Lin Huai didn't care about it. He passed this level quite well and jumped over the dragon gate.

   Speaking of it, he is also giving these humble bugs a chance to stand up.

   This kind of rare opportunity is really impossible to meet in a few lifetimes.

   Lin Huai sighed in his heart for his great achievements, then picked up the termite queen, and began to give away opportunities.

   The body of the queen ant began to swell like the previous ones of the same kind, but unlike them, the speed of this queen swelling was not very rapid, but there was a feeling that they were all under control.


   Lin Huai was a little surprised, but it seems to be okay?

   Time passed by every minute.

   Until the end, there was no crack in the body of this termite queen.

The    bottle cap-sized body swelled into the size of a football in a short time.

   Lin Huai held it with one hand, looking from a distance as if he was holding a ball.

   The queen has been magnified almost ten times, and all the organs on the body can be clearly seen.

   The body is divided into three parts: head, chest, and abdomen. The head can rotate freely. The eyes that originally occupied most of the face looked terrifying. The silver-white mouthparts protruded outward, and the corners shone sharply.

The color of   's body surface has changed from the original pale white to the shining silvery white now. The unique light of metal is faintly visible, and the soft chitin shell has become unusually hard, and it has begun to defend itself.

   The pair of wings that were about to degenerate and disappear are also rejuvenated, fluttering continuously behind them, ready to take off at all times.

   The biggest change is in its abdomen. The queen, who takes reproduction and reproduction as its own responsibility, has increased its reproductive ability several times after the mutation. The originally very large abdomen now occupies most of the body.

  Such a large abdomen, it's so healthy at first glance.

   "Hahaha, yes, yes!"

  Lin Huai smiled as he looked at the abnormally ferocious queen ant on his hand.

   It doesn't matter if it looks ugly, as long as it is strong enough, I like it no matter how ugly.

   Of course, it’s not enough to have a queen. Lin Huai has to transform a few male ants so that he can give birth to new ants.

   The transformation of male ants was simpler than Lin Huai had imagined. One third of the bottles were transformed into one, and the success rate was still 100%.

   It doesn't seem to be the problem with my potion, but with the physique of these queens.

   Lin Huai's heart slowed down.

   Back to the laboratory, Xiaoqiang made a hole underground in the laboratory. Lin Huai put three worker ants and a queen into the hole and controlled them to start doing what they should do.

   Lin Huai just played a guiding role, and then immediately let go of control, leaving the rest of the work to themselves.

   It wasn't until the next morning that Lin Huai, who stayed up late to work, received the news from the queen:

   The egg has been gestated in the abdomen. Will it be produced immediately?

   Lin Huai walked into the hole, the light in the hole was bright and there was no obstruction to the line of sight.

   It can be clearly seen that the abdomen of the queen is bigger than before. After the transformation, the queen who has more mobility ability, lying on the ground motionless, looks like the abdomen is really not light.

   "Production immediately."

   Lin moved with heart.

   The next moment, a hole was opened at the back of the queen's abdomen, and countless ant eggs spewed out from the abdomen and scattered on the ground.

   The entire spawning process lasted for five minutes. Except for Lin Huai's path to walk around, there were thick layers of ant eggs piled up everywhere in the hole.

   A peculiar smell of ant eggs filled Lin Huai's nose, causing him to quickly block his sense of smell.

   Looking at the densely packed ground, still carrying the remaining warm ant eggs, he somewhat understood why the Zerg was able to strongly suppress humans and become the overlord of the land in the early stage of aura recovery.

   According to this method of reproduction, human beings can only rely on technology and vitality to resist one or two.

  Lin Huai has animal information in his mind. The common queen ant lays about 8,000 to 10,000 ant eggs in a day and night, and the number of eggs laid in her lifetime is as high as 500 million.

  The number of eggs laid by the queen after his transformation has decreased. This time only about 1,000 eggs were produced. For special ants, they may require more energy than ordinary ants, so the output will naturally decrease.

   Zerg queens may produce fewer in one colony, but no matter how small, there should be 500 grains. Think about it, 500 powerful and powerful zergs are produced in one day and night. What kind of concept is this.

   may not kill as much as it is born a day.

   The strength of the Exterminator Army is absolutely far beyond everyone's imagination.

   Not thinking of this, Lin Huai turned his attention back to reality.

   These ant eggs have already begun to move, and after a while, I heard the continuous, crackling sound of shells.

   One by one silver-gray termites broke out of their shells to welcome the new world.

   "Constrain behavior and queue up."

   Seeing some little termites mischievously trying to drill out of the hole, Lin Huai hurriedly gave an order to the queen in his heart, and the queen then issued an order, all the little termites immediately stood in a row, obediently, and stopped moving.

   Lin Huai does not need to control these little termites As long as he controls the termite queen, he is equivalent to controlling the entire termite family.

   This is the correct way to open the control abilities. Single control is too much trouble. Controlling the leader and then indirectly controlling the entire cluster is the most correct way.

  Theoretically speaking, as long as he can control the president of the United States, then the entire United States will be his.

   The train of thought is this train of thought. Lin Huai will never watch this kind of death-seeking thing at this stage.

A Jiangbei province is a crouching tiger, hiding a dragon, let alone a country. After the rejuvenation, the guards around the president changed a batch of new ones. No one knows how strong they are, because everyone who knows already dead.

   Take out a small termite the size of a tennis ball, and Lin Huai looks up and down carefully.

   "What kind of power does this thing have?"

   Gently opened its body, Lin Huai frowned slightly. This structure is no different from ordinary termites.

   does not seem to be a body mutation type ability, it needs some raw materials.

   Lin Huai threw a piece of scrap iron on the ground. As expected, a few small termites nearby saw the scrap iron. They became excited and crawled to the side of the scrap iron. They ate the scrap iron bit by bit.

   They seem to have some fragile mouthparts, but they can easily tear the scrap metal into pieces and swallow it into the abdomen.

   After eating some scrap iron, the body of the little termites changed obviously. The appearance of these little termites turned out to be the same color as the iron blocks, and their bodies became harder.


   Swallow metal ability?

   Lin Huai picked up the discolored termite and squeezed it.

   The termite that could be pinched to death just now became very hard, giving Lin Huai a feeling that he was pinching an iron block.

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