Ugh? Quietly, this big radish went in.

   Rao Zi'an awakened a power, and the entire TS city knew that he was noticed by the Foreign Administrative Bureau, Lin Huai was not surprised at all.

   I just didn't expect him to join.

   also, not to mention anything else, the extra points for the college entrance examination plus the admission to famous schools, this temptation is not an ordinary high school student can refuse.

   "What do you want to do after joining?" Lin Huai continued to ask.

   Wu Wenguo was overjoyed. Hearing these words, he knew that Lin Huai was moved, and said quickly:

"The specific job you do is related to your ability. If you awaken your ability in combat, then after our training, you will be placed in a combat position. Of course, we will give you newcomers sufficient Growing up, it is usually arranged to be with the elderly, so there will be no life-threatening."

   "If your awakening is a support ability, then you will be placed in a logistics position, so there is no danger."

   "So, whatever power you awaken, do whatever kind of work."

   Wu Wenguo looked at Lin Huai with piercing eyes, and the meaning was obvious, he just wanted Lin Huai to tell what his abilities were.

   Lin Huai did not hesitate, and said naturally: "My awakened animal taming ability can tame ordinary animals to fight for me. I don't know what position my ability will be assigned to."

   The mind control ability can never be said, this kind of ability is very dangerous when it is heard, and once it is said, the foreign management bureau is likely to take certain insurance measures.

   Even if you don't take any measures, it's a very dangerous thing to expose your true abilities to others.

   When it comes to power abilities, speed abilities, etc., they are easy to be placed on the front line of the battle. It is safer to use the beast taming ability.

   "The ability to tame the beast?" Wu Wenguo was a little surprised: "Can you tame the beast?"

   "I haven't tried it, but I shouldn't be able to. I feel a little reluctant just to tame ordinary animals." Lin Huai spread his hands, showing helplessness.

   "Hahaha, this is a normal thing, no matter how powerful a power is, it is of little use when you first awakened." Wu Wenguo was not discouraged, and began to comfort Lin Huai:

   "As long as you join our alien management bureau, we will have special training methods and resources that can improve your mental power, so that your abilities will become stronger."

   Lin Huai narrowed his eyes.

   Improve mental power! ! !

  Special methods and resources!

   There is such a thing in the Alien Administration? No, it should be said that there is such a thing in this world?

   Lin Huai was dumbfounded, he was still thinking that his mental power would only take off until the fifth-order genetic medicine was deployed.

   I didn't expect Wu Wenguo to send him such a gift.

   It’s right to think about it. An organization of supernatural beings doesn’t have anything to boost mental power. What do you rely on to gather people’s hearts and how do you command the battle?

   Mental power is the thing that supernaturalists pay most attention to.

   "I'm joining." Lin Huai, who had been asking questions, said suddenly and decisively.

  Wu Wenguo is still introducing. Hearing this sentence, he did not react for a while:

   "Yes, after you joined...what? You joined?!"

"Yes, I'm joining. If you have any agreement to sign, please take it out as soon as possible." After making up his mind, Lin Huai didn't even ask what kind of work he would be assigned. .

   "Well, classmate Lin, trust me, this is definitely the most correct decision you have made."

   Wu Wenguo took out the prepared confidentiality agreement and instructed Lin Huai to start signing it.

   Lin Huai glanced at the agreement at will. They are some common confidentiality regulations, and there is no special spiritual power in the agreement, indicating that this is not a contract or other supernatural item.

   are just a few ordinary blank papers, so what are you afraid of? Don't worry, sign your name.

   Lin Huaike doesn't have the spirit of contract. When the relationship is good, I will give you face to obey. If the relationship is broken, how to retaliate or how to retaliate will not change at all.

   Watching Lin Huai sign the handwriting, Wu Wenguo reached out to Lin Huai:

   "Let’s get to know again, Wu Wenguo, the captain of the second team of the Jiangbei Provincial Alien Management Bureau, just call me Uncle Wu from now on."

   Lin Huai also reached out and held each other:

   "TS City One High, Lin Huai."

"There is me, and me." Ke Xinlong who was playing soy sauce suddenly interjected. After the two of them finished shaking hands, they also began to shake hands with Lin Huai, and said with a bit of pretense: "Sophomore in Jiangbei Province Budo University. Student, Ke Xinlong, little brother Lin Huai, call me Brother Long, and I will cover you in the Alien Administration."

   Lin Huai smiled and called out Long Ge, making Ke Xinlong happy.

   This kind of innocent boy, what is in his mind, what expression is on his face, his heart, don’t have to guess too much.

   is not high in the alien management bureau, pretend to be the big brother in front of the newcomers, right?

   There is not the slightest aura of danger on his body, and his status is not high. It should be an auxiliary ability, or the kind of very general auxiliary ability is the right to cover me? I will cover you in the future.

   Ke Xinlong didn't know, he thought it was the cute Lin Huai, and based on what he said, he just kept his old-fashioned and quiet.

   If he knew it, he didn't know if he would dare to continue pretending to be a big brother.

   "Well, since you decide to join in, just follow me, I will take you to recognize the way."

   Wu Wenguo and Ke Xinlong took Lin Huai onto a black vehicle parked at the entrance of the plantation, all the way to a red building.

   The red building is not very high. It has only six floors and a brand new exterior. It is estimated that it hasn't been long since it was built.

   "This is the headquarters of our Jiangbei Provincial Alien Management Bureau. Submitting tasks, receiving rewards, logistical support and other things are all done here."

   Wu Wenguo opened the car door, looked at the red building, and said to Lin Huai with some pride.

   "Captain Wu, deceived another newcomer. Your deception is really getting better and better."

   As soon as a few people walked into the main entrance, there was a mocking voice.

   "Hehe, you are smart, and you can directly pull the social supernatural person, I see how you command it in the future."

   Wu Wenguo turned his head and said coldly to the person making the sound.

   This is a middle-aged man of the same age as Wu Wenguo. He has a bald head and a long scar on his face. He doesn't seem to be a messy guy.

Next to him were several people in the society who were dressed differently. These people were generally older, and some even had gray hair. When Wu Wenguo talked about them, they didn’t respond much, and it didn’t matter to him. Watching aside.

   "Speaking of this person, it is the captain of the third team, Fei Maosen. He has a holiday with our captain. Every time they see it, they will scold a few words." Ke Xinlong secretly said in Lin Huai's ear.

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