Genetic Specialist in Spiritual Qi Era

Chapter 145: Invitation from the Foreign Administrative Bureau

   seems to be a metal devouring ability.

   This kind of ability can strengthen the body by swallowing metal, swallowing iron blocks, can become an iron body, swallowing copper blocks, can become a bronze body.

   The better the metal that is swallowed, the stronger the body will be assimilated.

   Of course, there are also restrictions. At this stage, Lin Huai estimates that these termites can only swallow ordinary minerals, and even higher-level spirit mines cannot bite off their mouthparts.

   Moreover, while the body is strengthened by such a different kind, it will also lose part of its functions. For example, their speed is very slow, and their reaction power is weaker than before the strengthening.

   If a person has such a power, he will become like a sculpture, with extremely slow thinking and action abilities. Therefore, this kind of power is not a very good power in the interstellar world.

   But this kind of ability is suitable for these little termites.

   They don't need to think, all the action instructions can be issued by the queen through the mental network, as long as they obey the instructions honestly.

   Lin Huai smiled and controlled these little termites through the queen's spiritual net. The queen's command would reach the mind of every termite directly through this racial-specific spiritual net, so there was no need to worry that they could not understand it.

   gave the queen an instruction to build an ant nest underground in the laboratory, and Lin Huai walked out of the crypt.

   I still need to worry about the food problem of so many termites. I don’t have to worry about it after awakening this ability. There are a lot of metal elements in the soil, so I can live by eating it directly.

   It’s good to be able to dig caves while eating soil.

   made a call and asked Feng Anping to purchase a large amount of scrap iron and scrap copper. Although Feng Anping was a little confused, he did not ask much, and easily agreed.

   What Lin Huai did, he couldn't understand at all, so he just focused on doing things.

   After finishing the order, Lin Huai continued to study, and finally had a whole day of rest, he didn't want to waste it.

   But this peaceful atmosphere was broken by two people who seemed to know each other when it was almost noon.

   "Student Lin, do you still know us?" Wu Wenguo said to Lin Huai with a smile in the meeting room of the plantation.

   Ke Xinlong also followed him, smiling at Lin Huai.

   It took a few days for Ke Xinlong to finally check Lin Huaizu's ancestors from generation to generation and confirm that Lin Huai's files were okay, and then he came to send out an invitation.

   "I know, of course I do. The Public Security Bureau came to our school that day. Uncle, you also spoke for me." Lin Huai responded shyly.

   "It's good to know each other. Let's come today. I want to discuss some things with you." Wu Wenguo took a sip of tea and said slowly.

   "What's the matter, uncle tell me."

   "You should have awakened the ability." Wu Wenguo said suddenly, although the words should be used, the whole sentence was in a very certain tone.

   Lin held his hands for a while, his face a little gloomy and uncertain.

   When was I exposed? What do they want? Threaten me with this?

   Or else kill them directly, after a hundred, come to my place to threaten me, are you tired of life?

   I really want to provoke some big power, the big deal is to run after killing, and run with the whole family.

Oh shit!

   "Student Lin, don't think about it." Wu Wenguo looked at Lin Huai, whose expression was very wrong, and said quickly. He felt that if he did Tai Chi again, something might happen.

   "I'm here to invite you to enter our ability management bureau. I don't have any other ideas."

   "Ability Management Bureau?" Lin Huai paused. The 1,000 termites that had just crawled out of the crypt stopped instantly, and then went back. The fifty mice that had just entered the ground were also relieved of their escape.

   only ten mice were left, and they still fled to Lin Huai's feet, not prepared before.

   "What is the Ability Management Bureau?" Lin Huai's sense of crisis diminished slightly, and he asked curiously.

   I always felt that I had just walked through the ghost gate, and Wu Wenguo wiped the cold sweat left on his face.

   took a deep look at Lin Huai, and explained: "The Ability Management Bureau, an organization established by the Chinese government to manage and control the ability of the country.

   "In our country, the martial artist is under the management of the Budo Association, then the supernatural person is under the management of our alien management bureau."

   "The ability person has rich abilities, many methods, and random awakening, with varying qualities. Each ability person is not only our human treasure, but also a potential source of danger for our human society."

   "Therefore, all abilities awakened in China must be filed with our alien management bureau and leave a message to prevent subsequent problems."

   Wu Wenguo took a sip of water again, and said so much in one breath, his mouth was really dry.

   "According to what you said, I should be able to register once, why should I invite me to join?" Lin Huai was a little confused.

   It's not that he doesn't want to add it. In fact, he has long wanted to join this large organization with an official and put an official label on himself. In this part of China, it is convenient to do anything.

   But he can't add it, it can't be so unclear, in case there is a set in it.

"Student Lin, hehehe." Wu Wenguo was a little embarrassed when asked, but he still said, "Because we are really short of manpower in the Alien Management Bureau. In recent years, there have been so many supernatural powers who have awakened. We must manage them well. The Administration needs more new forces."

   is actually because students are so foolish...

   Inviting those with supernatural powers in society, there are too many troubles, and loyalty can't be cultivated at all. They only have benefits in their minds.

Inviting students is different. Don’t say whether they are strong or not. Obedient is the most important thing. When it comes to family and country feelings, it’s not afraid of death. Therefore, in recent years, most of the new recruits from the Alien Administration are from students. Among those with abilities, recruit directly.

   For example, Ke Xinlong in front of him, just as a sophomore, he was selected and recruited into the alien management bureau.

   "After entering our Alien Administration, you can not only enjoy civil servant treatment, but you also have five insurances and one housing fund every year, and the salary is more than two or three times that of ordinary jobs."

"If you are worried about your learning problems, don’t worry. The Foreign Administrative Bureau is compiling staff, except for the extra points for your abilities. The college entrance examination can give you an extra 20 points. If your grades are really bad, we can still give you It is sent to several prestigious schools that have close cooperative relations with our Alien Management Bureau."

   Wu Wenguo continued to persuade him that various benefits came casually on his lips. Joining the Alien Administration is like embarking on the right path of life. Finally, he added an extra sentence:

   "By the way, your good friend Rao Zian is already a staff member of our Alien Management Bureau. He probably didn't know that you also awakened the power, so he didn't mention it to you."

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