From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1421: I followed you because I was worried

Chapter 1421 I followed you only because I was worried

Faced with terrorist attacks, Boss Qiao never thought of compromising...

Whether it is Al Qaeda or the SEA Movement, they both have deep misunderstandings about P·B.

They thought that by launching terrorist attacks, they could intimidate Boss Qiao, delay the development of P·B's territory, and force P·B to compromise by increasing P·B's operating costs.

 But they were all wrong!

What P·B sells is safety. The more severe the danger, the higher the price for ‘safety’!

Boss Qiao has never been the one to pay the ‘operating costs’, the locals are.

P·B is not even responsible for the security of Kandahar. Their soldiers are only responsible for finding opponents to "collect debts" after the territory is attacked.

 In fact, Boss Qiao doesn’t particularly care what people on P.B.’s territory think of him personally or the company as a whole.

 Because his usual approach is to bring most people on board by distributing benefits from a higher perspective.

 After establishing common interests, will those civilians question P·B’s actions because of terrorist attacks by some thugs?

 Most people don’t!

 Because these civilians have no "alternative options", the "color revolution" will at least provide some people with room for fantasy, but the "terrorist revolution" does not...

The people in Kandahar are all pro-European and American Afghan civilians. In the face of terrorist attacks, will they question P·B’s actions?


Because they were unwilling to live with the Taban, they left their homes and came to Kandahar.

  Questioning P·B is a subversion of their persistence over the past many years.

The more frequent terrorist activities become for organizations like the SEA Movement, the more people in Kandahar will unite around P·B.

As long as P·B can show sufficient retaliatory capabilities, no matter how many people the terrorist organization kills, it will be in vain.

The helicopter that Boss Qiao is now on is destined for a small village near the border city of Jermaine between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

One good thing about Boss Qiao is that revenge can be done as little as possible overnight...

While the European and American media were still fermenting, he used Sumani's intelligence channels to catch the tail of a wave of mixed elements of the East Asian Movement and Bata.

This group of people appeared on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan in order to fill the vacancies in the training camp that were previously eliminated by the Huya Team.

Moreover, because the political activities of the Taliban in Kabul have gradually improved, terrorist organizations such as the Southeast Asian Movement, which strive to take root in Afghanistan and establish a rear area, have also begun to invest their strength in Kabul, trying to win over the Taliban after they establish a government. to enough rights.

Decades of war in Aqiong Khan caused the Southeast Asian Movement to misjudge the Taliban. They also felt that after the Taliban won the victory, Aqiong Khan would still have a tribal or simply warlord-bandit political model.

 The SEA Movement, which has sufficient external funding, feels that it can find a recruiting base here.

No one knows whether they are really as 'great' as they boast, but one thing is for sure. Those who died in the end were all young people, and the top leaders of the SEA Movement basically live in Egypt or Europe. Enjoy life in a mansion.

As long as those brainwashed young people continue to create unrest, these senior leaders of the SEA Movement will continue to receive financial support against the background of fierce confrontation between China and the United States.

With financial support, they can recruit large numbers of young people through online and offline means, and use so-called religion to enable these young people to carry out terrorist attacks through brainwashing education.

Many young people may not think so, but in fact this is a mature industrial model that has been proven by Al Qaeda, and has allowed other more extreme organizations to flourish...

The method is actually very simple, just like a scam...

 The first step is not a sophisticated routine, but ‘screening’.

Scammers use social media to screen out those with the most fertile temperaments, while terrorists use social media to screen out people with “hatred tendencies.”

 The second step is contact, but fraudsters will only do so online, while terrorists will move from online to offline after gaining the trust of the target.

 Attend the party with a goal in mind, let him get in touch with more similar people, establish a comfort zone for him, and finally take him to a training camp.

And this guy who has a goal to find ‘self’ and a ‘feeling of going home’ will be regarded by the goal as a ‘key opinion leader’.

 In fact, the ‘stars’, ‘internet celebrities’ and ‘fan circles’ in society now all have similar operations...

 Select fans, build a fan circle, and form key opinion leaders!

The third step is brainwashing, which is semi-mandatory and even accompanied by violence. It amplifies hatred by amplifying the setbacks encountered by the target, and then uses group consciousness to annihilate individual consciousness and turn them into tools.

These young people who rise to the point of "hatred" when they encounter a little setback will definitely not be able to handle it!

Facts have also proven that brainwashing people is not much more difficult than brainwashing dogs, especially if religious elements are involved in the brainwashing process, which will make the process easier...

 In terrorism-related cases in Europe and the United States, a large number of perpetrators are immigrants, international students, and even white people.

 Let’s not mention the old mother’s side. They are basically her own family members or their own children, and many of them are outstanding children who have finally been sent to study abroad.

 Their births basically went through a similar process!

Boss Qiao is going to fight this group of people this time...

They came from afar and found the Bata organization with which they had a cooperative relationship. They wanted to purchase a batch of arms supplies to respond to the war in western Afghanistan.

The most funny part is that this group of people initially found an informant from the CIA, but then the CIA people really didn't dare to offend Boss Qiao to death in Aqionghan, so they turned down the business.   Then these people found the channel of Sumani...

 They are ready to buy guns and ammunition, and most importantly, C4 explosives that are rarely available in the general market.

 These explosives are intended for use in Kandahar...

It has been almost a year since he officially started a war with anyone. Qiao Jia was very excited. He sat on the helicopter and looked at Nice next to him and Kaman across from him. He smiled and said: "How long has it been since we got together?"

 Kaman looked into Boss Qiao’s eyes, shook his head helplessly and said, “Boss, if you can stay at home for a long time, you will actually have many opportunities.

 Boss, your money is getting more and more, and your territory is getting bigger and bigger, but I can’t understand what you are doing at all. "

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said with a smile: "This is what you once told me. You said that a little change is also good..."

Carman looked at the smiling Boss Qiao and muttered, "I'm talking about Afika..."

“Yes, I am also talking about Afika. If I cannot open up the situation in other places, when everyone focuses their attention on Afika or even Sangha Town, do you think there will still be the current scene there?”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at Bayika, who was sitting opposite with a serious expression and didn’t know what he was thinking. He shook his head slightly and said: “If you want to gain support, you have to insist on doing the right things.

 There is no ‘right thing’ in Sangha Town or even Afika that would allow me to garner support from the outside world right now.

If I stayed there I would definitely be drawn into the conflict in West Africa...

France is in a lot of trouble now. Once they lose in the end, the military leaders of Mali and Burkina Faso are not easy people to talk to.

France may not be able to do anything about those poor West African buddies, but P.B. may become the target of their anger. "

Carman was stunned for a moment and said, "Are you still afraid of France now?"

Jojia was stunned when he was told this. He shook his head and said, "Brother, that's France. Do you know what their president, Marco Pony, is doing now?

This guy is going against the wishes of the United States, trying to mediate the dispute between Russia and Ukraine, and eliminate a war that is destined to happen.

 For a person as powerful as Boss Pu, you should give him face.

 That’s not because Marco Polo is a nice person, but because he is the president of France! "

Kaman didn’t seem to agree with Qiao Jia’s point of view. He shook his head and did not refute, but said seriously: “After the war in Afghanistan is over, can you go home?

 Igor is already four and a half years old, and he spends too little time with you. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded seriously and said: "As soon as the battle in the western part of Aqionghan is over, we will go home.

  I will hand over Aqionghan's business to Qiao Liang, he is more suitable for the next thing.

 At that time, I will take Igor to the United States for fun..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia seemed to suddenly think of something. He smiled and said, "Old man, you haven't been to the United States yet. Let's go and see it together this time."

After hearing this, Kaman shook his head slightly and said: "I have no interest in the United States, and Igor should not appear at the same time as you in a place where safety cannot be guaranteed..."

Qiao Jia was choked and stunned for a moment, and said unhappily: "Aqiong Khan is not safe either, why are you taking him?"

Kaman leaned on his seat with RPK in his arms and said, "If Igor doesn't come, I'm worried that you will fill the battlefield yourself."

As he spoke, Kaman glanced at Bayika beside him and said: "Boss, you may not even realize it yourself, but you will behave very irrationally in some things...

 For example now..."

Chaojia laughed dryly after hearing this...

 “It’s just for fun, it’s not dangerous at all…”

Kaman did not continue this topic, but held the gun and closed his eyes...

Bayka seems to have become a different person since the terrorist attack in Kandahar...

The old Tajik uncle with a loud voice and quick work has become an old Tajik warrior who exudes a cold aura.

Bayika heard what Kaman said. The old soldier glanced at Kaman who was concentrating with his eyes closed, and said to Boss Qiao: "Boss, let us take the lead this time. This should be our duty..."

 Qiao Jia avoided Bayika's fiery eyes, shook his head and said: "Aren't you on the plane now...

Also, you are now the cooks of P.B. Don’t always talk about the so-called “responsibility”. Your responsibility is to make P.B better.

The more delicious your cooking is and the more people you train, the better P·B will be...

 As for those little thieves, someone will take care of them! "

While Qiao Jia was talking, the Black Hawk's co-pilot suddenly turned around and said: "We are here, we will start rappelling in 5 minutes..."

 (End of this chapter)

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