438. Chapter 435 Harry's Resistance and Persuasion

    On the dining table, except Dudley, no one was thinking about the poor grapefruit in front of him.

    Harry ate very slowly, thinking of a delicious cake in his head.

    After a few seconds, Dudley had finished eating his grapefruit.

    He was staring hard at Harry's, and the little pig's eyes flashed with a very hateful glow.

    Harry didn't intend to provoke Dudley, he was ready to speed up his poor grapefruit.

    Then, go back upstairs and enjoy a delicious cake, and wait for Ivan's reply.

    But things are counterproductive, and the development track of things quickly turns down!

    When Hedwig flew into Harry's Cabin with Ivan's reply, the downstairs was experiencing an unprecedented storm.

    Uncle Vernon's roar almost broke the floor, and Hedwig's amber eyes twitched uncomfortably.

    In the past three years, it has become familiar with this roar and curse.

    It knows that Harry, the little owner of his own, must have made another mistake, causing the Dursley family to be upset!

    In fact, Harry was making a very polite and confused look, and he didn't know what was going on.

    Uncle Vernon just got up and went to the door to get a letter, a letter sent by the "normal" muggle postman.

    Obviously, this letter is not ordinary, and it is not normal.

    First of all, this letter is full of things that muggle is hard to understand.

    The envelopes were also covered with stamps everywhere, leaving only a small piece of square inch on the front.

    There, Mrs. Weasley filled in the address of the Dursley home in a very small word.

    Uncle Vernon waved his stationery and shouted at Harry, "Look at this!"

    Harry took the purple letter paper and probably glanced at it.

    Is Mrs. In a letter from Weasley, she invited herself to watch the upcoming Quiddich World Cup.

    And she expects to be able to stay in The Burrow for the next two weeks until the end of the summer.

    It’s great, it’s what Harry needs, not the same summer vacation, he can’t wait to leave the Dursley home right away.

    He wants to go back to the magic circle and be with his friends.

    They went back to see the Quiddich World Cup finals, yes, and went to visit Sirius.

    For his injuries, Harry was worried all the time.

    In addition, Harry also wants to personally ask Ivan about their two adventures during the summer vacation.

    There are so many things waiting for him to do, he can't stay here…

    But Harry didn't lose his mind. Under Uncle Vernon's glare, he put on a stupid expression.

    He told himself that as long as he does not do stupid things and does not say silly words, he is likely to go to major events that have been in the past 100 years.

    "I can go about this?"He asked carefully.

    Uncle Vernon's big red face twitched slightly, and the beard stood upright.

    Harry felt as if he could see what was in his head behind the beard.

    In Uncle Vernon's mind, two of the most basic intuitions have collided.

    Letting Harry go to watch the game will make Harry happy, and Uncle Vernon is reluctant to do it for thirteen years.

    On the other hand, Harry was allowed to go to the Weasley home for the summer vacation.

    This can get rid of Harry two weeks before the original hope, and Uncle Vernon is particularly annoyed that Harry is staying at home.

    Uncle Vernon is probably to give yourself some time to think, and look down at Mrs. Weasley's letter.

    "Who is this woman?"He asked disgustedly, staring at the letter on the Mrs. Weasley that signature.

    "You have seen her!"Harry said, "She is my friend Ron's mother. At the end of the last semester, she went to Hogg…She took the train to the school to pick him up. ”

    Harry almost said "Hogwarts Express Train", and that would definitely make uncle fire.

    At Dursley's home, no one has ever mentioned the name of the Harry school.

    The only exception is probably the one Ivan visited the summer vacation two years ago.

    Uncle Vernon's fat big face wrinkled into a ball and seemed to be desperately reminiscent of a very unpleasant thing.

    "The pudgy woman?"Finally, he whispered, "With a bunch of red-haired children?"

    Harry frowned, and he felt that Uncle Vernon actually said that others were "chubby" and it was too funny.

    You know, his biological son Dudley has now become a fat man with a wide vertical.

    “Quiddich ?!”Uncle Vernon was reading the letter again, muttering silently. "Quiddich, what is this broken game?"

    "It's a sport!"Harry felt another irritability, "playing on the broom…"

    Alright, alright…Uncle Vernon said aloud.

    Harry was somewhat pleased to see that uncle seemed a little nervous.

    Obviously, his nerves couldn't stand the word "broomstick" in his living room.

    In order to seek refuge, he looked down again.

    "Give your reply, delivered in the normal way."He asked sharply, "What does it mean by the normal way?!"

    "Our kind of normal way!"Harry said that he didn't wait for uncle to stop, and then he said, "You know, it's sending owls, and the wizards usually do this."

    Uncle Vernon was very annoyed, as if Harry had said something terrible.

    He was so angry that he glanced nervously and glanced at the window nervously, as if he was worried that his neighbor would put his ear on the glass window.

    "I want to tell you how many times, don't mention these strange things in my house!"He gnashed his teeth and said that his face was purple and purple. "You are wearing Petunia and the clothes I gave you, but I don't know how to be grateful!"

    "The clothes are given to Dudley without wearing them!"Harry said coldly.

    He has had enough, and the urge to leave the Dursley family has re-emerged.

    Looking at his fat and terrible sportswear, his anger will rise.

    Harry gasped and he didn't want to endure it.

    In the past he was forced to obey every stupid rule of the Dursley family, and today the days are gone.

    He didn't follow Dudley's weight loss recipe and didn't want Uncle Vernon to stop him from watching the Quiddich World Cup.

    "My good friends Ivan, Ron, Hermione, all go back to the World Cup!"Harry took a deep breath and tried to speak in a calm voice.

    "Ivan?!"Uncle Vernon's face turned out to be redder, like a ripe plum. "The boy at Mason's house, I don't know, Mr. How can a Mason, a good person, tolerate his son…"

    Mr. The construction company run by Mason is now Uncle Vernon's biggest partner in business, and he doesn't want to offend the other.

    Although he was negative about Ivan, it did not prevent Harry from contacting Ivan.

    No matter how you look at it, it is good for him. This is the only place where Harry can come in handy.

    He has not known how many times and Mr. Mason talked about this topic and promised to let Harry take care of Ivan at school.

    Uncle Vernon was shaken, and since the Mason family went to the stupid World Cup, Harry seemed to be going to…

    "Of course, if you don't let me go, then I can go back to my house?!"Harry stabilized his emotions and continued. "I am going to write to Sirius. You know, he is my godfather."

    "You are, are you writing to him?"Uncle Vernon said that he tried to keep his breath calm.

    But Harry saw that his little eyes were suddenly narrowed by fear.

    Uncle Vernon remembers Sirius, the very dangerous jailbreak murderer on the TV.

    Before the summer vacation, Sirius wrote a letter to them.

    The letter warned them not to bully Harry, otherwise the consequences…

    Seeing Uncle Vernon's expression, Harry knew he was successful, and he can leave here and return to the magic circle.

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