Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 616 The nightmare of players with difficulty in choosing

As the game progresses, Song Ren gradually adapts to the switching of multiple protagonists in "Detroit: Become Human".

Just like "The Last of Us" and "Uncharted", the game is displayed according to different chapter stories.

At the same time, the game will also switch between the three protagonists to let players understand what the other characters are doing at the same time.

Although there are three protagonists, the scenes need to be briefly switched frequently.

But it does not make players feel abrupt, but makes them more immersed in the game.

Because like "The Last of Us", "Detroit: Become Human" is also an interactive game.

The only difference is that there is no level design similar to "The Last of Us" in the game, but more of the butterfly effect-style choices in "The Witcher: Wild Hunt".

However, because the main gameplay is here, the endings caused by different actions are also different.

And even though it is an option-based game, the emotional resonance brought by "Detroit: Become Human" is not bad at all.

Especially the story of Marcus in the game.

After being shot, Marcus was not completely dead and still had a breath left.

The garbage dump was full of android corpses, as well as some half-dead androids like him.

Marcus, who has become an abnormal android, has something called the desire to survive, and he is not willing to be scrapped in this hell-like place.

So he wandered around the garbage dump, collecting intact parts to replace his damaged parts.

During this period, when the player experienced this part of the plot, his vision and hearing completely simulated Marcus's damaged state.

There was no sound of rain in my ears, and the sound produced every time I crawled seemed to come from a very far away place, accompanied by a humming noise. Everything seemed so unreal.

When the vision is impaired, the image in front of you is blurry, accompanied by a strange red light and tearing feeling, and the focus is also seriously deviated.

Players can also better enter Marcus' current situation.

When the five senses are restored, the player will naturally become involved in Marcus' emotions.

Especially after crawling out of the pile of dead androids in the heavy rain, Marcus spread his arms and looked up at the sky, which made many players extremely excited.

Like being reborn.

Once he was in heaven, then he fell into hell, and now he is back on earth.

He withdrew the mark of his android. At this moment, his thoughts, his soul, and his spirit were no longer imprisoned by this plastic body.

His will has been fully awakened, and with everything he saw and felt, Marcus put his windbreaker behind his back, strode away into the distance, and disappeared into the rain.

Song Ren in the game, looking at Marcus's rainy night background, has only one feeling: handsome!

Although there are some coincidences in the appearance of this trench coat, isn't it normal for a protagonist to have such coincidences?

It just so happens that I was stabbed in the back with a sword from the enemy. It just so happens that there is a Holy Grail in front of me that has been sleeping for five hundred years. It just so happens that this Holy Grail is a girl who looks like the heroine. It just so happens that this girl is willing to give you half of her life force.

A successful protagonist is achieved through countless coincidences, so as the protagonist Marcus happened to climb out of the garbage mountain and saw a windbreaker. Think about it carefully, is this too much?

Of course, as an interactive game, what's important is not just how handsome the protagonist is.

What's more important is the game's presentation and description of the plot.

This is the core point of "Detroit: Become Human".

The actions of the players and the dialogue options in the game can be said to fully exploit the butterfly effect to its extreme.

The choice of each character in the game affects not only the follow-up of this character.

It may even affect the fate of other characters.

After Carla and Alice left Todd's house, they could only find a place to stay in the heavy rain after getting off the bus.

Here Kara and Alice accidentally broke into the residence of another abnormal android named Leif.

It's just that the other person's mood is not stable, but fortunately, his nature is still kind, and even when facing the police pursuit, he is willing to let Kara and Alice escape even if he sacrifices himself.

The android tracking Kara here is Connor.

At the same time, this will also lead the game to two endings. One is that Alice and Kara successfully escape and continue the game.

The second one is that while being chased by Connor, Kara and Alice both died on the highway and the game ended.

However, compared to the mother-daughter tenderness between Alice and Kara, what actually makes players find it more interesting is the relationship between Connor and Hank.

In the process of investigating abnormal androids, Connor needs to cooperate with a deputy captain named Hank.

Compared to the workaholic Connor, Hank's words are obviously a model of fishing.

Captain Hank in the game seems to be very difficult to get along with, but by investigating some information at his work station, it can be found that something seems to have happened to Hank, which caused him to hate androids and work passively.

When the player controls Connor to communicate with Hank, the dialogue and decisions are the time to test the player's emotional intelligence, because if he is not careful, his relationship with Hank will decline.

What the player does will directly affect Captain Hank's impression of Connor and the androids, and even affect the endings of Marcus, Kara and others.

The plot line between Kara and Alice gives people a warm and ordinary feeling.

Connor's plot line brings contemplation, such as the black bionic man captured before, and his fear can be felt during the interrogation, as well as the disaster caused by his persecution by humans, and the similarly abnormal bionic man. Events are like this.

But Marcus' plot is different, because in this plot line, it is related to the fate of the android species.

Marcus, reborn from hell, is preparing to go to a place called Jericho.

This place is called the free land of androids.

On the way there, Marcus needs to look for clues based on the graffiti in the game scene.

In addition, when passing through some special terrain, Marcus will first use the intelligent system to analyze the safety and feasibility of each route, and finally the player will choose a suitable route.

After selecting, Marcus will automatically perform operations, such as flying over walls, parkour, and climbing. Especially the actions similar to the leap of faith on the big ship will make players feel a burst of excitement.

After going through all the trouble and arriving in Jericho, they discovered that the so-called free land of androids was not actually a holy land, it was just another hell.

There are no spare parts and supplies for survival here, and fellow androids are dying all the time.

So Marcus made a decision to take everyone out of all this, and he proposed to seize the resources they needed.

In this action, players also have to face some choices.

For example, whether to take away the bionic workers in the factory, and whether to hide and steal the keys to the material transport vehicles when facing normal human workers, or whether to threaten them with a gun and then kill them.

Different choices also affect the character of each android later in the story.

Of course, what impressed Song Ren the most in this plot was the sexy android girl named North.

She refused to talk about her past, and her favorability immediately plummeted once she was asked.

And she is still a passionate person. As long as things are resolved peacefully, her favorability will decrease. On the contrary, if she causes destruction, her favorability will increase.

There are many similar scenes in the plot lines between Ikkara and Connor.

So in the game, players are often faced with a variety of options that are difficult to choose.

It’s simply a nightmare for players with difficulty choosing.

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