They also knew who I was.

Also, he must have realized that it was not easy to subdue me with a brief skirmish.

It’s unlikely that only one will come after me, and neither will leave this place for Elica.

Besides, I seem to have mistaken myself for coming here on the orders of the overlord anyway, so the existence of the Demon Seed was discovered.

So it’s possible to just give up on the three and run away.

That was a reasonable choice.

Of course, the Demon Seed was an important factor related to the Demon King’s resurrection.

However, it is only speeding up the timing, and even if a single demon seed falls into their hands, it does not mean that the demon lord will be resurrected immediately.

It wasn’t something I had to stop right away until I took the risk of my life.


I looked back to the side where the three were.

I am not righteous enough to risk my life for others.

Still, the option of running away was not readily available.

If I abandon them, Jerel and Heren will surely die, and Elika will be taken and sacrificed by them.

Maybe if these were really strangers who didn’t even know me, and if they weren’t right in front of me right now.

Then I thought about it, but I think I would have given up in the end.

However, it was not as easy as I thought to coolly throw them away in such a situation.

I sighed inwardly.

‘·······If you really don’t want to, then.’

Let’s fight for now.

If the escape was really dangerous, then I decided to do it.

The only downside was that they might be trying to take the three people hostage, but that didn’t seem to be a concern.

Because I, Lord of Calderic, wouldn’t think I’d try to protect the three at a disadvantage.

And I wondered if they were concerned that I could take Elica, the devil’s seed, as a hostage from their point of view.

As I prepared for battle, I spoke to Mevilus with a nonchalant tone.

“Don’t worry. As you said, the overlord will arrive soon.”

I tried bluffing once.

Naturally, the overlord didn’t even wake up dead, but he could have believed it by using his illusions.

Mevilos’s eyes twitched and twisted.

He didn’t say anything for a while as if to judge whether my words were true or false, then he smiled.

“Then I’ll have to deal with you quickly and retrieve the demon seeds.”

·······There is no way you can back away.

Still, you can’t completely ignore what I’m saying. If the overlord really came, there was no way they could handle it.

It would have been beneficial if I had distracted my nerves even a little with that…


It was at that time that, along with a sudden gesture, a pain in the abdomen rose.

I lowered my head in shock.

I reacted, and a red beam of light pierced my abdomen, without blocking it with a floating veil.


Feeling the ominous magic spreading through my body, I knelt down in my seat.

The source of the light beam is a space that is split on the side of Mevilus.

With two raw horses in front of him, he was not vigilant.

In preparation for a surprise attack at any time, his supersensibility had been raised to the max.

Still, it was too late to react to the last blow.

‘What the hell….’

. . . This is not Mevilus’ ability

The cracked space grew bigger and it was another demon that popped out of it.

“Are you here?”

Mevilos, who scoffed at me, bowed politely to the newly-appearing demons.

Akashula was also polite without showing any frivolous appearance until recently.

Asmodians were a race that only revolved around the principle of power.

He never bowed his head or surrendered unless he recognized that he was stronger than him.

Especially, if they were the original horses at the top of the demons, their pride was not to be mentioned.

【Lv. 97]

The newly appeared demon was at a level that could fully understand their attitude.

97 level.

Aside from overlord Rashatain and the ancients of the underground ruins, a higher level than anyone I’ve ever met.

It was a large demon wearing armor as red as a burning flame.

In one hand, he held a huge sword with a blade that could be several meters tall.

I couldn’t believe it, so I stared blankly at him.

The level of 96, and that characteristic appearance, made him realize his identity at once.


A raw horse that ranks 3rd in the demon rank.

Not only Akasula and Mevilus, but there were also…?

It was then that I realized that I had made a serious mistake.

Demon seeds are the most important material for demons that can accelerate the resurrection of their gods.

It was not something that only two horses of a suitable rank would go out.

“The devil’s seed is on the female side.”

Cargos’ voice echoed through the forest.

It felt like the space was shivering with just one word.

I stared at him, enduring the pain of Chimi.

He fixed his gaze on the side where the three of them were, as if he had no interest in me.

Heren was trembling as if he had completely lost his mind at the formidable pressure of the three horses.

Jerel had lost all hope and had a face of despair, and Elika was no different.

“I will return to recover the Demon Seeds.”

Cargos said so and stretched out his hand toward me as I collapsed. It was meant to be completely finished.

I clenched my teeth.

If you do this, you will really die. Trying to use the floating curtain or space leap was just a waste of time.

“Wait a minute.”

At that moment, Elika opened her mouth with a trembling voice.

Cargos paused for a moment and looked at her.

“Everyone, I’m the target, right?”

·······Elika herself seemed to realize that the target of the demons was herself.

Rather, to be able to say such a thing even in such a situation, it was a great mental power.

“I am well aware. You will be offered as a sacrifice for the Demon Lord’s resurrection. Know it with glory. That humble life will be used for the most noble and noble work.”

Akashula replied with a smirk.

Elika swallowed her saliva and said.

“············ will do what you are told to do. So please save others.”

But it was futile. There’s no way they’re going to accede to that request.

Cargos didn’t even laugh and continued what he was about to do. A dark red flame rose from his hand.

“Stop it! Otherwise…!”

Elika screamed desperately, picked up Zerel’s sword that had fallen to the floor, and brought it to her neck.

The action was immediately stopped. When Akashula reached out her hand, Elica immediately lost consciousness and collapsed.

“Ah, really. I can’t even tear that cheeky snout.”

As Mevilus clenched her hand, Elica’s body floated in the air.

There was no time for Zerel or Heren to catch them.

Her floating body moved to Mevilos’s side.


it’s all over

Even in a perfect state, he suffered a fatal blow before he could even do anything. Now I can’t run away

Should I have run away sooner? Or was it not meant to be useless in the first place?

There was no point in regretting it now.

Still, it doesn’t just die.

I glared at the three raw horses and prepared for the last strike. That was the moment.


footsteps sounded.

I turned my head toward the sound.

A doll was walking towards this place through the darkness of the forest.

The surprising thing was that he didn’t notice the presence until he heard the sound and until he saw it.

Maybe it was the same for the horses including Cargos, and like me, I looked away with a look of surprise.

Eventually, it was a woman who appeared.

【Lv. 99]

I stared blankly at the level floating above her head.

As if they couldn’t believe it, Cargos’s murmur filled with disbelief was heard.


Encounter (17)

A woman with blonde hair and eyes.

The woman’s appearance was normal.

He was just dressed like a traveler who happened to pass by.

A heterogeneous sight that is difficult to describe.

I stared blankly at the woman. For some reason, I felt a sacredness of unknown origin from her.

【Lv. 99]

·················There was no murmur from Cargos, but the woman’s true identity was immediately realized the moment she saw the level floating above her head.

Of course it had to be.

Because there was only one existence of that level, except for the Demon King.

Hero, Eindel.

The hero who beheaded the Demon King, and the official strongest person in the Rasa universe.

“No, that’s absurd…”

The owner of the dangerously trembling voice in his ear was Akashula.

Her complexion, which had been so relaxed up until now, was so pale that even her gray skin couldn’t hide it.

Mevilus also had his eyes fixed on the figure of the hero with a shocked face.

··········The shocking thing was not only them, but also me.

Because this was a completely unexpected development.

How the hell did the hero appear here?

The hero’s golden eyes glanced at the three horses, me, and the other three in turn.

For a moment, there was a suffocating tension in the forest.

I staggered and lost strength in my body trying to get up, and I fell to the ground again.

It was embarrassing, but at the same time, I felt a sense of relief that I was alive.

I don’t know how the hero got here, but it was clear what she was going to do from now on.

“Mevilus, Akashula, Cargos.”

Eventually, the hero who broke the silence put the names of the horses in his mouth in turn.

When his name was called, Akashula trembled in terror.

“You’re still surviving those tough lives well.”

Cargos looked at the warrior with eyes mixed with anger and emotions.

“An abominable human…!”

A great war in which the hero sealed the demon king.

At that time, many demons died at the hands of the warriors, and the original horses were no exception.

The original horses at the present time are those who barely survived the war, or who rose to new heights after the war was over.

And the three horses in front of him, including Cargos, were all horses that suffered the strength of the hero.

So they would know it very well.

That the situation was completely reversed, and that there would be no way for them to get out of this place alive.

“How the hell did you come here? Until recently, you must have been in Seongdong for four years.”

The hero did not give any answer to Mevilus’ question.

He looked at Elica floating right next to him with a nervous expression, and then exchanged glances with Cargos.


The air around Mevilus rippled and rippled like waves.

It was the ability of space transfer that he showed over and over again.

At that moment, the golden solid line split the open space vertically like an island war. The space that had opened up disappeared as it was.

In the hand of the hero, who had nothing until now, a sword that was emitting a brilliant golden light was gripped.

‘·······Holy sword!’

I let out a low exclamation.

The sacred sword that sealed the Demon King, Vallotia.

The holiness emanating from the holy sword overwhelmed and buried all the ominous energy the horses were radiating.


Then, as the hero stretched out his hand, an extensive barrier in the form of a hemisphere unfolded in an instant.

In addition, a golden curtain was wrapped around Elica’s body, which was in Mevilus’s hands.

Mevilos hurriedly tried to stop it, but to no avail. Elika, surrounded by a veil, cut through the air and in the blink of an eye was dragged to the side of the hero like a magnet.

Not only was it not enough to block the escape routes of the horses, but it was also to secure Elica’s safety.

Is this the power of the Holy Sword?

The energy that the hero exerted was not just magic.

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