Great Creator

Chapter 51: mission

   After talking to the villagers on the high ground, Cao Jiu suddenly remembered and forgot one thing.

   That wizard just now! When the wizard broke the embankment, he should have been outside the village, right? But the terrain outside the village is not too high, will he be affected by the flood?

   Cao Jiu is a little worried about the wizard. After all, the wizard is a good person. Now the villagers and Cao Jiu are alive, but it's all because of the wizard's help!

   "Wait for a moment, I'll go find someone and come back soon."

   Caojiu confessed to the villagers, and then jumped into the air again.

   He looked for the road where the wizard was.

   The road was completely submerged by the river, and Cao Jiu was very worried. He shouted "Witcher! Wizard! Where are you the wizard of Fengshen!", flying forward, looking around for the wizard's trace.

   Fortunately, after a while, Cao Jiu saw the wizard, and he was sitting on a big tree by the side of the road.

   Caojiu quickly flew to the wizard and said:

   "Try to see if you can climb on me, I will take you to meet everyone!"

   The wizard's expression was still very calm, as if he knew that Cao Jiu would come to rescue him.

   He let out a "um", then jumped from the tree onto Caojiu, and grabbed the scale-like thing on his back with his hands.

   The wizard stood steady on Cao Jiu, and then Cao Jiu safely carried him and flew back to the villagers.

   Caojiu felt the wizard standing on his back, and did not speak for a long time.

   He couldn't help but said: "Wizard, thank you, and thank Fengshen, for saving me and everyone in the village."

   The wizard said: "No thanks, I should."

  Cao Jiu suddenly felt a little embarrassed. They are all life-savers, and they are also called wizards and wizards, so they have to ask their names quickly.

   So he asked: "Can you tell me your name?"

  The wizard said to him: "My name is Weiji, which has no meaning. Ji means the rain stops and clears. Weiji."

   At this time, there is no text, only language, so the meaning of the word depends entirely on interpretation.

   Caojiu said in surprise: "Wow, what a complicated name, Weiji, are you a famous person?"

   You need to know that among the human race, only the nobles such as heads and elders, who are in powerful big families, need to use clan names to distinguish between superior and inferior.

   Only the nobles have a clan, and there is also a clan.

   Ordinary people only have names, not clan.

   Wei Ji replied: "No. Wei Ji is my name."

   Caojiu smiled and said, "I knew it was not, because I feel that Weiji is different from the nobleman like the head man. Weiji will worry and think about us. Weiji is also a good person!"

   "By the way, my name is Cao Jiu, you can call me Xiao Jiu, people in the village call me like this."

  As they spoke, they had reached the high ground where the villagers gathered.

   Caojiu carefully put down Weiji.

   The villagers looked at the wizard who had appeared in the village curiously.

   Caojiu wanted to explain for Wei Ji, but didn't want to say that he jumped off the cliff for the whole village and turned into a monster, so he said to the villagers:

   "This is Weiji, and Weiji is now my friend! He was also killed, so I will rescue him together!"

  The villagers' expressions became kind.

   They are still very wary of outsiders, but Xiao Jiu’s friends are different.

   The villagers surrounded Caojiu, asking him curiously.

   Cao Jiu really couldn't answer. He didn't know exactly how he became a monster.

   So Caojiu quickly changed the subject:

   "Uncle and sister-in-law, we are still not safe here, and there is no food. I think we have to change place."

   Uncle Axe also felt that this concern was justified, and asked, "Is there a way for Xiao Jiu?"

   Caojiu said: "I haven't tried it just now. You can climb on me. Everyone can try it. Come on me, I will find a safe place to transport everyone there."

   At this time, Wei Ji suddenly spoke.

  He pointed to the southwest and said, "There is a big mountain over there, where people can be released, and there are fruit trees and wild vegetables on the mountain."

   Uncle Axe said with joy: "No wizard, thank you, it's still your knowledgeable wizards."

   Caojiu now trusts Weiji very much, and hurriedly said: "Great, please come on me first."

   Soon, ten male villagers, as pathfinders, sat on Caojiu first. They stepped on the black scales on Cao Jiu's body. The scales were not smooth and could easily hold people.

   After flying to the southwest for ten minutes, Caojiu found the big mountain that Weiji said. After putting the villagers down, he found that there were a lot of fruit trees on the mountain, as Weiji said.

   So Caojiu went back and forth three times, each time with 20 or 30 people, and finally transported all the people and Weiji in the village.

   The topography of this big mountain is quite high, and the floodwater only circulates around it, so it can't come up at all. The safety of the whole village of Lihe Village is finally guaranteed.

   Gradually, the rain stopped.

   After finishing the Ninth Fortune, I fell on the mountain to rest.

   Uncle Axe came to see him and asked worriedly:

   "Xiao Jiu, can you change back like you are?"

   Caojiu shook his head, and the swing of his head made the surrounding vegetation sway for a while, "I don't know either."

   Uncle Axe said anxiously: "What can I do then. By the way, does this matter...have something to do with that wizard?"

   Caojiu thought, sure enough, people in the village have also seen Weiji, and sooner or later they will guess this.

   He had to admit: "Wei Ji is the wizard of Fengshen, Fengshen made me what I am now."

   Uncle Axe made a gesture of prayer and said: "Thank you Fengshen for saving your life, Quanlihe villagers will worship Fengshen in the future."

   Then he said again: "Then... how about asking the wizard, what should I do?"

   Caojiu nodded: "Well, I want to ask him too, Uncle Axe, call him over for me."

   Wei Ji This person is very quiet. Since he was taken to this mountain, others have been busy climbing trees and picking fruits, but he found a place to sit quietly.

After    Wei Ji came over with Uncle Axe, Cao Jiu hurriedly asked:

   "Weiji, can I turn back into a human being?"

   Weiji said: "Yes, you just need to raise your hand, and then yell ‘pop up, Shenlong machine’! That’s it!"

   Caojiu didn't understand what he said at all, and couldn't help being at a loss: "What do you mean by Wei Ji?"

   Weiji replied: "This sentence is arranged by Fengshen, as long as the voice is followed."

   Caojiu had no choice but to make Wei Ji repeat the sentence several times, then raised his hand and said loudly:

   "Pop it up, Shenlong machine!"

   At that time, Cao Jiu felt his body lighten, and the restraints on his hands and feet disappeared.

   Then the arc light in front of his eyes disappeared, and his body suddenly dropped and slid out directly.

   The light in front of his eyes lit up, and Cao Jiu actually got outside the monster's body.

   And the monster's body seemed to be asleep, lying quietly on the side.

   Its body is as huge as a hill.

   Weiji calmly explained: "This is the body of a dragon, the kind without a soul."

  Cao Jiu looked at her hands and feet, yes, she has changed back into a human again!

   I don’t know why, but he regretted turning back.

  Because, when I just became that monster, it was so cool to fly in the sky and save the village!

  Cao Jiu looked at the monster body on the and thought, if there is a chance, he would like to try again!

   He hurriedly asked Weiji: "I, that, can I turn back into a monster again?"

   Weiji replied: "That is a dragon, not a monster. This is the body of the dragon that Fengshen lent you, but you can use your head ring and go inside it."

   Caojiu quickly touched his head, only to find that his head was strangled with a thin ring.

   He took off the ring, and saw that the ring was silver all over, except that the front was inlaid with a gem-like red stone, which was crystal clear and very beautiful.

   Caojiu hurriedly put the ring back on his head, for fear that Fengshen would also take the ring away.

   He asked Weiji: "How do I tell it to come back?"

   Weiji commented with a sharp glance: "It's better to raise your hands and yell, "Load it, Shenlong machine!" That's it."

   Caojiu quickly memorized the pronunciation of this sentence.

   If it is so difficult to understand, it must be the **** of Fengshen.

   Then Cao Jiu asked curiously: "Wei Ji, what exactly is a dragon? Why did I become a dragon?"

   Weiji replied: "Dragons are creatures in the heavens, raised by Fengshen. He lends you the body of the dragon, and you can become a dragon."

   said, Weiji suddenly became serious. He looked at Caojiu and said:

   "Cao Jiu, you are a person who is willing to give his life for others. So Fengshen chose you and gave you the power to save the human race."

   Weiji put his hand on Caojiu's shoulder, looked into his eyes, and asked:

   "Now, please tell me, if Fengshen said, let you take on the mission you should undertake, not only to save the villagers, but also to save the whole world, are you willing?"

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