Fortunately, the clone has no extra feelings, otherwise Ulquiorra would definitely vomit blood.

"Bang 々.!"

Another fight.

Although Ulquiorra slammed the silver axe to the ground, looking at the silver axe rising from the ground again, Ulquiorra knew that he would soon be unable to hold down the old man. .

The powerhouses in the pirate world, especially the powerhouses who are proficient in domineering, have such a disgusting characteristic. Relying on the powerful defensive power and pluripotency of domineering, they can protect their vital points very well. Energetic and vigorous, there is almost no possibility of exhaustion!

Especially in a battle where the difference in strength between the two sides is not large, they can even fight for days and nights without a winner. This kind of opponent with high defense and high blood volume is the most restraint of Ulquiorra, who strives for a quick battle. The explosive warrior!

However, just as the duration of the Black Winged Demon is approaching the freezing point, even the silver axe can feel that the powerful power of Ulquiorra is fading!


An indifferent, penetrating female voice suddenly rang in people's ears!

Don't wait for the pirates who are caught in the slaughter to come back to their senses! A huge ice gun slammed into the beast battleships piled up in the port! The next moment, an incomparably huge naval warship suddenly appeared in everyone's sight!

Then, start the crazy shelling!

"Boom boom boom~~"

The power of the warships full of artillery was brought into full play!

The shells fired by dozens of cannons poured down like raindrops! The pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Silver Axe Pirates, who were fighting, fled in confusion.

Above the sky, Morgans, who had finally recovered from the impact of the Thunder Spear, saw the visitor, and his eyes were filled with starlight!

"Esdes, it turns out to be the Queen of Ice, Esdes!! Reporter? Where did the reporter go?! Damn, this kind of topic still depends on me in the end!" Morgans cursed excitedly, and then took out The camera that I carried with me pointed at the navy warship that suddenly appeared, and more importantly, standing on the navy warship, the heroic blue-haired woman pressed the shutter frantically!

That's right.

After several days of sailing, Esdes at the g8 base has finally arrived! !


The addition of Esdes once again disrupted the already clear battle situation!

Although Esdes was only a major general of the g8 base in the first half of a great route, the soldiers under her command were also branch soldiers who could not make it to the stage.

but! No one would really take Esders as an ordinary rear admiral! No one would underestimate Esdes's subordinates. That navy was almost invincible. By virtue of its military exploits, almost all of them consisted of an elite navy with a rank of at least non-commissioned officers!

Iceberg-sized ice cubes, ice guns flying all over the sky, amazing swordsmanship and a well-formed army!

Estes almost instantly overwhelmed all the pirates standing in front of him! Black Maria, one of the six sons in the sky, tried to stop it, but it was only a face-to-face effort, and she was almost frozen into an ice sculpture by Esdes.

"."Okay.. what a fast speed!"

There was no trace of Esdes' movement at all.

Black Maria just relied on an instinctive tumbling. The next second, Black Maria in the form of a tarantula felt that her forelimbs had lost consciousness!

And the rear admiral she wanted to stop had already (Nuo Zhao's) appeared directly in front of Ulquiorra and Silver Axe like a flash! A bloodthirsty smile suddenly erupted on his stern face, as if he had found his prey. With a wave of his long knife in the air, countless icicles emerged densely from the sky, facing Ulquiorra and Silver who were fighting fiercely like a torrential rain. The axe shoots down!

Ulquiorra, who had been prepared for a long time, used the last bit of duration of the Black Wing Demon to quickly escape by using space teleportation.

But the silver axe, who paid all his attention to Ulquiorra, was not so good at it! Facing the icicle falling from the sky, the silver axe could only roar, holding up the domineering frontal resistance!


'Puff puff~~ lungs'

The ice is falling madly! Although the terrifying edge did not penetrate the silver axe's domineering armament, the power of ice carried on the ice stubbornly froze the silver axe into an ice sculpture!

Chapter 91 The silver axe ends and the swords face each other!!

The port of the Hill Kingdom has already fallen into chaos!

The navy, the pirates, and the pirates of the Silver Axe Pirates, the three completely different forces fought each other, and the scene can only be described as a mess.

The silver axe that broke through the ice felt the change of the times for the first time.

Looking at the morbidly excited navy in front of him, and then at Ulquiorra, who had returned to normal, expressionless.

The age of these two people seems to be no more than twenty years old at most! It is just like the scorching sun is born, when it is full of amazing vitality!

And myself, it is already the twilight sunset..

Feel your own fading vitality.

Realizing that today may be the silver axe at the end of the curtain, my heart calmed down.

"The dying tiger still has its prestige, Esdes of the Navy, Ulquiorra of the pirates, today, let my silver axe perform the last swan song of the old era for you!" The old, aged voice, Spit out of the silver axe's mouth, which is covered in a samurai helmet.

The next moment, an astonishing domineering arrogance like a gleam of light burst out from the body of the silver axe!

Silver Axe.

The Rocks Pirates, one of the well-deserved main combatants!

He is more ancient than Whitebeard, Kai 970, bigmom and even the Golden Lion.

When he followed the Rocks Pirates, these well-known pirates were just a group of newcomers on the Rocks ship.

His most glorious moment belongs to the era of Rocks! And with the demise of the Rocks Pirates, the era of the silver axe has actually ended! It's just that Silver Axe has been reluctant to admit it!

But now, young Esdes and Ulquiorra have appeared, and they have shown a strength that is not inferior to their own.

Only then did Silver Axe realize that he was really out of date as Ulquiorra said.

But even out of date.

'Just rely on you stinky hairy boys, don't try to defeat me easily! ’

So roaring in the heart.

The silver axe pressed down on the lungs, which were extremely painful due to the distance fighting, and roared and swung the axe, slashing towards Esdes and Ulquiorra in front of him!


Cocoa West Village.

Through Broly's perspective, Liu Ye, who was watching this scene, shook his head silently.

This silver axe is also a heroic character, both in spirit and strength are second to none, at such an old age, he can still fight so fiercely with the two clones of Ulquiorra and Esdes, it is worth it admiration.

But it is a pity that he should never touch Liu Ye's Berry!

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