Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 1200: As long as you run faster than your teammates, it is not me who is dead!

There was a violent storm outside the house, and sometimes a flash of lightning brightened the interior of the mansion.

It is different from the "Resident Evil" interior mansion is full of zombie monsters.

In the gameplay mode of "Death by Daylight", there are no monsters in the mansion.

It's just that there are dark red mottled blood on the ground.

It looks very oozing.

In this case, even Chen Xu started to miss the slow zombies in "Resident Evil".

Although they seem to be a little scary, a little disgusting.

But compared to the butcher hiding in the dark, at least the zombies on the bright side make him feel a little better.

The only thing that made him feel a little bit relieved was that in the game, he was able to see the rest of his teammates through the map scene, an X-ray-like existence.

Although the three teammates have separated, at least it can be seen that they have not suffered any accidents.

Even playing is quite joyful.

Chen Xu also saw a teammate jumping around, seeming to be testing how realistic the action system in this game can be.

While jumping around, he also pulled the surrounding walls with his hands, as if he wanted to see if he could interact with the surrounding scenes.

This performance is not like playing a horror game, but a casual game for the family.

"Fortunately, there are these sand sculpture teammates!" Chen Xu felt a little fortunate.

Then he made a choice to go to the partner with a big heart in the east.

He didn't understand what the three teammates said anyway.

And the game "Death by Daylight" itself is also quite real. Players can only hear each other's words when they are close to a certain distance.

Once separated, no communication can take place.

Of course, what Chen Xu doesn't know is that there are also props similar to walkie-talkies in the game.

After the player gets it, he can also communicate in the game through the walkie-talkie.

After deciding who to turn to, Chen Xu took a flashlight and quickly moved closer to the opponent.

What comforted Chen Xu along the way was that the atmosphere of the scene was somewhat suppressed.

But there was no sudden shock when he played "Resident Evil".

For example, a corpse falls from the sky as we walk.

Or when you turn the corner, suddenly a zombie bumps into you head-on.

‘Help! ’

‘Help! ’

After Chen Xu approached, he heard a crackling sound.

At the same time, there was a dull sound.

The rapid BGM in the game suddenly rang.

I saw the foreign friend in front of him who he thought was running towards him frantically at this time.

And behind him is a triangular head with a machete in his hand.

As if seeing a savior, the other party shouted and rushed towards Chen Xu loudly.

At the same time, he shouted the only word he could understand.

‘Help! ’

At this moment Chen Xu finally knew what it was like to see the other person jumping in the X-ray before.

This is not so bold, but has been targeted by the butcher!

"Fuck! Don't run to me, big brother!"

Chen Xu, who was wearing a VR device outside the game, trembled involuntarily.

In the game, Chen Xu screamed, then turned his head and started running wildly.

At the same time, an endurance bar and related instructions are displayed on the game's UI interface.

In the game, survivors can run fast, but there are energy constraints.

After consumption, you need to stop and rest to replenish. At the same time, when you are running, you can push things around the environment to slightly block the speed of the butcher.

But this has a built-in CD.

"Well, men are on the right and the women are on the right, one person, one person, you two people like you have to die! Brother, you sacrifice, sacrifice you, the whole team can live!"

Running ahead, Chen Xu yelled while running, trying to use his pinyin English to let the other party understand their current situation.

But the foreign friends behind, still said ‘help! ’.

Behind him, the butcher chased wildly, and Chen Xu ran with his teammates beside him.

But soon Chen Xu faced this situation.

That is, the energy bar is about to run out, and the skills that use obstacles are also going to fall into the CD.

The speed of the butcher itself in the game is faster than that of the survivors.

Of course, different butchers have different speeds.

Regarding the different places in the dream memory, Yang Chen didn't add too many skill settings in the game, but preferred a realistic style.

Of course, there will be a feature that fits different roles.

For example, the characteristic of the triangle head is that it will attack the survivor slightly longer, and when it encounters obstacles, it can break faster, and it has a keen hearing skill, which is similar to Joe in The Last of Us. Your listening.

However, there is still a way to play the entire game, and Chen Xu currently does not know.

Including the triangular head butcher who has been chasing him, in fact, he is not clear about the gameplay.

Now he is very nervous, especially with the gloomy environment around him, and the rush of BGM.

Coupled with the vicious triangle head chasing after him.

It can be seen that the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

The only thing that made Chen Xu gratifying was that the foreign friend who shouted for help, because he ran ahead of time, he was always a step slower.

If he hadn't waited for him to set up a trap halfway, it is estimated that the opponent has been killed by the triangle head at this time.

However, the skill is about to fall into the CD state, and it will be a matter of time to catch up.

And this foreign friend runs slower than him, and he will definitely die by then.

What do you say about a fable?

When you meet a blind bear in the wild, you don't need to run faster than the bear, as long as you are faster than the person next to you.

Now Chen Xu has a deep understanding of the meaning of this fable. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

The butcher runs faster than the survivors?

It's ok.

As long as I run faster than the same survivor player, it is definitely not him who died first.

When the skills are gray, there is no way to create obstacles.

Chen Xu rushed towards the position of another teammate without looking back.

Put the question of how to win the game aside for now, and make sure you can survive.

After fifteen seconds, Chen Xu heard a sharp scream from the earphone.

At the same time, in the lower right corner, the state of one of his teammates has changed from limping to death on the ground.

"I'm sorry, brother, you must follow me, you have to follow me, did you choose this path, Sir!"

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