437. Chapter 434 plans for marriage

    "That's right, we can go to The Burrow!"Ivan said.

    Ron is much more convenient to do in their home than in their own home.

    Ivan also wants to talk to Fred and George to further expand the scale of Weasley's joke products.

    Mrs. Mason hopes that the two of us can stay in your home until the end of the summer. ”Hermione whispered, her face red.

    I don't know what the mother just said to him.

    Ivan found that today's Hermione seems to be exceptionally easy to blush.

    Looking at Hermione's rare shy expression, Ivan quickly guessed some of their conversations.

    It seems that my mother is very, very satisfied with Hermione, and does not consider the age of two people at all.

    You know, in most parts of the UK, you can get married at the age of sixteen with the consent of your parents.

    In this case, Ivan and Hermione are still less than three years old, and it is really necessary to prepare early…

    Thinking of getting married with Hermione, Ivan felt nervous.

    If he can, he certainly wants to be able to marry Hermione, and there is no doubt about it.

    However, now is not the time to say these things…

    Last Christmas at Diagon Alley, the good atmosphere, Ivan originally intended to make a request for communication, but in the end…

    Two people have no experience in this matter, and they are too shy.

    The atmosphere in the room was subtle, and Hedwig snorted low, staring at the two strangers who had become strange.

    Pigwidgeon has been calling, and he wants something to eat as a reward for successfully delivering the letter.

    "Hey, we'd better give them two ready to eat!"Ivan said, carefully pondering the statement, "Reassured, Hermione! I will convince my mother, I can see that she likes you very much. If you are willing to come to my house, you can come at any time. ”

    He was afraid that Hermione knew that he had just thought of something, and that it was too far away to get married.

    “We will go to The Burrow in the last two weeks of our summer vacation.”Ivan continued, "In addition to the Quiddich World Cup, we have to go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries After watching Sirius. No matter what you think, it is not convenient to stay at home. ”

    He turned and turned Mr. and Mrs. Weasley invited them to The Burrow to write on the letter.

    "Right, we better ask Ron, when are they going to pick up Harry!"Ivan said as he wrote, "We can get to Harry's uncle and aunt's home, otherwise it would be too inconvenient."


    After Harry had finished washing, he returned to his room and asked Hedwig, who had just returned, to send a letter to Ivan.

    Then, with hope, he went downstairs to the kitchen.

    At this point, the Dursley family of three had been sitting around the table.

    Harry entered the door and sat down. They didn't look up at him.

    Uncle Vernon's big red face was hiding behind the Daily Mail, which was sent in the morning. Aunt Petunia was cutting a grapefruit into four.

    Her lips groaned and wrapped her long dama.

    Dudley was sullen and sullen, and the space he occupied seemed to be bigger than usual.

    This is very interesting, because he always has one side of the square table.

    Aunt Petunia sent a quarter of the unsweetened grapefruit to Dudley's plate and said it in a trembling voice.

    "Eat, little."

    Dudley glared at her, and since he returned home this summer, bringing back the final report, his life has changed very painfully.

    For Dudley's poor academic performance, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia found some excuses as usual.

    Aunt Petunia has always stressed that Dudley is a very talented child, but the teachers do not understand him;

    Uncle Vernon insists that he does not want his son to become a sissy nerd.

    For the teacher to criticize Dudley's comments on bullying classmates, they also passed by.

    He is a lively and loving child, but he can't bear to hurt even a fly!

    Harry was skeptical, but under the report, there were a few words that the school nurse carefully wrote.

    These words, even Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia can not find an excuse to cover the past.

    Although Aunt Petunia cried that Dudley was only a big bone, saying that he was overweight was only a temporary obesity in adolescence, and that he was in the stage of development and development, and needed abundant food and nutrition.

    But there is one fact that cannot be changed. That is, the school clothing library can no longer find the pants he can wear.

    Aunt Petunia's eyes were always sharp when looking at the fingerprints on the dusty walls, or observing the neighbors' advances, but refused to see the fact that the school nurses discovered that Dudley didn't need extra supplements at all. His head and weight are close to a young whale.

    Therefore, after the endless temper, after the earth-shattering quarrel almost knocked the floor of Harry's bedroom, after the numerous tears were thrown at Aunt Petunia, the new diet system was implemented.

    The weight loss recipes sent by the Smetin School nurses were posted on the refrigerator. Nothing like Dudley's favorite foods, such as soda drinks, cakes, chocolate candies and hamburger steaks.

    There are only fruits and vegetables on the recipe, and there are some things that Uncle Vernon calls “junk food”.

    In order to make Dudley feel better, Aunt Petunia insisted that the whole family follow the recipe.

    At the moment, she handed a quarter of the grapefruit to Harry.

    Harry noticed that his copy was much smaller than Dudley's.

    Aunt Petunia seems to think that the best way to make Dudley feel refreshed is to make sure he has at least more than Harry eats.

    However, Aunt Petunia didn't know the secret hidden under the loose floor above the floor.

    She couldn't think of it at all, and Harry didn't have a diet at all.

    When Harry heard the wind and heard that they wanted him to live with a carrot stick all summer, he sent Hedwig to send a message to his friends.

    Calling for assistance, they immediately responded positively.

    Ivan and Sirius were not in the UK because of the adventure and could not help Harry.

    Hermione asked Hedwig to return a large box to capturing Harry, which was stuffed with sugar-free snacks.

    Hagrid was full of enthusiasm and filled with a bag of his own rock cake, and Harry didn't touch it.

    These rock cakes are as hard as bricks, and he doesn't want to break his teeth.

    Mrs. Weasley sent the owl Errol from their home and sent Harry a huge cake and a variety of flavored meat pies.

    Poor Errol, old, physically weak, after the delivery of the goods, took a full rest for five days to ease the effort.

    Later, on Harry's birthday, he received a total of six super big cakes.

    Ivan, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid and Sirius gave it to him, and Ivan and Sirius ordered Harry's cake for French.

    It is said that they were at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and the cakes really came from France.

    Throughout the summer, Harry was wondering what Beauxbatons would look like.

    He just saw a description of this magic school in the textbook, and Hogwarts tied for the three major magic schools in Europe.

    I have to say that these cakes are very delicious. Until now, Harry has three big pieces that have not been eaten.

    He looked forward to returning upstairs to enjoy a real breakfast and ate his grapefruit without complaint.

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