Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1212: Three fresh boneless fish

Early the next morning, Fu Yu came to the stall and assigned the task of preparing dishes step by step.

He himself is not idle either. Yang Zhichao now has a solid foundation in cooking. When Fu Yu saw him doing a well-oiled job, he couldn't help but give a few tips about heat and time.

While they were chatting, Li Dongxu suddenly greeted him: "Xiao Fu, come here and help me. A customer has made a reservation for the table. I am going to make a signature dish now. You can learn from it."

As soon as Fu Yu heard Li Dongxu's words, he knew that the other party was preparing to show off his unique skills, so he quickly came over to watch.

Li Dongxulehehe introduced: "This dish is called three fresh boneless fish. It tastes very good, but it is very difficult to make."

Three fresh deboned fish is a specialty dish of Fucheng Chun. It was also the cooking method Liu Yongping learned from an old chef he met by chance when he was traveling abroad.

 When he returned to his hometown, he applied cooking techniques to river fish, adjusted the taste to a taste that was more popular in his hometown, and tried to sell it directly in the store.

 The result was well received and it gradually became the restaurant’s signature dish.

The most challenging thing about this dish for chefs is to ensure that the fish meat and fish bones are completely separated, and the shape of the fish is not destroyed. It mainly uses carp as the main ingredient, and pork, chicken gizzards, etc. as auxiliary ingredients. The fish meat is very tender when you eat it, and the inside of the cavity is The three fresh flavors are very strong.

Li Dongxu guided Fu Yu in cooking this time in great detail, and Fu Yu listened very carefully.

 There is a special splitting method when deboning this dish.

Li Dongxu often does this, and his technique is very skillful. He lays the carp flat on the cutting board, cuts it across the anus, and breaks the backbone.

 Use a long thin sharp knife to insert from the two incisions, gently cut the bones and flesh along the spine, take out the spine and internal organs from the gill opening, wash and drain.

Finally, chop the pork into minced meat, add Shaoxing wine, refined salt, green onion and **** juice, and MSG and mix well. Then add diced mushrooms, diced winter bamboo shoots, diced chicken pus, and shrimp. After mixing, fill the fish belly from the incision under the gill cover. .

This is not over yet, the fish must be smeared with the brewed soy sauce shipped from my hometown by Fucheng Chun.

 You can only cook after this.

While holding the spoon, Li Dongxu told Fu Yu: "The key to making three-fresh deboned fish is not to break the fish belly when filling the fish, and don't overfill it when filling the fish, otherwise the filling will be lost when frying the fish. Spills easily."

Fu Yu listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

 This time's observation and learning did not trigger any medals or skills.

But Fu Yu suddenly realized that even in this case, under Li Dongxu's careful guidance, he could actually rely on his own cooking experience and understanding to draw inferences and quickly master all the relevant operational details.

This surprised Fu Yu very much.

 Li Dongxu finished handling the carp and put the pot directly on the stove.

 After the pot is hot, ladle in the cooked lard. When it is 70% hot, add the fish and fry until both sides are golden brown. Add various seasonings and an appropriate amount of water, cover and bring to a boil.

  Turn down the heat to low and cook.

With the fish burning in the pot, Li Dongxu finally freed his hand, turned to Yu and said, "When it's done, just pour in the cooked lard, let the juice drain over high heat, and then put it on the plate."

Fu Yu took note of it carefully, thinking that when he got the chance, he would try cooking it himself.

As soon as you look at the cooking process of this dish, you know that it must taste very delicious.

As a result, Li Dongxu turned around and said: "Come on, Xiao Fu, you go catch another carp and try your hand. I happened to have another banquet today, so I ordered this dish. You cook, and I'll help you." "

As soon as these words came out, even Yang Ming couldn't help but come over.

It’s not the peak meal time yet, so the kitchen is busy with food preparation, but as long as the chef puts the stew on the stove first, several people can have their hands free.

Wang Haiwei's kitchen counter was a little further away, so he didn't know what was going on here, but when he saw Yang Ming and Fu Yu approaching Li Dongxu, he knew that he was going to show off his unique skills again.

He didn't dare to delay. He told the cook to keep an eye on the pot and hurriedly came over.

Separating fresh fish is not difficult for Fu Yu, but Li Dongxu's operation method just now made Fu Yu's eyes light up!

 Fuchengchun is a restaurant that specializes in river fish cooking. In the back kitchen, the chefs have been dealing with river fish all year round and are particularly experienced in handling and cooking methods.

 Fu Yu followed Li Dongxu’s instructions and performed the operation carefully step by step.

To make this dish, Fuchengchun uses fresh river carp. Although it is farmed, it is very big and the meat is very tender.

Fu Yu used the knife to cut a small incision near the gills of the carp. Immediately, a thin line of white tendons on both sides of the carp's belly was revealed. He picked it up with tweezers and applied gentle force, and the fish was gone.

When doing the deboning, Fu Yu changed his original operating habits and copied Li Dongxu's deboning skills intact.

 Don’t mention it, this way, the operation speed is indeed faster.

However, this method is still quite limited. Fresh fish like carp with large spines are more suitable. If it were crucian carp, it would be too troublesome to remove the small spines like this.

Fu Yu did every step of the operation with all his heart, while Li Dongxu stood aside and watched, saying he was trying to do something, but in fact there was really nothing he could do to help.

 After the carp was taken care of, Fu Yu directly poured the rice wine into the basin and put the carp in to soak.

 At the same time, start processing the pork.

 Because to make sandwich meat, I use high-quality pork belly.

 When handling pork, Li Dongxu was very detailed. For example, pork should be cut diagonally. The meat of pork is thinner and has less tendons.

 If it is cut crosswise, it will become messy and scattered after frying, but it is different if it is cut diagonally. Not only will the pork not be broken easily, but it will also not bite your teeth.

 Another very important point is that whether it is cleaning or soaking in water, the time should not be too long, otherwise the taste of the pork will be affected.

 In fact, Fu Yu knows all the detailed requirements of these cooking operations.

However, because Fucheng Chun is a restaurant that specializes in cooking river fish, the processing of red meat will be somewhat inferior.

Li Dongxu was used to detailing everything when giving instructions. He also remembered that Fu Yu's previous restaurant at Chollima Restaurant focused on seafood cooking, so he went into more detail.

The rest of the cooking operations were not difficult for Yu, and he did it very smoothly.

Li Dongxu was watching carefully and occasionally noticed some clever operations, so he couldn't help but ask a few questions.

The two of them went back and forth and exchanged their thoughts on cooking operations for a long time.

They were chatting enthusiastically, while a few people watching nearby were talking quietly, each feeling very uneasy inside.

Lin Shishen usually works as a cook with Li Dongxu, but now that the stoves are occupied, he rarely has time to relax. After observing for a while, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "Fu Chu's skills are amazing!"

Yang Ming was standing next to him. When he heard this, he also echoed: "Indeed, when I first learned this dish, I practiced it for more than three months. Later, when I was cooking, I failed several times. I remember that I’ll be scolded by Chef Li later.”

When Wang Haiwei heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Then who can you blame? Chef Li specifically emphasized that when boiling shrimps in boiling water, you must put a cinnamon stick in the water, so that you can The fishy smell of the shrimp does not affect the delicious taste of the shrimp.”

"You have been practicing for three months, and you have forgotten this step. Who else would I scold you for?" Yang Ming laughed.

“Also, when I was learning, I didn’t pay attention to this step. As a result, I never used this step after practicing for more than three months.”

After Wang Haiwei laughed at Yang Ming, he said with emotion: "In fact, the most difficult part of cooking this dish is to separate the fish bones and make the stuffing. But look, Fu Chu's method is not like cooking it for the first time. What a dish!”

Wang Zhonghua, the chef of Cangya Xuan, originally came to Fucheng Chun stall in the morning when the kitchen was not busy. He wanted to have a good communication with Li Dongxu about the training on the internal cooking maturity judgment skills of ingredients next Monday. , before waiting for the kitchen, I heard the lively noise coming from inside.

 Their stall is located diagonally across from Fucheng Chun, and the two families usually have close contact.

Seeing Wang Zhonghua coming, the waiter in the front office smiled and said hello, and took the initiative to help go to the back kitchen to call someone.

 We are all in the same group, so when we usually meet and chat, we go directly to the dining area to find a corner seat.

 The back kitchen has never been open to the public. Wang Zhonghua is very measured and never takes the initiative to go there.

While waiting for someone to be called, Wang Zhonghua curiously looked through the large glass window into the kitchen. From this angle, he could clearly see several people talking and laughing around Li Dongxu.

When the waiter came in and conveyed the message, Li Dongxu quickly turned around and saw Wang Zhonghua. He immediately put down his work and came out.

 “Wang Chef, why are you here?”

Li Dongxu accompanied Wang Zhonghua to the dining area, and the two of them found a corner seat and sat down.

Wang Zhonghua asked curiously: "What are you doing in the kitchen? It looks quite lively to me!"

Li Dongxu laughed when he heard this: "Oh, it's nothing, I'm instructing some of them to cook."

 In fact, it was Fu Yu who cooked a dish of three-fresh deboned fish on his own. The details of the operation were so beautifully handled that several people in the kitchen were full of praise.

Then he mentioned the twists and turns that others had gone through when they learned to make this dish. In contrast, Li Dongxu hated the fact that iron cannot be made into steel, so he couldn't help but lecture them a few more words.

However, it is not easy to mention this kind of thing to Wang Zhonghua. After all, family scandals cannot be made public.

“Chef Wang, is there something wrong with you suddenly looking for me?” Li Dongxu asked.

Wang Zhonghua smiled: "Chef Zhao, there is indeed something that I came here to talk to you about."

 After finishing speaking, Wang Zhonghua talked about the fact that his hotel was invited to participate in the internal cooking maturity judgment skills training event of ingredients.

“We will also send people to participate in the training next Monday. At that time, the two masters in the store will go there and share some relevant experience and operating skills.”

Hearing Wang Zhonghua’s words, Li Dongxu immediately became happy: “That’s great, welcome!”

Wang Zhonghua asked with great interest: "By the way, Chef Li, I heard that this event will be held in your store. Who among you has signed up?"

Li Dongxu said: "At present, only Fu Yu and Lao Sun from our kitchen have signed up, and the others haven't started yet."

 Fu Cheng Chun is a chain store, and the total number of kitchen staff in several branches is several hundred.

 Start registration now, there’s still not enough time.

Hearing Li Dongxu's words, Wang Zhonghua couldn't help but laugh: "Fu Chu also participates? That would be great, it will probably be an eye-opener!"

Li Dongxu said with a smile: "This person asked you to praise him, but what about it?"

Wang Zhonghua nodded repeatedly: "Why not? Fu Chu is quite capable. Your stall has become a popular check-in spot in our food area."

Li Dongxu quickly said politely: "Oh, what you said is a bit too exaggerated. However, this training still needs everyone to work together. No matter how capable Fu Yu is, he is still too young after all, and he needs your help. ah!"

When Wang Zhonghua heard this, he waved his hand: "I don't dare take it! I'm still waiting to observe the cooking skills in your store on Monday."

What Wang Zhonghua said is quite true. Fucheng Chun is famous throughout the country for cooking river fish.

Having the opportunity to observe and communicate in the kitchen is a very good learning opportunity.

 Furthermore, this event is a competition on the same stage, and representatives from each company will participate.

 At that time, as long as you have a sharp eye and ears, you will not have to worry about learning powerful cooking operations and skills.

However, just a little bit, and then nothing can be said about Fu Yu.

It's not that Wang Zhonghua, as a hotel chef, has any burden of being a master chef, the main reason is that Fu Yu is too young.

I am an old chef who is almost fifty years old. When I was on the same stage, I was crushed by a young man in his early twenties. I felt a bit embarrassed about this.

How embarrassing that is.

Although, after getting to know each other during this period, Wang Zhonghua had heard a lot about Fu Yu's deeds even if he had never been in contact with him.

Especially because the two stalls are so close to each other, if there is any trouble on Fu Chengchun's side, he will hear the news immediately.

Wang Zhonghua once specifically searched the Internet for information about Fu Yu.

As a result, I came across cooking videos from the National Chef Competition.

He has been a chef for decades, and his cooking skills are still very good. It is precisely because of his knowledge that he can tell at a glance how good Fu Yu is!

In fact, in his opinion, even if he is really outclassed by Fu Yu when cooking on the same stage, there is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, his ability is on display here.

 The problem is, he knows it, but others don’t.

It was passed out and said that he was not as young as a young post -life in his twenties who came to the age of twenty. At that time, he could not even refute one sentence, after all, it was the truth!

How frustrating that is!

 It is simply impossible to think about it.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhonghua thought that he would not be able to play anything at that time, he could just watch from below.

 Hearing that Wang Zhonghua was not planning to play, Li Dongxu was a little surprised: "What? I still want to have a good communication with you then."

Wang Zhonghua couldn't help but shook his head: "Communication is easy. If you don't go on stage, you can still talk. I'm afraid of going on stage, so I don't have the energy to communicate."

Li Dongxu was stunned: "Chef Wang, what do you mean?"

Wang Zhonghua sighed: "It's not that I don't want to go on stage, it's just that when Fu Yu comes on stage, I feel too much pressure!" (End of Chapter)

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