Chapter 634

But Jiang Chen smiled slightly:

“Hi, I never thought about it that way.”

“But if you think about it for yourself, you will know it. Of course, you can’t get it done so quickly. After all, the universe is so huge.”

Although complaining on their lips, Zhao Jiade, Ouyang Wan’er and others decided to stay with Jiang Cheng to watch the universe images sent back by the planet hunters in the Jiang Group’s laboratory.

And there are more such people all over the world. Sitting in front of the computer screen, quietly watching every move of the beautiful universe.

There are also some foreign technology companies that have been shocked by the power of the “Pangu System” of China Jiang’s Group! Billions of people don’t get stuck watching the live broadcast! And it’s the entire universe that is being broadcast live!

It’s just that the time at this time seems so long for those who watch the live broadcast.

And finally after waiting ten hours anxiously and suffering. Everyone saw the picture from the planet hunter was very, very close to the pale blue planet.

You can even see the face of the planet through the interface that the camera feeds back.

At this time, the picture turned. The figure of Jiang Cheng in the Jiang Group’s laboratory appeared on the screen. Jiang Cheng said to everyone:

“Hello viewers from all over the world, I am Jiang Cheng. Now our planet hunter is about to approach this light blue asteroid and is already preparing to hunt.”

The whole world was shocked!

“This! Turns out to be true!”

Jiang Cheng continued:

“Our plan to capture is to release thirty smaller spaceships in the planet hunters. I named them the planet devourers.”

“And these planet devourers will stop every 500,000 kilometers. They will stop a few. Until this stretches the entire length to 20 million kilometers.”

“Gradually slow down the speed of this light blue planet, and in the end, our main spacecraft, the planet hunter, completely controls this asteroid.”

At this time, the audience in front of the computer screen was divided into two voices, and one voice seemed to be looking forward to it:

“What! Even planet hunters can scatter twenty small planet devourers?!”

“My God, China’s technology is really terrifying, isn’t it, how did this happen?”

“That’s right! This kind of technological ability is really powerful and outrageous!”

The other voice is very painful.

“Ah, no! I have been sitting in front of the computer for ten hours, and now I have to wait for a few more hours!”

“I really can’t hold it anymore. I’m going out to have some dinner and then come back to see.”

At this time, not only the audience from all over the world, but also Ouyang Wan’er, Zhao Jiade and others beside Jiang Chen complained:

“Isn’t it?! Let us continue to wait!”

And Jiang Cheng who saw this scene was a little helpless. Oh, do these people really think that capturing planets is a simple matter of eating and drinking? .

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