Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 551: The day under the death rule

A white skull and five colored real human heads.

Looking at the changes in his mind, Xu Zhi vaguely understood that these five heads are some kind of true face of the property panel. Only rules can conquer the rules, and only rules can assimilate and absorb the rules.

The head of the person is probably a change in the rules. Although there was some speculation about this bug, Xu Zhi was still shocked.

He was also the first to hear about the rules of death, only to learn a few things from the conversation between Baron Feng Tajin and Glick.

This level is too high, completely beyond his ability to understand.

Xu Zhi has no resistance, can only passively accept, watching the constant changes in his mind.

His current strength is not overbearing, and his knowledge is even more limited. It is not clear how this change will go.

But his head was uncomfortable. It was necessary to stun him over several times, and he was forcibly stimulated by the cold and evil breath.

It can be seen that the five human heads do not welcome this white skull, but they cannot do anything about the invasion of the death rules. In the end, they can only absorb this little brother.

Xu Zhi only felt a cold body, and there seemed to be something more in the body. The rotation of the six heads, the information of the regular force was slowly poured in, and Xu Zhi's talents began to stabilize.

"It took me only a few seconds to ascend to Grand Master Death Magic."

Baron Feng Tajin was lying on the ground with dissatisfaction. They had been watching each other for hours. Most of the dignified evil message had been shrouded on Xu Zhi's head, while a small part was pressed against them, unable to move.

"Yes, my master, my promotion is only for a moment."

Grick replied that he was lying on the ground, and his cold face never changed at all. At this time, he had given up his hands to resist the ground, completely lying on the ground, and rubbed by the rules. This is not shameful.

It is rare to see the death rule once in a century. It is only because his master, Baron Feng Tajin, has such courage that he can be slaughtered by the spirits of a country.

"It's boring, Grick, do you want us to go to war and occupy another country?"

"It's my pleasure to be the master of the master. Grick will surely charge you in the direction of your wand."

Baron Feng Tajin looked at Glick, and then looked at the piles of undead creatures outside, vaguely felt that his strength was a bit weak, this force is self-preserving, and it is not enough to open up territory.

"Maybe, I can open a few ancient cemeteries and recruit the old zombies."

"When I have a lot of troops, where do I want to fight, where do I want to go, where do I want to go, I still have to live in the palace, maybe it is good to receive a few human concubines."

Baron Feng Tajin was working on some big plans, and he began to plan future plans. He looked at his body without any trace of flesh, and his heart was filled with emotion. The fun of being a living person, he could not enjoy it again.

"Grick, as a death knight, does your body still feel a little bit, can your face smile?"

Baron Feng Tajin looked at Glick. Bone racks and zombies had their own advantages and disadvantages, but the difference was not clear until they experienced it.

"Master, like wearing a dress before we died, there is no feeling."

Glick was expressionless, and he paused before continuing: "If you need me to keep a smile, I will adjust my face to keep smiling after I go out."

"This is a good idea. I think it is also necessary to adjust my head shape. The world's image of the dark and terrifying images of our undead is too fixed."

"How do you think the grinning skull looks like."

Baron Feng Tajin began to seriously consider a question, if their image becomes more funny, will it reduce people's fears and attract more people to join the deceased's team voluntarily.

"Great, master, you will create a new historical era of the undead as a monarch."

"Okay, I decided so happily. When I go out, I become a laughing skeleton, and you will be adjusted to a smiling knight. Also, let the following younger brothers learn from it."

"Okay, master, your will will be executed like blood."

Glick lay on the ground, between a few words, and Baron Fontaine set the style of the undead Collison.

"Have you lost that saint's staff?"

Looking at the death staff in his hand, old and decaying, dull, Baron Feng Tajin felt that the saint's staff still supported the facade, especially when it was used to release the magic of life, the staff was radiant.

"It's useless to me. I can't grasp the balance between life and death. The staff can only remind me of the horrible and humble face of the saint."

"Oh, poor Glick, you really shouldn't mention your sad past, thinking that you were also a holy son, the great running dog of the Holy See, glory, light, always with you at all times..."

Baron Feng Tajin began to mumble and whisper all the things that Grick had done before he died.

Under the death rule, Xu Zhi felt that his attribute panel might have a certain mutation. What effect will the bug hang upon encountering an external force of the same level, whether it is good or bad, he is quite embarrassed in his heart, this kind of thing can not be done Any predictions.

To make Xu Zhi a little happier, he finally did not spray green blood randomly, sprayed his head for a while, and then sprayed it, he felt that he had pills, this body did not spray so much.

In my mind, the six heads are constantly rotating and vomiting all kinds of light and fog-like substances, condensing into the appearance of the property panel from time to time, because there is a small white skull in the middle, I have to scatter again.

"Two big brothers, do you have any beginner books about death magic?"

Xu Zhi felt that he was going to save himself by learning magic through comprehension. When should he play? Take this book and shoot it directly. The knowledge in his head is rolling. That is the correct posture for learning.

"Green Skin, can you speak now?"

Baron Feng Tajin is quite interested. Unlike Glick's reticence, he likes to talk more and talk a lot.

"Yes, Lord Baron."

Be respectful when asking for help. This is the biggest secret to maintaining a good relationship between Xu Zhi and the boss. Of course, it is another matter when he has the necessary conditions for the other party.

"Then let's chat, you know, it's boring to live too long. Apart from improving strength, my only pleasure is talking."

" Baron, have you heard of death magic beginner education?"

"Of course, hundreds of years ago, I wrote a book about death magic, but don’t think I’ll give it to you. I don’t know where to put that book. I tell you, write a book. A little boring..."

Xu Zhi's heart is cold, and Glick is not interested in taking care of him, but the big brother who is willing to take care of him, has a pit in his head, no reliable Mist Barma, it is very suitable for making friends with Nags or Gulong Maratha .

After listening to Baron Feng Tajin whispering for more than twenty hours, Xu Zhi reluctantly followed him.

"it is good"

Even if it's hard to hear, the plot will be repeated by Baron Feng Tajin, and it will have to be given face.

At the end of his words, he saw six heads constantly spinning, faster and faster, even in his mind, it was difficult to feel the complete shape again.

A piece of light and shadow is continuously derived, and the property panel slowly appears.


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