Chapter 633

Hearing this, all the people in front of computer screens all over the world were in an uproar.

“As expected of Jiang Cheng! As expected of Jiang Shiji! The technological strength is really strong!”

“Ohmygod, my goodness, I can’t believe it now. Is this really the technology of our planet?”

“I remember when I was young. Our National Big Pineapple went to the moon for the first time. It seems to be yesterday. I didn’t expect that China’s technology has developed to this level now?”

“It’s amazingly powerful!”

At this time, Jiang Cheng on the screen raised his hand to signal everyone not to be impatient.

“The speed of our planet hunter is about 150 kilometers per second. We will be before this light blue planet hits the earth. Lead him so that our planet hunter can control it. Within range.”

“So please stay calm and watch it quietly.”

After talking about Jiang Chen’s image disappeared from the computer screen, replaced by the entire universe. At this time, all the people watching the live broadcast all over the world were excited.

Some boring people have already started to count. The asteroid is currently nearly 300 million kilometers away from the earth, and Jiang Cheng’s planet hunter can fly 150 kilometers per second.

It would take about ten hours to go down this way. Planet hunters will be able to capture the pale blue planet. So everyone looked forward to the computer screen.

But not long after watching it, some people will feel very boring, because they were attracted by the vastness of the universe for the first time. Next, I looked at the universe, but found that the planetary movements in the universe were actually very slow.

More than ten minutes or half an hour before the computer screen, the positions of those planets remained basically unchanged. They thought that these planets in the universe were flying very fast, but they were actually very slow.

The reason for this image. In fact, because the universe is very large, the size of those planets actually appears very small in the vast universe.

The speed of 150 kilometers per second is already a very exaggerated speed on the earth. But in the vast universe, this speed is actually very small and very slow.

When everyone understood this, there was a burst of frustration one after another.

“Oh, why does it take so long. Doesn’t that mean I have to sit in front of the computer screen for ten hours now~〃?”

“Yeah, I have a pain in my ass.”

“.ˇ Oh, it is understandable. After all, the universe is so big that humans like us cannot reach it according to our normal technology.”

“Now, it is because China’s Jiang Group has such strength and is willing to broadcast it to us, and is willing to share this milestone event with all mankind.”

“So everyone stays calm now, just watch it carefully.”

After a quarrel. Some people chose to turn off the live broadcast and continue to live their own lives. Then ask a friend around you or yourself to set an alarm clock. After a few hours, you will come back and take a look.

In the Jiang Group’s laboratory, Jiang Chen looked at Ouyang Wan’er and said to Zhao Jiade and others:

“Are you still waiting here?”

Ouyang Wan’er curled her lips.

“Did you know that it takes so long for your planet hunters to capture planets, so you called us over. Just to see our uneducated appearance, right?”.

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