Since when have you been watching? The magic was so faint that I didn’t even notice it.

At that time, I was able to realize one beat later that the space split and Akashula appeared was also Mevilus’ space-transfer ability.

It meant that not only Akashula but also him were nearby, so I had no choice but to raise the tension.

“Hey, are you ignoring me?”

I turned my gaze back to Akashula in front.

Although she had a look of displeasure, her voice was full of playful tones.

The situation was the worst.

It’s a yard where two original horses, and also two very high-ranking horses, revealed their existence at the same time.


Jerel’s voice seemed to be gone.

He, too, seemed to have grasped the identity of Akashula.

Among the Knights of Brilliance, Jerel was a person who had directly suffered a war with the demons, and Akashula was also a notorious demon among the Allied Forces of mankind at the time.

Right now, the raid was difficult.

However, Mevilus has not yet appeared, and Akasula…

‘Level is gone.’

Suddenly, the level mark disappeared above Akashula’s head.

I was well aware of its abilities, so I could immediately understand the meaning of the phenomenon. That is not a body, but an illusion.

Even if I tried to classify them by magic, it was useless because I didn’t feel it well in the first place.

He must have been watching all the battles with the demons just before, so it was obvious that he was alarmed by the abilities I had shown.

Of course, I couldn’t blame myself for being premature. In order to deal with demons, I had no choice but to use instant killing.

She glanced down at the demon’s corpse and said:

“More than that, I’m curious how you know about the Demon Seed. It’s probably a fact that only warriors know, but what exactly is it?”

He didn’t seem to understand my identity.

Instead of joining the conversation, I glanced in the direction of the three of them.

Their existence in this situation is only a burden.

But he couldn’t give the signal to run away.

It was almost clear that their purpose was Elika holding the Demon Seed, and if that was the case, there was no way I could let them run away.

“Wonma Akashula, and Mevilos.”

At my words, Akashula’s eyebrows twitched slightly.

It seemed that he did not expect that he could even see the true identity of Mevilos.

“Your purpose is that girl.”

Akasula gave an unpleasant smile.

“Well? If you want to ask a question, you have to answer my question first. If you tell me your identity, I’ll answer it too.”

I didn’t reply because I didn’t ask for an answer anyway.

It was certain anyway that Elika was harboring the devil’s seed.

The fact that they’ve come this far means that they’re definitely going to bring Elika back to their realm.

The demon seed meant the fragment of the demon king’s soul.

Those who harbor demon seeds exist all over the continent, and demon tribes use them as sacrifices to speed up the resurrection of the demon king in search of them.

This was not fully covered in the main story, so I did not know the detailed setting.

However, I do know a few of them, that the only race that harbors demon seeds is humans.

And the demons also can’t treat the person holding the devil’s seeds carelessly until they perform a ritual. That was roughly it.

When the topic of demon seeds first appeared in the main story, it was roughly midway through.

In the midst of an adventure with the heir of the Holy Sword, the user’s party accidentally rescues a boy who was wallowing in the back alley of the city.

The group who became friends with the boy helped him live a normal life like everyone else, but it turned out that he was the one who had the seeds of the devil.

He is in danger of being annihilated by a horse that suddenly approached the boy, but he managed to survive with the help of an assistant.

In retrospect, I thought the situation was not much different from what it is now.

I had heard that Elika had spent several years in this monastery.

I don’t know at what point they became aware of Elica’s existence, but it was not important now.

‘·······There is no answer, really.’

The enemy in front of me right now is the Wonma.

It’s not just Akashula. Even the existence of Mevilus, who had not appeared here, had to be considered.

It was a precarious situation that could possibly be facing two raw horses at the same time.

I already had the experience of defeating Detrodemyan, an original horse higher in rank than them.

However, in the first place, the battle with the gnome was almost at risk and was barely won.

And again, just because you had experience, it didn’t make it easier to deal with other horses.

Because the ability I have was not simply the ability to have an absolute advantage depending on the level of the opponent.

Depending on my personality, for example, it was me who could struggle with even a low-level wizard’s shield.

So, what was important was not the level, but how fatal their abilities were when I performed instant killing.

And I knew as much as I knew their abilities well. Fighting them will never be easier than Detrodemyan.

Besides, now that there are two opponents, there are two variables.

But nonetheless, we have to fight.

Otherwise, there was no way out of this situation.


I prepared for battle.

As if noticing the sign, Akashula tilted her head to the side and said.

“Before I kill you, I wanted to have a conversation with you. If you’re going to come out like that, I can’t help it…”

Before I could even finish speaking, I immediately used space leap.

Just like the battle with the demons, I tried to use an instant kill by moving right in front of Akashula.

But at the same time, his figure was scattered like smoke and disappeared.

At the same time, a cluster of magical powers in the center exploded.

I stopped the explosion with a floating curtain and turned my head to the side.

Suddenly, Akashula was smiling as she crossed her arms from the side a little further away.

“I’ve been watching it for a while, but it doesn’t seem to work. Maybe that’s not the end of my abilities, right?”

. . . This was the reason why Akashula was such an annoying opponent.

The Queen of Illusions, Akashula.

Its ability was to create an illusion that was no different from the real thing.

A notorious demon who deceives and tricks opponents in such a myriad of fantasies, and then slowly curls them up and kills them.

Because of that ability, he was famous for being difficult to attack even among the bosses of Lhasa.

If you can’t find the body and hit it, there’s no way to damage it.


At that moment, a purplish gleam erupted from Akashula’s eyes.

As we made eye contact, I immediately understood what ability he was using.

Akashula not only had the ability to create illusions, but also had the ability to seize the mind of the opponent and make them trapped in the illusion.

However, it didn’t work for me either, perhaps thanks to the effect of the King’s Soul.

I once again made a space leap forward in front of his figure. This time as well, there was an explosion because it was a welcome.

“Hmm? Why doesn’t this work? You say you’re strong enough to resist my abilities?”

This time, Akashula, who appeared in the air above, tilted her head as if wondering.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. If you keep biting my illusions like that, you’ll die a miserable death. Be stronger, Kukok.”

I ignored his words and silently continued the attack.

Even though he knew it was a welcome, he continued to take a leap forward and approached it. Because there was no other way than this.


Every time the illusion disappeared, an explosion occurred, and in the meantime, I looked around with my extrasensory to the maximum.

If Akashula had been hiding, the level would have been visible in the empty air. But there was no such thing.

That meant it was far away from the scene of this battle.

By this point, he should have realized that he couldn’t hit me with a mere illusion.

To give a more powerful blow, he had no choice but to expose his body and attack.

He also has a purpose to take Elica, so he won’t be able to waste time like this forever.

At the decisive moment, he will definitely come forward and try to make a surprise attack.

‘That moment is the moment your life ends.’

I looked around desperately, chasing the illusions to the point of seeming ignorant.

All you need to do is to have a level indicator appear somewhere. That was his body.

As time passed, it was a moment when he had dealt with the dozens of illusions.

【Lv. 94]

Just before the illusion caused the explosion, he did not miss the level mark that suddenly appeared in the air on the other side.

Immediately, he made a series of space leaps in the direction the level was floating in, and he splattered blood using blood magic.


Then the figure of Akashula, who was looking at this side with a shocked face, was revealed from the empty air.

However, all the blood I had splattered was blocked by the shield he had spread out.

Damn, I was aiming for a break, did you stop this?

Me and him landed on the ground and faced each other. The battle was interrupted for a while.

“How the hell did you notice?”

Akasula was shocked to find out that her abilities had been completely overlooked.

But now that my side is also in trouble, I have no choice but to feel frustrated.

Finding the body of the gnome was almost the only opportunity. I should have just finished it completely.

Now that the shield had been spread out like that, there was no longer a decent chance to perform an instant kill.

Akashula, who had been staring at this for a long time with a distorted expression, sighed and muttered abruptly.

“Okay, I see. It’s going to take a long time by myself, Mevilos.”


As those words came out of her mouth, I felt a secret flow of magical power right behind me.

At the same time, sharp magical thorns suddenly popped out of the empty air, and my whole body was pulled apart.

I narrowly opened a floating curtain to block the surprise attack.


Then, as when Akasula appeared for the first time, the nearby air split open.

The one that came out of it was also a demon with gray skin.

He was wearing a black robe and in one hand was holding a staff that looked like it was made of rotten wood.

The raw horse, Mevilos, ranked 10th in the demon rank.

The magical eyes that have been floating in the sky since one day, and the current ability that appeared beyond space were all his abilities.

Encounter (16)

Mevilus, who appeared as expected, looked at me with empty eyes.

Unlike the relatively ordinary Akasula, his eyes had no whites at all, like those of a worm.

“Okay, now I know.”

The man who had been staring at me suddenly nodded as if he had realized something, and uttered unexpected words.

“You were the 7th Lord of Calderic.”

······ Did you notice?

He seemed convinced that I was the 7th Lord.

In fact, there was nothing strange about Rona’s identity. My appearance or abilities must have been known to the public to some extent.

No matter how arrogant demons they believed to be the best, there was no way that they would not have investigated the new Calderic Lord.

“What? The 7th Lord of Calderic? That human?”

At that, Akashula tilted her head with a slightly startled face.

Well, you came all the way here and found out your identity. It doesn’t matter anyway…

I glanced around in the direction where Jerel was.

“The Seven Lords…?”

Elica and Heren, including him, were also looking sullen.

Still, I hoped I didn’t hear it, but when I saw the reaction, it seemed like I could hear it clearly.

Mevilus, who was looking at me carefully as if examining my reaction, continued.

“Yes, it matches all races, appearances, abilities, and information.”

“Hmm… But isn’t it strange? What is the 7th Lord of Calderic doing in a place like this?

Akashula said with a hint of not understanding.

Mevilus didn’t respond as if he didn’t know, but he seemed to be convinced of my identity nonetheless.

“Well, you’re not wrong. Somehow, it’s quite annoying about human subjects.”

Akashula looked at me with a smile.

I was more wary of Mevilos than him.

Like Akasula, Mevilos’ abilities are also annoying.

Among the twenty horses, one horse with a secret and insidious fighting style. If you were careless even for a moment, you could be defeated in an instant.

“I don’t know how the Overlord of Calderic got to know about this.”

Mevilos spoke again.

“But it was easy. If you wanted to retrieve the devil seeds, you would have to move yourself.”

. . . seemed to think that it was because of the overlord’s orders that I had come this far.

There was no need to correct it, so I didn’t respond at all.

Anyway, as I said now, he didn’t seem to have any intention of backing down just because he knew who I was.

Akashula and Mevilus, the two horses, were also strong enough to rival the monarch.

If it had been a simple encounter, they could have tried to avoid unnecessary fights, but it was a situation where the seeds of demons were also caught.

‘Now what?’

I shook my head busily.

Two monarch-level horses.

If the battle continued, I was clearly at a disadvantage.

The option of escaping had been put on hold in one side of my head for a long time.

The most important thing for them is the devil’s seed, so if I escaped, I might not want to chase after them.

‘No, probably not chasing.’

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