From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1420: A running killing machine

 Chapter 1420 The killing machine in action

 At this stage, the United States has been paying attention to the trends in East Asia. They have already preset the time for the war to start for Boss Pu, and have made many "announcements". How can they still have the energy to pay attention to the "East Asia Movement" issue.

Boss Qiao is extremely bad, putting the people who were killed and injured in the terrorist attack, along with their passports and visas, in front of the media’s lens...

 Volume that he will fulfill his responsibilities and fight against all terrorism.

Then his old friend, reporter Wallace, said, "The SEA Movement is not a terrorist organization recognized by the United States." This caused an uproar in the audience, and also made the boss Qiao look "astonished" and "disappointed" on his face. The reporter's footage traveled around the world.

“Is the list of terrorist organizations designated by the United Nations wrong?”

Boss Qiao’s ‘naive’ question shocked many reporters and at the same time found a topic…

 The bad things done by the East Asian Movement were uncovered and reviewed by people all over the world who were concerned about the situation of Afghanistan...

 Because Princess Charlene and Princess Emina are still active in Kandahar, feminists’ attention is focused on this “irredeemable” land.

P·B, as a patron saint recognized by feminists, was actually bullied in this way when he liberated the women of Afghanistan...

 Is this okay?

 You must know that the three major problems in Afghanistan identified by Europe and the United States are terrorism, women’s rights, rule of law and media freedom…

 Now the SEA Movement has directly triggered the first two items, and it has been exposed through free reporting by European and American media.

In this case, anyone who speaks for the East Asian Movement will be sprayed into a sieve!

 Hence, under huge media pressure, the United States followed the "recognition, denial" and "recognition, denial" cycle created several times based on Sino-US relations after 2008...

 In 2021, the SEA Movement was once again recognized as a terrorist organization recognized by the United Nations and a terrorist organization recognized by the United States.

The words of Big Brother America mean that the East Turkestan Islamic Movement has become a terrorist organization collectively recognized by Big Brother Wuchang, and things will be easier to handle later!

 Terrorist organizations should be punished by everyone!

At this stage, the boss of the FBI in the United States has changed. Boss Qiao is not very familiar with their new director, but the New Jersey farm still got the DEA's "invitation" as soon as possible...

  ‘Spurs’ led a group of retired and re-employed HRT (Hostage Rescue Team), and under the leadership of DEA agents, launched a raid on a house in the MSL gathering area of ​​New York.

 The raid killed 4 people on the spot and confiscated nearly 5 kilograms of drugs.

Then the DEA agents 'accidentally' discovered that this place was actually the base of the East Asian Movement, which had just been declared a terrorist organization, and a plan for a terrorist attack against the United States was also discovered...

The so-called ‘plan’ cannot withstand scrutiny at all, but at this time absolutely no one will speak for a terrorist organization, so the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security were naturally dragged into the water.

FBI Ressler, who has been working on the "Stairway to Light" case, "inexplicably" received a photo of the killer "Starscream" contacting members of the East Asian Movement.

Then this young agent, who had taken over as the director of the FBI's New York Division, was 'forced' to cooperate with the Department of Homeland Security and launched a crackdown on members of the East Asian Movement in the country. By the way, the killer organization "Ladder of Light" was linked to the terrorist organization The combined cases pulled them into a deeper abyss.

This is Boss Qiao’s approach...

 The truth is on my side, my mouth is bigger than yours, and I can use one point to leverage more power against you.

 Now the players and referees are all from P.B. People from the East Asian Games have no other choice but to move to the United States.

They want to move or go north into Canada, but when the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI want to get them, that route is blocked.

The only way left is to go south to Mexico…

Boss Joe has no friends in Mexico, but the son of Monica’s ex-husband who is a dead ringer for the Gulf Group still owes him a huge favor because of the drug network in Los Angeles.

Of course Boss Qiao would not ask for this favor, but Monica did not have such a mysophobia, so she directly contacted people from the Gulf Group...

Then two containers containing dozens of members of the East Asia Movement "accidentally" fell into the sea due to wind and waves on the high seas.

At the same time, Tobruk’s cheap uncle Hassan led his troops beyond the areas controlled by the Libyan National Army and entered the outskirts of Tripoli, issuing an ultimatum to Al Qaeda there...

 Let them hand over all personnel and intelligence of the East Asian Movement, and at the same time cut off from the East Asian Movement, or else we will start a war!

The same thing is happening in Mali. 'Al Qaeda in the Maghreb' took advantage of the main force of P.B. to go to Afghanistan, united a large number of anti-government armed forces in Mali, and launched a series of attacks across Mali, trying to Overthrow local government.

P·B’s officer Artu, with a dozen people, rushed into the battlefield where government troops and terrorists clashed, and under the cover of the air force, launched a series of attacks on the terrorists...

Then this little black guy, who is famous for his acting skills, personally led people to the terrorist-controlled areas and issued an ultimatum to Al Qaeda in the Maghreb...

 Let them hand over all personnel and intelligence of the East Asian Movement, and at the same time cut off from the East Asian Movement, or else we will start a war!

North Africa is now home to Al Qaeda members from the Middle East and is currently the most active region of Al Qaeda in the world.

 If you want people from Al Qaeda to choose the person they fear the most, it must be the ‘Jackal’!

Failures on all fronts caused Al Qaeda to retreat steadily, and at the same time, the idea of ​​negotiating with P·B arose.

At this stage, al-Qaeda is uniting its forces and focusing its main efforts on North Africa. With the weapons and financial support provided by Sumani, Al-Qaeda is growing very fast in North Africa.

Mali and Burkina Faso are already a little overwhelmed...

In the minds of people in Al Qaeda, as long as they capture these two places, they will have the capital to negotiate with P·B.

As a result, a terrorist attack by members of the East Asian Movement in Kandahar actually affected Chiyu and brought al-Qaeda into it.

It is true that the main force of P·B is not in Central Africa, but the scope of control of the ‘United Air Force’ is too large!

At the moment when the French were helpless, P·B’s sudden intervention gave Mali and Burkina Faso a shot in the arm.

 Al Qaeda is like eating a big fly!

Base: "If you want to fight for the East Asian Games, just fight. Why are you hitting me?"

Attu: "You know the people from the SEA Movement, and you trained their people..."

Base: “We don’t have…”

Attu: "I don't believe it unless you do something to make me believe that you two have nothing to do with each other..." Base: "What the hell..."

Atu: "If you dare to scold me, I will call the air force to bomb you..."

 If you don’t hand over the East Yun people, I will call the air force to bomb you...

 Before the East Asian Movement is over, if you continue to mess around, I will call the air force to bomb you..."

Base: "We have nothing to do with them..."

 Attu: “Now there is it!”

 Base: “FUCK…”



Qiao Liang smashed the information in his hand on the ground and stared at Jacob, the leader of the Ta L class armed forces who came to him...

“The Southeast Asian Movement caused a terrorist attack in Kandahar. My brother has no time to hide and seek with them, let alone talk nonsense with you.”

As he spoke, Qiao Liang stood up and looked into Jacob's eyes across the desk, and said in a deep voice: "Two Chinese engineers died. They came to help Aqiong Khan build the power system.

Before you hand over the people who transported you to the East, Kandahar will not send even a grain or material to you. "

 Jacob clenched his fists, roared like a trapped animal, and said in a deep voice: "You are threatening me..."

 Qiao Liang did not have the same intimidating power as Qiao Jia. Facing the angry Jacob, he increased his volume and said loudly: "Yes, I'm **** threatening you!

My brother is fighting for peace in Afghanistan, but what did you sons of **** do after entering Kabul?

 You pretend not to see the ongoing war in the west, and you allow the people of the East Asian Movement to launch terrorist attacks on us and on those who have helped you...

Now you actually come here to ask me when the aid will be provided to you?


 Jacob, let me tell you, until you give me an explanation, you clowns will get nothing!

 Until the Southeast Asian Movement disappears from Afghanistan, no aid at all can enter Kabul!

I am the boss of Jialiang Trading, and I have the final say on this route! "

Jacob looked at the furious Qiao Liang and said in a deep voice, "Is this what the jackal means?"

 Qiao Liang looked at Jacob who seemed to have not figured out the situation yet. He sneered and said: "No, this is what I meant...

 If you want to know what my brother thinks, you should go directly to him.

 But do you dare?

This is Kandahar, and P·B’s base is just a few kilometers outside the city. Do you dare to go? "

As he spoke, Qiao Liang looked at Jacob who suddenly lowered his head to avoid his sight. He was silent for a few seconds and said: "Jacob, I always feel that we are peers, so we should have the same ideas.

Those who always want to take advantage but are unwilling to pay anything will never get the richest part of the fruits of victory.

 You sit back and watch P·B go to war with the Western drug lords and warlords. OK, you are worried about the outbreak of civil war in Aqiong Khan. My brother tolerated it.

But you have to ask your conscience...

  Have P·B done anything to feel sorry for you?

   Have all the things that P·B promised you fulfilled?

Jacob, if you continue to sit back and watch the SEA Movement attack Kandahar without doing anything, then I guess you won’t even be able to sit in the position of ‘collaborator’. "

 Jacob shook his head in pain and said: "Those who want to drive away the East Yin, we need time...

 This all happened too fast! "

Qiao Liang sneered and said: "Then give us their identities, addresses, and photos. P·B doesn't mind opening an extra front...

Only when enough people die will these clowns understand who they cannot offend! "

 Jacob looked up at Qiao Liang, shook his head slightly and said, "Qiao, you must have never experienced a real war. You can't kill all the people in the East Yun.

An all-out war with the East Asian Movement at this stage will completely anger those on the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the tranquility of Kandahar will come to naught.

 Can you really withstand such losses? "


 “I’m not a **** Afghan...

The people here in Kandahar don’t deserve peace if they don’t work hard. If the people in Taban don’t cooperate, they don’t deserve to rule this country! "

boss Joe put on a long-lost tactical helmet and boarded a Black Hawk helicopter...

Looking at the heavily armed Kaman and Nice, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "This time the target is a border village, and someone will send some arms and explosives to the person in charge of the SEA Movement who organized the attack.

 We can't participate in the battle to the west, but this kind of small role is just suitable for us to move around. "

After finishing speaking, Boss Qiao looked at Bayika and the other five senior squad leaders who were fully armed and crowded into the helicopter. He smiled and said: "I guess you are feeling uncomfortable after holding your breath for so many days...

 Let's hang all those bastards! "

 (End of this chapter)

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