and knew that this sentence was not enough to convince him, and even this sentence could not convince herself. It should be difficult for a person like the Holy Queen to be bound by these so-called moral ties. She looked at the autumn trees outside the window and said, I will intercede on your behalf.

If the empress really wants to kill me, whose plea will be of any use? And I think she knows everything now.

Chen Changsheng stood up and walked to the window to stand side by side with her.

After a long journey back from Hanshan, under Xu Yourong's careful care, his injuries did not improve, but they did not worsen for the time being. Under the influence of Tianfeng's true blood, he even regained some strength.

Starlight fell on Xu Yourong's beautiful face, making it look even paler: We have to find a way to solve it.

Actually, there is the simplest way.

what way?

No matter what kind of conspiracy the teacher has arranged secretly, it must have something to do with me. In this case, if I disappear, these things will naturally disappear with it.

The bubbles on the lake reflect the starlight, which is beautiful and illusory, but in fact, the extremely thin walls of those bubbles are all water.

Without water, those bubbles would naturally cease to exist.

Xu Yourong vaguely guessed what he wanted to say.

It is extremely difficult for people like the Holy Queen and Taoist Ji to disappear before their eyes.

There is only one situation, which neither the Holy Queen nor Taoist Ji can solve.

That is to truly leave this world.

The soul returned to the sea of ​​​​stars, and the body turned into dust.


In the past few days after leaving Hanshan, I have been thinking that maybe I am a person who should not have survived.

If I were Prince Zhaoming, according to the mother-in-law's statement of changing her destiny and sacrificing the starry sky, I should not have been born at all. Perhaps it is for this reason that when I was still in my mother's womb, I had not yet opened my eyes. , the sun disk in the body collapsed, but I don’t know why, but he didn’t die.”

People who should have died a long time ago have lived for more than ten years. This in itself is against the will of heaven and will naturally cause chaos in the world.

Although it's more than ten years late, if I die now, it might be considered a remedy, like building a new wall in the sheepfold.

If I die, all these conspiracies will be useless, and these contradictions will seem to have no meaning. There will only be peace, which is good.

Chen Changsheng looked into Xu Yourong's eyes and said very seriously.

He didn't speak fast, trying to speak every word as clearly as possible to ensure that his thoughts could be heard.

Xu Yourong heard it and confirmed what he meant. His expression remained calm, but his voice became darker, and he said with some annoyance, I won't let you die.

You understand. Even if I don't want to die, I will die eventually. It's just a matter of dozens of days earlier or dozens of days later.

Chen Changsheng looked at her and explained seriously.

I had a long conversation with His Majesty the Pope in the palace, talking about stories from a thousand years ago, about foreign continents countless miles away, and about his illness, but he didn't go into details, let alone how to treat it.

It was already clear that the Pope could not cure him.

I don't know if it was because he had been thinking about this matter since he was ten years old. When this matter actually came to him, Chen Changsheng was not very afraid.

Maybe numbness? He thought to himself.

At this time, he was seriously considering what he should do before dying and how he should die since he was going to die.

The difference is only a few dozen days at most. It doesn't matter whether you die early or later. What matters is when you die.

Will his meridians wither and his blood run out, die, or will he be eaten by the strongest people in the world? It doesn't matter how he dies, what matters is that he has to decide for himself.

What he cultivates is to go with his heart, and whether his life goes as he wishes, of course he must pay attention to the outcome.

Thinking about these questions, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Looking into his eyes, Xu Yourong confirmed his intentions and felt a little sad.

I won't let you die, she said.

When she was in Hanshan, on the journey, and before, she often said to Chen Changsheng: I will not let you die.

At this time she said: I won't let you die.

There is only one word difference between these two sentences, but they have completely different meanings and represent completely different moods.

Generally speaking, when girls say this sentence, they often have red eyes or even burst into tears.

Xu Yourong remained calm, even deliberately indifferent.

But she didn't even notice that her voice was trembling slightly when she said this.

That is the deepest despair.

In the entire continent, only five people knew that Chen Changsheng was dying.

For ordinary people in Kyoto, this is just an ordinary day in early autumn. They live as usual, working and eating, walking to visit, drinking and chatting, watching the car in the noble's house hit the stone lion, and then watching the excitement, listening to Following the gossip from somewhere, they began to express their opinions with relish.

On this ordinary autumn day, a shocking news spread throughout Kyoto, attracting the attention of all people.

Many people already knew yesterday that the Saint Maiden Peak team came to Kyoto together with the National Religion team, but it was not until this morning that they knew that the Saint Maiden did not live in the palace, nor in the imperial palace, nor did she return to the East Palace. Instead, he went directly to the National Education Academy.

Moreover, I heard that she stayed in the Anglican Academy all night.

The saint must have stayed overnight at the Anglican Academy!

A pawnshop owner stood at the door of his shop, waving his arms and speaking loudly, with a very solemn expression, as if he was recounting the classics of the state religion.

No one can accept such a thing quickly, especially young men. Whether they were scholars or coolies, the faces of all of them gathered in front of the shop were ugly.

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