"Give him a decent, with the strongest strength, bury him thickly."

Such an order was given to Esdes and Ulquiorra.

Liu Ye directly cut off Broly's line of sight, not wanting to see such an old man die under his command.

This incident is over.

No matter how stubborn the silver axe is, the aged body will not deceive people. With Esdes and Ulquiorra joining forces, the silver axe cannot have any hope of making a comeback.

After defeating the Silver Axe Pirates, Esdes and Ulquiorra will perform another wave. No matter who Berry ends up in, it can be counted as Liu Ye's harvest.

And after this battle, the fame of Esdes and Ulquiorra is bound to skyrocket again! After all, they were the legendary pirate silver axe that killed the Rocks Pirates! This stepping stone is almost as high in the Pirate World as the Sanshoyu Hanzo in the Naruto World.


Hill Kingdom.

Dropped with Liu Ye's order.

Esdes and Ulquiorra looked at each other, and the already fierce attack was instantly fierce!

As we all know, the strongest play of the clones is not conventional combat, but a fighting style in which they rely on themselves not to be afraid of death or injury, so they use (bhdb) to exchange their lives for life and exert their power far beyond their own strength. !

The previous Esdes and Ulquiorra fought fiercely with the silver axe, but they didn't actually use such an extreme fighting style.

The main reason is that they understand that even if they just fight around the silver axe like this, the silver axe will be defeated sooner or later.

But now, with Willow Ye's order, the fighting style of Esdes and Ulquiorra has changed immediately!

'bump! ’

Esdes resisted the slash of the silver axe with one shoulder.

Under the serious injury that almost the entire shoulder was chopped off, the right hand holding the long knife stabbed into the lower abdomen of the silver axe with a backhand, and at the same time, the power of the demon **** gushed out! The terrifying cold air filled the air frantically, directly freezing the internal organs of the silver axe.

Taking this opportunity, Ulquiorra jumped up and grabbed the head of the silver axe! The abdomen quickly expanded with the sound of inhalation, and the next moment, a roar of the Thunder Dragon was sprayed out at close range to the face of the silver axe!

'Boom boom boom~'

Thunder rushes.

Ice chips fly.

The painful howl of the silver axe resounded throughout Hill Harbor!

Yes, under such a terrifying blow, no matter how powerful the silver axe is! No matter how difficult the life force is, it can't hold back now!


King Hill Palace Square.

The navies, who were waiting in battle, quietly lined up in rows.

After hearing the painful howl of the silver axe coming from the port.

The cynical face of Kizaru, who had been playing with the black phone bug in his hand, finally became serious.

"It's almost time, Lieutenant General Stoloberg." He pursed his lips.

Huang Yuan said: "I really did not expect that the dignified silver axe would be defeated by two juniors. The elimination mechanism in this world is really terrible~"


Stoloberg was silent.

Facing Kizaru, the old Versailles, he was afraid that he couldn't hold back his fist.

"Let's go, since the battle is almost over, we should also protect our little Esdes~"

"And the most vicious and vicious newcomer, Ulquiorra, let's end him here."

"Can't, let this dangerous guy continue to stay in the sea~, right? Lieutenant General Stoloberg."

There was no embarrassment of being ignored.

When mentioning Ulquiorra's name.

Kizaru's voice gradually became colder!


ps: I will give you a reward for the monthly ticket flower evaluation and go for a walk~, I love you.

Once again: this book is not a substitute for writing or tj~. .

Chapter 92 General Polsalino!!

Although the order of the navy headquarters is not to let the navy be involved in this war too deeply.

But Ulquiorra's performance forced Kizaru to make changes on the spot.

That pirate named Ulquiorra was just a teenager who was less than twenty years old and had been out at sea for less than a year!

It is such Ulquiorra, who has made so many big events frequently! Fierce, unscrupulous, and now, he has defeated the silver axe, the oldest pirate in the current era!

If Ulzio-Ra is not eliminated here.

So what kind of hidden danger would Ulquiorra be when stepping out of the sea on the head of the silver axe?

Just thinking of this, there is enough reason to let Kizaru do it himself!

What's more, on this battlefield, there is another naval future that is highly optimistic about the Navy Headquarters - Esdes!



It was almost at the moment of Kizaru's action.

Ulquiorra's sharp claws and Esdes' long knife were almost sent into the dying silver axe one after the other!

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

The pirates in the chaos, as well as the news giant Morgans flying above the sky, all looked at the shocking scene in front of them in shock! The great legendary pirate - Silver Axe, at this moment. Was defeated by the pirates of the new era!

It was an indescribable shock!

Even before the battle started, people knew that this was a battle that was unpredictable, but when the silver axe of the great pirate that had shaken the sea for decades really fell into the hands of the newcomer, what happened at that moment? The strong impact is beyond words to describe!

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