Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 550: 3 bowls of blood

"No, absolutely not."

Prince Renhe stood up and Yan Xuankong’s fame was known to the top of Yingguo. Although most of it came from his father Yan Xingxia’s aura, his strength was firmly occupied by Dongyue’s masters. Tenth, and this person's killing heart has always been quite heavy, is a murderer.

Sakai Ghost is also a guru, and the mystery is weird, but he is more of an auxiliary role in Ying Kingdom. Among the guru, his hard power is only the middle and lower ranks. This middle and lower rank is still ranked in the Ying Kingdom. Put it in Dongyue, it is likely to be the bottom, fighting Yan Xuankong, it is hard to say how hard it is to end.

Even with the puppet stand-in technique, in the face of the absolute strength of Yan Xuankong, the rebirth of Saiyaya will be worse than death.

With Yan Xuankong's sword intention, he will surely wait for his sword spirit to spread over Saiya Ghost's body, and then cut the opponent's neck again with a knife, so that the effect of Saiya Ghost's puppet avatar can be minimized.

With the assistance of Liu Shengzongyuan and Juzi Wenyi, Sakai Yagui will have to face many hardships in his resurrection. It will cost a lot of cost and time to restore the body to its original state.

At the moment, Saiya Ghost, with a complexion on his face, did not expect that not only was Yan Jinbai not easy to mess with, but this was the most inconspicuous, but also a lot of trouble, and there was a lot of backstage.

"Prince Renhe, I'm afraid you can't decide this matter. Xuan Kong's application is reasonable and compliant. He and the boy have half of the apprenticeship. It is not a secret in Dongyue's upper circle."

Yan Xingxia said that he glanced at Liu Shengzongyuan depressively. On this trip, this old product failed to pull into the water, so he could only kill a guru to sacrifice heaven.

"Liu Shengzongyuan, what do you say."

"I have no opinion." Liu Shengzongyuan gritted his teeth, and he looked at Sakai Yagui "The matter of resurrection, leave it to me to wait, and you have to work hard under the sword."

Grand Master made a speech, and he said that once he went, Saiya had to die, and it was fortunate that he was in the country. If it was another country, this trip was really gone, and Liu Shengzongyuan's mood was very good. heavy.

"Choosing a date is worse than hitting a date. Now that we have all agreed, we will settle the matter in this mansion."

"Take your three bowls of black blood and sacrifice my soul to Dongyue Man."

Yan Xuankong suddenly pulled the knife, the cicada wing knife began to flash white light, and the knife's gas slowly diffused.

"In this case, you take this life."

Sakai tore his clothes apart, revealing dozens of secret medicines tied to his body. After he swallowed several, his body suddenly became colorful, like a snake body. Yan Xuankong wanted to kill him. Be handy, and vow to pay the other party a little.

"Everyone retreats one hundred meters, you wait for the two to fight, not to be close to the crowd after one hundred meters, the offenders will be shot by me."

Liu Shengzong Yuan groaned, and his heart was depressed. This time he was arrested, almost even he would fall into it. Fortunately, Saiya Ghost confessed his sin and confessed his death, and did not spread more.

The venue was emptied quickly, but Yan Xuankong took three tea bowls.

Putting the tea bowls on the ground one by one, he smiled at the Saiya Ghost, which made the Saiya Ghost of Ping Suyin completely panicked.

"This old product, I really want to take my three bowls of blood," Saiya yelled in his heart. He and Yan Xuankong were separated by more than ten meters. This little distance was only a moment's reaction. Or, he committed suicide at the beginning, and how to choose became a problem for Saiya Ghost.

Perhaps, the speed of his death was not as fast as the opponent's sword, and Yan Xuankong's shadowless knife has always been known for its speed.

"Any toxic substance can't let a guru die immediately. If you break your heart, you can survive for a few seconds."

Yan Xuankong took out a sealed bottle from his arms. He shook it, and said with pity: "I still have a dragon and a tiger in my bottle. I think you know what he does."

Saiyaya’s face became a little more ugly. Today’s death seems not easy. Yan Xuankong is obviously that he was about to die and he must be hanged back. All of his poison skills are useless.

"Then I want to see, is this your immortality medicine used to save yourself, or is it used to hang my life to play."

Saiya ghost is cruel, it is not easy to live, and it is not easy to die. That can only be spelled, what kind of spelling, who can control so much, anyway, must die, in case Yan Xuankong pulls a piece of meat, he also earned it.

His eyes swept the other side fiercely, and Yan Xuankong's eyes were also indifferent, looking at him like a toy.

"Now that you are ready, let's start."

Prince Renhe looked at all this with a dark face, and he was unwilling in his heart. He forced a national guru to die. This is a great shame for the royal family of Yingguo.

As soon as his voice fell, there was a flash of light in the air, and then the crackling noise came.

Saiya stood staring blankly, full of blood, his teeth had been lost in an instant, and several small secret medicines sandwiched between his teeth were crushed.

He just looked around, his arms suddenly fell off, and then his thighs fell forward, leaving only one body, and he fell unwillingly on the ground.

In this death fight, he had already failed before he made a move.

"What a shadowless sword, this evil martial art, you Yan family really came from generation to generation."

"If you want to try, I will too."

Liu Shengzongyuan's eyelids were slightly wrinkled, and Yan Xuankong's knife made him feel a little threatened. He just satirized a sentence, and was directly returned to him by Yan Xingxia.

"You, you are close to... Grand Master, kill... me... kill me..."

Saiyaya was begging for pain, and the extremely severe pain came. His limbs were cut off, and countless knife qi continuously penetrated at the fracture, like a bone-etching ant, began to diffuse into the body, and the protection of the inner coagulation Being beaten and rotten, he is not much different from ordinary people at this time, except that his physique is stronger than ordinary people, and the time to die will also become longer.

"It won't be long."

Yan Xuankong said coldly, he took the cicada wing knife to pick up the other party's clothes, the thin blade was only a little roll, and the internal organs of Saiyaya's chest were revealed.

Poke at Saiya's ghost atrium, Yan Xuankong greeted him with an empty bowl.

Full of three bowls of blood, he was lazy to control Sakai Yagui, and let the other party die from his own life to the last breath.

"Just with this blood, a bowl of respect."

"Just with this blood, a bowl of respect."

"I would like to use this blood to respect my Dongyue boy Xu Zhi."

Three bowls of blood were shattered by him one by one, Yan Xuankong was full of grief, and his eyes were fixed on the unwilling Ren and prince, and he swept across all the people in Yingguo. One after another.

Narrowing his eyes, he even looked at the sky.

In the air, Liu Shengzongyuan's cold humming response came.

Yan Xuankong's move is not only to seek justice, but also to learn from his old man to Dongyue Liwei, so that these high-level cultivators, who wantonly act arbitrarily, should also consider three points.

The painful crying and communication with Yan Xingxia for several months, a certain emotion, has been mixed in their cultivation. Yan Xuankong's knife is closer to that layer.

"Good kill."

Gu Yuxi yelled, and the sudden sound made Liu Shengzong Yuan glance a few more times. He remembered the other person’s private words that Sai Yagui searched for his heart. The woman’s hostility to the Ying people was very deep. Imagine According to the thinking of the other party, it seems that the Chinese are dead, she will be satisfied, this woman's special brain is sick.

Yan Xingxia gave a few rounds of applause, and then Dongyue's official staff also slightly patted twice. As public officials, they still have to pay attention to the image a little, not too loudly.

"Ah~ it hurts, my head hurts."

In the temporarily built medical room, Xu Zhi woke up and rolled his head in his arms.

"God, my brother wakes up."

A familiar voice came, and Gu Yuxi flew to the rear immediately.

"You, you, you, me, me..."

Hearing Gu Yuxi's cry, the light in Saiyaya's eyes collapsed, and if the other party's spirit did not collapse, why did he die, Saiyaya swallowed his last breath.

A tattered puppet had just surfaced, and was then smashed by some force.


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