Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 617 The storyline of intertwined influences

But what makes Song Ren most interesting is that these three characters are completely different in the details of the game experience.

However, as the plot progresses and the choices made are different, the three characters will influence each other in the game.

Among them, Connor has a relatively high proportion of elements of decryption and development.

In Connor's plot, he will be involved in cases involving abnormal androids.

During this period, clues need to be used to find the whereabouts of the relevant androids.

But the most interesting part is not investigating the case.

But the interaction with Vice Captain Hank.

Obviously, Captain Hank is not an easy person to get along with. He has a bad temper and hates androids.

But Hank also has an unknown past. During another operation, Connor went to Hank's home, only to find that he was drunk and unconscious in his own home. Even when he was drunk, Hank was playing Russian. Roulette, and Hank will die under his own gun with just one bullet. Apparently Hank has a strong tendency to commit suicide.

And if you want to save Hank and have a good relationship with Hank, then in daily actions, Connor needs to show his human side, such as pulling Hank from the edge of the cliff when he is chasing the android. Rescue them instead of tracking the androids as a mission.

Also facing two pitiful-looking lesbian anomalies at the Eden Nightclub, Connor hesitated whether to shoot.

These will increase the favorability of Connor and Hank.

If you do this, you will find that Hank is not actually difficult to get along with, and he will open up to Connor.

From the beginning, Connor felt that the abnormal androids were just a problem with the program. They did not have their own thinking, and they had no real cognition, just like himself.

But during these days of following Hank, he himself also endured the injustice and discrimination brought by humans.

At the same time, during the operation to investigate Jericho, the base camp of the androids, when Connor found Kamsky, the other party asked Connor to make a decision.

That is whether to shoot a Chloe-looking android.

Here, if Connor shoots, Kamsky says he will tell him some information about Jericho.

But if Connor doesn't shoot, it means that Connor has also become an abnormal android.

Because robots have no empathy, robots can only execute orders.

This will also make Connor confused, and he will also have to make a decision, that is, whether to be a being with self-awareness or a robot that accepts his fate.

If Connor had chosen to become a robot, it wouldn't have ended so well for Hanka.

He will be at a low point in his life and may commit suicide at home, or he may die in a later mission after Connor becomes a robot and be killed by Connor himself.

But what if Connor chose to become an anomaly android instead of a robot?

Then Hank will also open his heart to Connor, untie his heart knot, and even help Connor when Connor invades the model-controlled life center.

Admitting that he has always hated androids is just an escape from himself.

When his car skidded on the ice, his son was seriously injured. When he was finally sent to the operating table, his son did not survive because the surgeon who performed the surgery was a bionic man.

But now he figured out that even though it was a bionic man who performed the surgery on his son, the real reason was that the surgeon who performed the surgery that day was unable to perform the surgery due to drug addiction, so the bionic man performed the surgery.

As a result, Hank, who had uncovered the knot in his heart, helped Connor liberate the androids in the model-controlled life.

It can be said that whether the android revolution can succeed or not mainly lies in Connor's hands.

As for Marcus, his plot line is the most exciting in the game.

Strategic choices and parkour moves are all available.

Save the race, this is what Marcus needs to do.

Marcus also has two options for how to save the androids. One way is to choose the path of pacifism and achieve his goal through peaceful means as much as possible.

Use spray paint to write the icon of Jericho, and choose what is more public opinion in the execution of the mission, rather than killing innocent people to make the people sympathize with them.

But even so, players still have to face several difficult choices.

When Marcus decided to lead the androids to resist rather than wait for death, they decided to let the world hear their voices, so they prepared to break into the Stratford News Building and give a speech by the androids.

In this operation, players have to choose whether to kill the staff or knock them unconscious.

But even so, even if he chose peace, in the end, a human escaped in the lecture hall.

At this point, the player needs to choose whether to shoot him.

If you kill the other party, the public opinion of the society will decline.

But if he is not killed, the guards will arrive early and put everyone in danger. Semen will also be injured during the battle, and in the end he will have to be left on the building by Marcus and the others.

But fortunately, this is not a fatal ending, because there is an interesting branch here, that is, if in the later plot of manipulating Connor to investigate the TV station, Connor chooses to go to the rooftop to investigate, then he will meet Simon And Connor kills it and reads the other party's memory.

And if Connor had not investigated the rooftop, Simon would have returned to Jericho alive later.

Three protagonists, different options and operations will have different impacts.

And if you choose the peaceful method, your companions will continue to sacrifice during the operation, and even Marcus himself may be sacrificed in a parade.

Can peace really allow androids to be recognized?

This thought will fill the player's mind, especially when watching the androids fall under the attack of the army along with Peace Line.

Do we really want to continue to adhere to the peaceful path at this time?

But if Marcus is allowed to lead the androids to fight the war, it will affect the plot of the other protagonist.

That's Kara with Alice.

The plot between Connor and Marcus is heavy and far-reaching.

Connor's decision still has options, which will determine whether the android uprising led by Marcus can succeed.

Similarly, the actions of Marcus and the androids also affect Connor.

As for Carla, her story is entirely passive.

Because she will only be affected by Connor and Marcus' decisions.

But although Kara’s story pattern is not as big as that of Connor and Marcus.

It will not involve major events such as politics, war, racial destiny, or conspiracy. It will just be an adventure between an android and a little girl.

But many players have a common feeling, that is, Kara's story makes them feel more immersed and have deeper thinking.

Among them, the delicate emotion between Kara and Alice also made many players deeply moved.

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