Great Creator

Chapter 52: No one is more suitable than you

   "I do!"

   This sentence, Cao Jiu blurted out without hesitation.

   He is willing, really willing, not only because of the mission that Wei Ji said, but also not only to save people.

   He likes the feeling of being a dragon and flying in the sky!

   also likes to lift the light curtain to resist the flood with strength.

  He is a child living a poor life in a small poor village. Without the body of the dragon bestowed by Fengshen, in the past and in the future, he would not be as dazzling as before.

   Caojiu can hardly wait to say this.

   "Until now, I am willing to undertake the mission given by Fengshen!"

   Weiji nodded: "Okay. But you have to be prepared, because you will encounter many, many difficulties and obstacles, and you have to overcome the most terrible water god."

   defeat God?

   Caojiu was a little scared, but he still mustered up the courage to ask: "Will you tell me, can I do it?"

   Wei Ji said: "I will help you. You must be able to do it."

   Cao Jiuxi said: "Just help me! I don't know anything yet, you are the wizard of Fengshen, you must know everything, and you have to teach me in the future!"

   Weiji nodded.

   After the villagers settled down, it was getting late, and Caojiu and the others slept on the top of the mountain for one night.

   As soon as he woke up the next day, Cao Jiu quickly touched his forehead, with the headband still on it, and then looked at the side, the dragon's huge body was still entrenched, and he sighed in relief.

   All this is just like a dream, and the old Kuo Guru feels unreal.

   He was afraid that this magical thing would suddenly disappear from his life.

   The people in the village also woke up one after another, and began to prepare to live here in a short time.

   Caojiu was specially taken care of by the villagers and asked him to rest next to him.

   Because in everyone's eyes, Cao Jiu became a monster yesterday, but he was exhausted.

   In fact, Cao Jiu is not particularly tired, he feels okay.

   Caojiu glanced at Weiji, who still sat indifferently under the tree.

   neither went to work nor talked to people.

   Can I only call it a mysterious wizard?

   Cao Jiu thought.

   Seeing Caojiu looking towards him, Weiji stood up and walked to Caojiu.

   "Fengshen said to me, you should leave." Wei Ji said solemnly.

   Caojiu nodded, "Am I going back to the dragon's body now?"

   "Hmm." Wei Ji's words are always that simple.

   So Caojiu went to bid farewell to the villagers one by one, stating that he would leave with Wei Ji to rescue other people who were affected by the disaster.

   After hearing this passage, the villagers gave a thumbs up to Cao Jiu, Xiao Jiu is so good!

   After the farewell, Cao Jiu walked to the side of the dragon's body a little embarrassed, and stretched out his fingers to the sky.

   "Load it, Shenlong machine!"

   Although I don't know what it means, Cao Jiu still pronounced it out loud according to the tone.

   The black dragon made a roar, and then opened its mouth.

  Cao Jiu felt that the huge suction draws himself directly into it!

   The sense of **** reappeared, and at the same time, the curved light curtain lit up, and Cao Jiu found that he could manipulate the dragon's body again.

   waved his paws, twisted his waist, and rose slightly into the air. Cao Jiu felt the feeling of being a dragon, and felt a burst of pleasure in his heart.

   really cool! Thanks to Fengshen, being a dragon is much more interesting than being a person!

   He turned his head to look in Weiji's direction, and Weiji had already walked to him.

   "Please let me go up." Wei Ji said.

   Caojiu hurriedly fell on the ground, and Wei Ji put his hand on his scales, gently and skillfully turned on the dragon's back.

   "You're so good before you!" Cao Jiu praised sincerely.

   Unexpectedly, Weiji, as a wizard, moves more agile than a warrior.

   But Weiji just gave a simple "um" and sat on the dragon.

   Caojiu was also used to his little words, and took him to fly.

  The dragon walked around the mountain in the air, saying hello to the villagers last.

   The villagers waved goodbye to Caojiu at the top of the mountain.

   The grass nine rises to the sky, and a little cloud and mist pass over him. The scenery below is getting smaller and smaller, and the whole field of vision is getting wider and wider.

   He couldn't help but rise higher and higher.

   "Wow, it's so beautiful, the earth is a big flat piece! You can't see it at a glance!"

   Cao Jiu couldn't help exclaiming at the scene seen from high in the sky.

   Wei Ji said, "In fact, the earth is not..."

   Before he finished a sentence, he cut off by himself, and changed another sentence:

   "Cao Jiu, you are flying too high and too fast, it is easy to make people hypoxia."

   Caojiu asked in doubt: "Lack of oxygen?"

   After thinking about it for a long time, he replied: "Well, Fengshen said that there is wind in the sky that is too high, and ordinary people will be overwhelmed by the wind."

   Caojiu then understood and nodded: "You still don't know a lot, I understand."

   In order to take care of Wei Ji's body safety, Cao Jiu dropped a little.

   "Where are we going now?" Cao Jiu asked.

   "Look everywhere to see if anyone needs our help." The unjigged voice was mixed in the sound of the wind, but it was very clear, "We can go downstream first, because the disaster there is more serious."

   "Good! Before you hurry, if you don't fall off, let's go!" Cao Jiu shouted.

   Wei Ji said "Yes".

   So one person, one dragon, along the main road of Lihe River-Fuhe, one of the two major rivers, looked for the downstream.


   "Give me all of you and go!"

   The entire dragon of Caojiu is tightly on the embankment.

The embankment of    Fuhe River is specially built with stones, and its strength is much higher than that of Lihe River.

   But at this point downstream, the embankment is about to collapse.

   There are two villages near Fuhe. The villagers in the two villages had the same idea at first, wanting to strengthen the river embankment to save the whole village. But as the river continued to rise, signs of collapse gradually appeared on the embankment.

   These villagers began to be afraid, UU reading fled in all directions.

  When Caojiu arrived, the embankment was already in danger. He immediately rushed up, entangled the embankment directly with the dragon's body, and then let the villagers go quickly.

   A large number of villagers were puzzled, but this black monster was really talking, and helping them.

   So the villagers hurried home and ran to the heights with all their families.

   Fortunately, Caojiu's body is thick and long enough to cover the embankment.

   and Wei Ji was placed on the top of the big tree aside in advance.

   After all the villagers were gone, Caojiu let go of the dam and flew to Weiji's side.

   Weiji leaped lightly on the dragon's back, and Cao Jiu carried him into the air.

   Below them, the river broke the dam, and the ocean went down.

   Caojiu flew around the villagers again, confirming that they are all safe.

   Some of the villagers shouted at him:

   "Which great **** you are, can you tell me to wait!"

   Caojiu quickly shouted to them:

   "My name is Caojiu, I am not a god, I am a dragon!"

   After confirming the situation of the villagers, Caojiu flew away.

   on his back, Weiji said, "It's good for you to say your name so bluntly. Everyone will remember you."

Cao Jiu smiled and said: "I just don't know how to lie, and I'm not used to telling others. If they ask, I'll just say it. Hey Weiji, do you think it’s not good for me to call myself a dragon? After all, dragons belong to the **** of wind. , I just borrowed its body."

   "No, you are a dragon." Wei Ji's voice seemed to have a little smile, "No one is more suitable to be a dragon than you."

  Cao Jiu really wanted to scratch his face with his paws, but he managed to bear it. After all, it is not a human body now, "Haha, I am embarrassed if you say it."

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